The MyM Economy

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by SilentBane, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    There comes a time in every mmo when I feel there needs to be a discussion about the state of the economy of the said mmo. You can find threads all over the internet about the popular ones such as WoW and how the economy is suffering from a massive amount of money running around the servers.

    Unfortunatly I have found that the currency of MyM (MyM’s) also suffer from a decrease in its value the longer a server runs. Look at market prices to see these changes. A early server might start iron out at 100 mym’s/stack but by the late part of the server the cost is down to 10. Part of that is because of economy competition but another part of it is that in the early stages of a server there may be only 1 million mym’s running around but by the late stages it could be 100 million. Anyone who knows anything about Econ knows that the value of late game mym’s in this situation is very low which causes people to not care about their virtual currency and be willing to sell things for pennys instead of dollars.

    What I would like to suggest are the creation of money sinks. For those of you who don’t know a money sink is a way to pull money out of the hands of players and get rid of it from the server. This would try and keep the total mym’s alive on a server at a more constant amount throughout the entire life of a server and allow for the market to be a more stable resource. A good economy has multiple money sinks to try and get every person on a server to want to spend their money. Here are a few of the suggestions that Cbro, Slind and I came up with in a discussion:

    • Money Burnt Leaderboard: This would be a simple command that you would run which would burn money from your account and would add that money to a irretrievable leaderboard. This leaderboard would be somewhere on the MyM website.

    • Renting warp signs: You can go to spawn and rent a space for a warp sign so your friends can come visit you anytime they want. With this I would also push to get rid of the market and instead move more towards shops which individuals would have to set up on their own.

    • Custom Capes: There would be a spot maybe in /shop where you could buy capes from mym for use across all of our servers. This idea would allow for you to buy the capes and show them off to your friends.

    I would love to hear what everyone else thinks about money sinks and would love to hear their ideas as far as what money sinks you think MyM should have. Please remember that these are not ways of obtaining an advantage ingame but more cosmetic and fun ways of keeping the economy of this great network stable.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    FilipT, Xyrik, Yorinar and 9 others like this.
  2. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    I like the idea especially the one with warp signs could be fun. Another money sink, could be a MyM jackpot where people could pay 10 mym (or what ever fit) and then the winner gets 50% and the rest gets deleted.
  3. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    So like a lottery plugin?
  4. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    yeah basically. There are probably a lottery plugin out there who could do that
  5. Kyrioth

    Kyrioth New Member

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    I'd support the warp signs, as well as custom player owned shops and capes.

    In case the warp signs "pass" I'd suggest a way to "like" builds teleported to from warp signs, and have a monthly competition based on that, in order to promote the use of said signs, rewarding maybe some myms or even some custom capes.
  6. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    What kind of capes? Like the Minecon capes, but with the MYM logo or somthing in it. If anything I think one with Slind's profile pic would look cool[DOUBLEPOST=1441832082][/DOUBLEPOST]I do agree (sorry got carried away with capes xD) MYMs irl are prob worth about and millionth of a penny. (And getting fewer and fewer By the moment.) Maybe a sort of actually economy could be put in place, and new myms are only added when a new player joins, ( myms go to the new player.)
  7. Kyrioth

    Kyrioth New Member

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    Only adding when a player joins leads to extremely rare myms. I think a money sink would be a better idea.
  8. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Maybe we need something like player shops instead of the market as then would then have to pay to run a shop instead of just putting items on the market, this would be a good way of putting money back into the economy rather than it sinking like it is
    FilipT and Demonica6666 like this.
  9. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    I've only really seen player shops on prison servers, though I don't see why they couldn't work on a normal one
  10. Kyrioth

    Kyrioth New Member

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    You could also use the MyMs to buy new and special titles to display wealth.
    AlphaRue likes this.
  11. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    So from what I've gathered, you want a player run shop, of which the player that wants said shop ran pays a certain amount of rent daily, and for any items put up adds to the rent cost?
    Bennyboy1695 likes this.
  12. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    hm ok time to place my impute into this all

    - with playershops i think its a good idea but there are a couple of drawbacks. location is everything and then its just a race to the best location and you will get the most money while people with a bad location get no customers. a lot harder to keep track of stuff since people can be selling endgame items and it could be a while before its found out. loosing everything because of not paying rent would not be fun (expecially if you got a ae doing everything automatically to keep stock ful). it can be a waste of time running through the 50+ shops that are setup looking for 1 item that isnt being sold. this is some of the reasons i like the market the way it is.

    - i like the lottery idea that @pizzaluc suggestd i have seen it on a server before and its so much fun to play and a good way to lose all your money (or make a lot) but its really on if people will actually particpitate. and maybe if the lottery doesnt work out maybe a op item(maybe endgame or just before endgame) could be put up for a draw and yu can buy tickets to be placed in the draw for the item and a ticket gets pulled and whoever is the winner gets the item.

    - the burn money idea i can see it being cool if with that money you could save it up for some purks (like the cape idea or a kit from /shop and maybe ranks for tons of myms) this way people actually have a purpose to make money.

    - warp signs i would love to see be added

    - for the most part i do see a problem with the whole ecomity because for me to sell stuff on direwolf i barely get any money and i never need to buy anything so i just keep stockpiling money.
  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    this is an easy fix make a superflat world make plots download this plugin Home - Simple Region Market
  14. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    While we're in discussion about the market, why does it cost myms to put something on the market, and then the market gets a cut when the item is sold?
  15. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    bc of capitalism. Even Steve has to pay taxes.
  16. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    I would be against removing market plugin, it would force people to have to rent a warp sign at spawn and make the player yet again feel micromanaged. The idea is to create solutions and options not just create new ones.

    How it would work is it would be a single sign at spawn leading to YOUR base. AT your own claimed base you could create a sub-claim with /accesstrust which would allow the use of selecting things. The rent would be charged to the sign at spawn, not the claim itself. There would be a ban list of end game items that would be allowed to put into the "local market". Nothing would be lost because the only thing that would change if a 'payment' was missed is your personal warp to your base.

    The burn money idea goes like this: You would type the command /leaderboard add 500 and you would essentially 'spend' that 500 myms to add 500 points to your total server score. The leaderboard may be viewable in game at some point but most likely would be on the website for all to view. You would be able to compare yourself to friends, your server, cross servers, a network wide comparison chart on myms earned.

    Same idea, money sink to create value to the mym.

    The whole idea of the post is to take money OUT of the economy >.> The reason it is 'sinking' is because there is so many myms floating around the economy it makes them valueless. Creating items for purchase at a high cost without adding game breaking items adds value to the mym and makes the economy of a particular server last longer, ideally forever.
    Reitus and Mijikai like this.
  17. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    If some people still don't understand. The point is to keep the value of MyM stable through the lifespan of a server.
    The issue what we have now is MyM is very valuable at the start of a server almost rare. People have to vote to get MyM's. Which basically is getting money out of nothing. And if we run this for a month you will see the value of them just drop. As they don't disappear.
    We need to get them out of the server. So basic concept is to "throw" it out the window.
    So what we have now is either burn it on an achievement or buying something of the server and then it gets thrashed.

    About the Player shops Idea:
    Burnt money leaderboard:
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Prepare for a Massive wall of text:

    So I've been actually thinking about this for a while now. And basically it really boils down to this; How to remove MyM's from the economy in a way that will appeal to players to go out and earn more MyM's.

    And I have an answer, at least sorta. kinda. maybe sorta. That answer is MyTown. NOT as a replacement to GP, but along side it. How would this be a MyM sink?
    • Tax. Towns would require a daily upkeep. Not enough money? Town goes bankrupt and looses its right to exist.
    • Cost to purchase plots. Plots cost money. Market plots cost moar money. More plots, more money paid in tax's.
    • Cost to start a town. Want to start a town and get the benefits? Pay up. Want to start a kingdom? Pay even more.
    Why? Why use MyTown when we have GP? Why bring this up anyways when this discussion is about economy? Isn't MyTown a protection thing? Well, yes. And no. Things you can do with MyTown:
      • You can have a town warp, This can be set to cost on a per warp basis, or only for non-town members, or that town members pay 1/2 normal cost.
      • MyTown has market shop plots. MyM sink to purchase the plot. This along with integrating SignShop into the current /market plugin would make the best of both worlds.
      • You post into /market as usual, nothing is different then it is now.
      • You create a shop sign. This A)costs MyM's to place the sign & B) The server gets a cut from each sale. Not as much as the /market. This would encourage you to visit the shops, but not require you to.
      • Shop signs could automatically (Maybe) also list on the /market, maybe under a heading of each town. So when you are browsing the market, there is a catalog of each towns signs, and the costs etc. You could by from the /market at a higher price or visit the town to save a few MyM's
      • Not having to rent a sign, just the ability to do /t warp [townname]. This would work the same as /iswarp
      • All fixed with MyTown with the town warps and shop plots. Town warp to get their, and I assume that we would be able to blacklist / whitelist items that can be sold.

    This requires its own section:
    I like it, But do you one better, Kingdoms.

    Kingdoms, a collection of towns. Of course it would pay the MyM empire a tax to exist. The more towns/plots/players in the kingdom, the higher the tax. But also the more the kingdom can produce.

    Kingdoms would have the ability to purchase Ranks. Yes, Ranks. As in donator ranks. For MyM's. These ranks would apply to each and every person in the kingdom. It would also raise the kingdom into the next tax bracket. And if the kingdom goes bankrupt? No more ranks. How do kingdoms go bankruptll? running out of money.

    These are just some of the ideas I've been floating around. Here is an unorganized list of others as well:
    • Towns / Kingdoms are ranked upon how many plots/players they have in it. The more of each player raises the tax per plot.
    • Ability for town to purchase passive anchors that disappear when/if the town falls.
    • 1,000,000 MyM's for the ability to load a 5x5 of chunks instead of 3x3 (Would require special agreements that overstating looses your extra chunks, along with server resets.)
    • MyM's for private worlds with a 3x3 chunk world boarder I a void world. Would have a private warp.
    • MyM -> Credit conversion
    Hope you found at least some of this thought provoking.
    AlphaRue and Pitschweis like this.
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It just went into beta, after around 2 years of developing. The progress went a lot up since AfterWind joined, but I doubt it being production ready on a big scale. Anyways would you like to do some testing? Especially with bukkit economy plugins (due to server sync) and how good the protection is (trutle, laser... all those we block with ProtectEx kinda. If you need a list let me know.)
  20. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    I see a lot about "paying for building space". If we were to implement that I hope that there will be places players can build without having to pay taxes. The main reason I went to MyM in the beginning was because I only had to vote for x amount of claimblocks before the base was mine permanently. A lot of other servers had a system in place where the player had to vote (and keep voting) to be able to even play the game without losing their base. That's a system I didn't like at all at that time.

    Even now that I've played here for a long time I just vote untill I have enough claimblocks and then rarely do that again. I don't really use the market plugin THAT much so I never have that much use to MyMs anyway. :p

    So for people like me (which I know there are lots of) I hope that we aren't forced into the Kingdoms, ... .

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