The MyM Economy

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by SilentBane, Sep 9, 2015.

  1. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Yes sir, you wouldn't be forced into it, it would only be an option, not the only way. The idea behind this is to create options to spend myms, not force reasons to spend. The idea of land being rented is a big one because most servers already have an option like that and it is one we already know so well. There are some benefits to it, but also downfalls as you have pointed out the key one already.

    The biggest idea with this thread is to find other outside the box ideas for spending myms that wouldn't have an effect on actual play. loading more chunks purchased for myms is clever but affects play and wouldn't benefit cross server/network-wide due to how some servers work. I think that should remain a donation benefit (if it still is one). Plus if that is possible, less people would donate to the server as that would bring down the value of the perks earned from donating, no by much, but it would. Aesthetic items/cosmetic items that add no value to gameplay but is coveted by others in a passive competition is the best way to add value to a currency without causing a change in how the game is played. All games do that if they have a shop, and some games it's a huge part of it (Hats in TF2 for example, Transmog in WoW or Diablo, outfits in GW2, skins for guns in CS:go/TF2/CoD).
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    I would love to test. Ill be getting my new computer on Tuesday so I'll be able to test much more easily.
    Slind likes this.
  3. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    So, if the MyTown protection really works as good as it's said, it would definetely be a good step forwards. I'm not so sure about the whole town concept though. We used Towny for some time back on the ultimate server and as far as I remember it wasn't too popular.
  4. newabcd

    newabcd Well-Known Member

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    This is a good idea. A public market place would be cool too. (You have to rent the shop) But a person who has a large quarry will be able to sell diamonds for pennys.
  5. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    This is the point of money sinks to keep values up during the entire life of a server
  6. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    What if we could trade mym-s for chunloading more chunks?
    Like renting more chunks to load for a period of spent myms?
    Mouro likes this.
  7. Pitschweis

    Pitschweis New Member

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    The problem I see there is a huge impact on server preformance. For that to work it needs to be ridiculously expensive so people dont spam it.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Who is the one with the money, most likely the one with the biggest most lagging base and now we allow him to chunk load it instead of others that just started out and require nearly no server resources? As this goes on, the players with the biggest bases which they chunk load are now producing even more and therefor making more money, so they can get even more chunk loaders?
    cbrozak likes this.
  9. matijase

    matijase Well-Known Member

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    Personaly i dont need more chunks to make more things and i am almost on all the servers i play here around 3rd mym money vise. Yust to clarify things, will i cause more lag if i spread a lag causing base ower more chunks? Or, if its in only 1 chunk?
  10. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    1 more chunk loader enabled for 1 week 1000 MyM's
    2 more chunk loader enabled for 1 weeks 1900 MyM's
    3 more chunk loader enabled for 1 weeks 2800 MyM's
    matijase likes this.
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    if you spread it across multiple chunks due to on neighbor update chunk loads
  12. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    9:27 PM
  13. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    Ok so here is a thought on the economy and I am sure it will be a generally unpopular one but it is what it is.

    What if we took away money from vote rewards? This would limit the influx of money into a server and by not introducing 1000's of myms a day would effectively remove those, so there would be a set amount of money on a server. You could add a lottery plugin to randomly give mym's back into the economy. Trying to keep it sufficiently balanced. It would increase when new players joined by their myms/claimblocks. (because of the trade rate for claimblocks you must consider claimblocks as currency) but that money would find itself a home or would disappear when the player inevitably left the server as well.

    Another idea I have had was more titles that have to be unlocked with mym's instead of playtime.

    Did I mention pets? EchoPet - Bukkit

    In all reality the best money sinks are "forced" sinks. I know that this is not something that most people like right away but if you can learn to balance the money in with the expected money out then the forced sinks aren't even noticable anymore through plugins like towny and mytown you can force money out of the economy. If we went with these type of plugins I would suggest getting rid of Global protection.

    OR... How about getting rid of the ability to trade in claimblocks for myms. and changing the donator perk to extra mym's at the beginning of a server so if those people want to group together then they would gjve money to one person but, once claimblocks had been purchased that money would leave the server without the capabilities of it reentering the economy.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
    pizzaluc likes this.
  14. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    While I agree with the idea, this is turn does two things. Takes away part of the "Thank you" from the network for voting, making voting happen less. While the idea with voting is that it is purely on a player choice basis, there needs to be a "thank you donation" for the player doing that. I have been on many other servers to see what their rewards are and to be honest we are most definitely not near the top as far as "vote value" so I would hate to take even more "vote value" away. Unless of course we could add more vote value at the same time. To piggy back off one of your next points, maybe a title system with votes added. I.E. Vote 10 times unlock the title: Politician, vote 100 times unlock: Loyalist, etc etc.

    And man let me tell you, that plugin is amazing... when it works... As much as I'd agree, without rewriting it or fixing the crash bugs I'd disagree with that particular pets plugin. Title bought with MyMs? Love it, it could even correlate with the leaderboards (Spend 100 myms to earn 100 points on the leaderboard, earn the title "Pocket Change", spend 50,000 myms on the leaderboard, earn the title: Top 1%, etc etc

    I would disagree with forcing spending money. Especially with no way to earn it like your first suggestion. We need to consider all players. I for one am one to play solo on an MP server and would most definitely go to a different server if they forced me to spend as if I was utilizing all MP amenities. In a heartbeat. Options are key. Spend to get this, OR spend to get that, one has these features, one has those features, choose one or choose all, but it is your choice. (Avoid micromanaging players, how this all started remember?)

    Trading in claims for myms was how it used to be and I agree it's how it still should be. I'm not sure when or why it happened, but it was ideal for a particular server at that point in time then for some reason we kind of let it bleed into all the network. I agree 100% it should be reverted to not being able to sell claims.

    Good thoughts brotha man, good thoughts.
    AlphaRue and chugga_fan like this.
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    This is why i like you, it was awesome with you as staff, you have logical reasoning and well explained thoughs, these i find are great ideas, (i still feel that you need to vote to be on top of the money list, it's practically required to vote every day), although i do think that being able to sell claimblocks is a good thing, what I personally do is i buy more than enough claimblocks to claim an area and then sell all the claimblocks that I didn't use, so i don't have to go through and buy claimblocks one, by one, by one, and then get extremely angry because i have to do it 100 times to get the EXACT ammount of claimblocks i want
    cbrozak likes this.
  16. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    That's a valid point, although a good way would be claim one corner, then go to the exact corner you want then try to claim it, it will tell you, "You need 1067 more claim blocks to claim this area." /buyclaims 1067, claim again, and done. I just don't like the way of banking myms with claims because it could randomly add tons of myms to the economy at any time fluctuating costs too much. What about selling claims back to the server at a 2:1 ratio instead? if you buy 1k claims but want to sell them at a later date, you would only get 500 myms back for those claims. That way the options are there but also making the player think twice before purchasing claims.

    (Thank you for the compliment sir)
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    True, but it's annoying if you accidentally buy say one extra and you didn't want to buy it, but yes, i could deal with that 2:1 ratio, just to stop the OP buying of claimblocks early on using say credits then selling them for the 1:1 ratio and gaining 100k myms
    cbrozak likes this.
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The thing about selling claim blocks was introduced to help with transferring them to other players. (you want to create a big claim instead 4 small ones) The issue with the small ones is that permission changes need to happen on all of them and the person doing those needs the permission for it on all claims (I'm not even sure if that is possible).

    So we would need a way to directly transfer claim blocks, player to player. Which as far as I know doesn't exist yet.
  19. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    There is the /trust cmnd, if you run the command outside of you claim it trusts them to all your claims...
    Pitschweis likes this.
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    4:27 AM
    The case I was talking about is, about multiple claims, with different owners, when you can't transfer the claim blocks.

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