Info Market Issue

Discussion in 'The Ferret Business' started by LucidTheStick, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    As you have not doubt noticed, the market is currently having some issues. We have disabled the market to prevent further issues (loss of items, loss of myms, etc) while we work on a fix. This is related to a bug in the plugin itself and currently has no fix in the current release line that we use. We are exploring multiple things (going up to the 2.0 BETA, no market, etc). This post will stay updated as the issue is being worked on so we can all stay in the loop.

  2. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    4:32 PM
    Will this affect items that were in mail-boxes or listed for sale?
  3. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    I think that it may be best to stay away from global market if it is going to cause trouble perhaps we can find an alternate?

    *Insert Comment About Player Owned Shops Here*
  4. Fousicek

    Fousicek Well-Known Member

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    Or mabye players could lear how to use Forestry Trading posts :-D
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Seeing it working just fine on ~20 servers is proof enough that it works well. When there is one out of 20 servers where it doesn't work, that is not quite a lot.
    The work alone of testing other plugins for the server fleet we have and the modded environment is more time consuming than figuring out the issues on ferret and solving those and this doesn't even include the implementation on all the servers and solving possible issues.
    On top I'm only aware of a single market plugin that can deal ok with modded items. Global Market is the only one I know that fully supports them.. and is compared glorious with them.
  6. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    I know on older servers I played on there was a market area where you could rent or buy a plot and create market signs, and those seemed very compatible with mods. Obviously things may have changed but it worked pretty well at the time. And to be honest I think it'd be more likely to promote sale. One of the problems with the Global Market is that it's not organized very well.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Hmm, it has sort and search features. It does show the real item name and not just X15487:4. It does take care of nbt data (ships with a forge mod to get this information). I'm not aware of a single other plugin that does handle modded items well.
    There is one that can handle nbt data as it moves the item into a chest instead of deleting it and on buying generating a new one. But thats about it.
  8. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    I see. I wasn't considering the NBT data part. I mean it would be more complex but tbh I think the server could benefit from having a market area as well, because it'd make selling general purpose stuff a little easier, and I think with the ability to customize, more players would be interested in doing so. And then keep the Global Market for things that are NBT heavy, such as Tinker's Construct items. I realize that would be complex so I'm probably wishing for too much, but if it were done I do think players would be appreciative.

    Alternatively players could just do NBT complex things like Tinker's Construct items on request, but I don't know that that would work in all scenarios. AFAIK this could still work, but as I said, it would be complex. Personally I feel that it would be worthwhile to pursue, but it could be a big project.
  9. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    This one doesnt have commands but uses chests instead, which could give players the option to create market themselves near spawn or something. And it supports nbt data :D QuickShop NotLikeMe - Bukkit
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It does not. It does not loose the nbt data as long as the size is limited to the size of the chest and infinity selling is not being used, as in this case the item is being put into the chest and not being deleted. But it does not support proper item names. It does require a market area or something on every single server. Those areas tend to be super laggy (item frames, signs.. so you know what it is) and need to be cleared by all the time. We did use this plugin on ftb ultimate. The original version which is working great is discontinued and lacking uuid support. The new version from kai, had major performance issues the last time we tried it (about 3 months ago).

    I don't see why switching to something which we know works worse than the current system, only because there is one issue on one server. That is like switching from nvidea to amd because one of your games doesn't work properly.
  11. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    I don't think we should switch but was just posting a possible alternative :)
  12. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    *cough* *cough* trade-o-mates *cough* *cough*
    FilipT likes this.
  13. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Both sets of items are tied up. The current solution I am thinking goes something like..
    Put GM back up on current version but disable listing.
    Return all items to players mailboxes
    Players will have XX time to clean out their mailboxes
    (maybe) Staff removes last mail and puts items in a chest in their claim
    Clean GM folder
    Upgrade to latest BETA version
    Test listings

    Again this is by no means what we are doing but just a thought process I was having. The alternative is to leave GM disabled for this server.
  14. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    i use tradeomats at my claim for selling things ;) i can see an entire server using tradeomats and the foresty trading post.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  15. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Issue is that some packs do not have forestry, or it is broken (TDT)
  16. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    So far it's only this server having issues. It doesn't make sense at all. Alas, welcome to IT.
    Chetwynd likes this.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    The issue on TDT is the forge fluid update broke a lot of mods, and the mod pack author did not test very well.

    Just curious, what exactly is the issue with the market plugin? And what ideas do we have for the cause?
  18. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    Yeah, if there were a better Market Area type plugin than I'd honestly really want to switch to that, but seeing as how GM seems to work, maybe not. Would it be possible to use the GM plugin to give each player their own shop, that you could put on a sign or just do /market <player> list?

    I swear I don't want to make things complicated purposelessly, T_T

    But to me it seems like players really would feel more encouraged to sell and trade items if they could have their own personal shop, in which they could organize or list many items at once, without cluttering the GM. I dunno, maybe it's just me.. but GM just feels so unorganized the way it is.
  19. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    It throws SQL errors. It's documented on their GitHub and is addressed in 2.0.0 re-write, but that introduces a whole thing of issues. Plus the current data already in market that I need to get out and back to players.
  20. Talzor869

    Talzor869 Patron Tier 2

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    My wishes and pity to the team working on this.
    RabidCadaver and BookerTheGeek like this.

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