Decided Against Tier 5 Donator Godmode removal

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MintiPi, Jul 1, 2015.


What version of T5 Donator would you want?

  1. Original (T5)

  2. Modified (T5+)

  3. Original + Modified (T5 or T5+)

  4. Other (Discuss!)

  5. Potato

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I usually use God Mode after I have reached a certain point. Once I have gotten way far, then I use it for convenience. To be able to walk around and look at other areas without being bothered by mobs. Half the time, I forget about it. I think it should be kept, however. Maybe allow it to kick in on some servers after the player has put in a certain amount of hours. As a tier 5, I have the fly ability, except on certain servers, like A2. Which is kool. I only miss it when I want to make a build epic. lol. I think a time to wait until you can GM it would be good. There is probably an estimated time in which the average player gets far enough that they could use it. I also use it to take some neat snapshots from all angles. Something I have been working on prior to my hiatus. I did not donate simply for packs, but because I love this server group. The packs are a perk, Sometimes I use them, sometimes I do not. Often, when starting a new pack, I ignore them until I get my basics done. Once I have a farm, the pack food really does not impact me. I do not go out to die when I first start, so I do not need armour. The tools sometimes come in handy, but, again, I can forget about them. Mobdrops, well, they are only useful once you have things set up, so you usually already have a means (and have) to get them. It does not bother me, if/when they change what is in the packs. Cause, hey, free stuff. I like gathering things (all who know me, know I am a compulsive collector).
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2015
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  2. Arkomediez

    Arkomediez Well-Known Member

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    As a T5 donators on both my wife's account and my own, we originally chose the MYM network and decided to become T5 donators only for the GOD mode. We both enjoy playing together, but are not able to concentrate on the game as much as we would like (All these kids running around asking questions and needing help with stuff). We wanted to join a community with a GOD mode for donators. That way, we can just get up from the game for a few minutes to help out the little ones and then come back and not have to worry about retrieving our corpse goodies... It would be a real loss for us if we were unable to use this feature anymore.
    profrags and elemage like this.
  3. Tabsz

    Tabsz Well-Known Member

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    I think godmode is going to be a personal preference for everyone. Personally I joined this community because it had very good grief protection and its more of a close family oriented server. (Plus I loved Attack of the B Team.)
    When I purchased my donator rank, it was to support the community and server as a whole, not just to get the benefits... although those are nice. I now use godmode, not to detract from the overall game, but to learn the mod packs without having to worry about death and I can focus on learning and helping others.
    elemage likes this.
  4. PeteEliot

    PeteEliot Well-Known Member

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    Not on board myself, GM was the Only real reason I paid for Teir5
  5. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Cant believe this is still going.

    So what was the outcome?
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2015
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The entire shop/rank/tier system has only been liked and been a reason for many to stay with MyM. There was not single negative feedback about it in the survey.
    I cut this topic right here and say it will stay as it is. If you want it different, look for another network. Why? Because players chose MyM for it and we would betray those about it. After all it has been like this for like "ever".
    elemage, profrags and Lawmonark like this.
  7. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Lock this down completely
    elemage likes this.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    just like the 18 other pages of suggestions threads that should be archived? ;)
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