Possible bug

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by sin_samsonsin, May 6, 2014.

  1. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    1:01 PM
    Things ive encountered around health:

    1 hearts: Slowness 4, mining fatigue 4, Weekness 3
    2 hearts: Slowness 2, mining fatigue 2

    when i equip my 10 Heart canisters and 3 Yellow heart canister i have these results:

    1 heart: Slowness 4, mining fatigue 4, Weekness 3
    2 hearts Slowness 4, mining fatigue 4, Weekness 2
    3 hearts: Slowness 3, mining fatigue 3, Weekness 1
    4 hearts: slowness 2, mining fatigue 2
    5 hearts: slowness, mining fatigue

    Now that i have bad effects at that level of hearts are bad, right? Thats not all. When i am at half a heart it takes half a minute with well fed effect to get a half of a heart more! I think this might be because of that it reads and applies the buffs when the health is at a percentage value, not the acuall value. Now this is bad and i dont think this should be the case. I need to remove my canisters to regenerate when i am low, otherwise it takes way to long. Please resolve this as it is higly frustrating as you cannot count on your own regeneration. As of now i am forced to unequip my canisters anytime i am low on health to try to regen a little bit. Thanks for a quick responce and solving this issue!
  2. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    Do you mean when you have 1 heart 2 hearts left or are missing said amount? Assuming its missing I completely agree for the most part. If it is however remaining ( which I believe it is) hearts then I think losing advantages when letting your hearts drop that low is a reasonable scenario. I may insist taking out the 5 heart and 4 but other then that...


  3. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    1:01 PM
    Its how much is left, and as i Said if it reads and applies the effect after the % of health less this will just increase when you get more, as you will start getting effects at 3 hearts (33%). So if it applies the effect at 33% it will give you the buffs when you are at 10 hearts when you have all heart canisters. And the rebuffs are fine for me right now. But that I don't regen as fast is a serious problem. If it is possible to set it to apply the effects based on the actual hitpoints left I would recommend doing so.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    1:01 PM
    Unfortunately this is nothing we could fix. :(
  5. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    I wouldn't even consider this a bug. You have the added hearts, you can loose more hearts before you get the negative effects. You also are warned earlier that there's something wrong and you should do something to stay alive. If that's the way Hunger Overhaul(?) is done then I am fine with that. Having those extra hearts is not a requirement. You choose to use them, you also have to accept the consequences of that. It's the same for all players, nothing to complain about. Don't assume everything you don't like in a hardcore pack is bug or bad config. Maybe it's there for a reason. You can always use enchanted golden apples to refill quickly. There's really no better use for all the gold ;)

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