Seeing as everyone moans about it but no-one has bothered posting it up, here it is.... The server seems to be timing people out (myself included) ever since the most recent update Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Agrarian Skies 2 is currently still in Beta. Features will be missing, and performance may or may not be OK.
I'll look into it tomorrow. If you don't get a respond within 2 days, please remind me. (little busy atm)
Managed to figure it out. Patch didn't get moved over with the update. Patch is re-applied, and tested - no more timeouts. Adding to the update procedure so this silliness doesn't happen again. Apologies to everyone for my mistake
MrWisski, what are we gonna do with you? At least it sorted now lol Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk