So here is the question, what was your favorite kids meal toy or fast food promotion deal? Give a top 3 if you have them, they can range from the toys in the box/bag to the collectors edition glasses for adults. Lets here the answers! ^_^. Ill start it off 1. Burgerking- Gold Plated Pokemon cards 2. McDonalds- Batman cups/mugs (glass) 3. Burgerking- 3D full color pokemon cards(just a 3d pic of a pokemon but it was awesome.) Close behind this one would be the mini fake gameboys they made lol Lets here your favorites, they can be from any fast food place and any time frame that you where living to enjoy ( no posting from outside your generation >_<)
1. McDonalds Pokemon Cards 2. BenTen McDonalds Toys 3. The Little Fries Cup At McDonalds (jk) 3. The Monopoly Thing At McDonalds i live next to a mcdonalds chick fila toys suck i hate burger king
I liked that both Bugerking and McDonalds gave out Pokemon cards. Not to mention they were holo cards.
Not ashamed to say that a couple of years ago as a man in my early 20s I bought a McDonald's happy meal in order to get my hands on a Princess Celestia My Little Pony toy, which I then ripped the original tail off of and then very carefully repainted it all and gave it new tail to turn it into Princess Luna (Nightmare Moon), as at the time Luna was one of the only important characters that didn't get a toy, so I figured what the hay I'll make my own Spoiler: Original + End result !