Info Regarding Personal Attacks | Slander, Harassment and Incitement

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Sep 4, 2015.

  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Over about half a year and at the highest level during the last few weeks we had been bombarded with discouraging social attacks. Made up of personal attacks, false complaints against staff and creation of rumors with the intent of destroying staff members roles at MyM in a socially engineered manner. The intent of this letter is to share the story and experiences made with the goal of building a solid foundation against future events of a similar kind.

    It all started back in the day when Charles was in the position of a Director. A small group of new staff members bound together and enjoyed down talking about other staff. Playing it up with self made up stories and rumors. These stories/rumors were quickly spread and flanked with personal attacks/harassment against those personal individuals. While we looked into it once we were notified about it, we didn’t do much as our policy requires hard evidence before a demotion and removal from the network.

    As the social engineering got worse and worse the Managers, Directors, and Founders got together to verify the little hard evidence we were able to collect and discuss about further actions. This resulted in a few demotions of the staff members we thought were the main source of the internal attacks. The others involved we talked to, made clear that this sort of behavior will not be tolerated and that we expect from them to either shape up or step out.

    Unfortunately this wasn’t enough, as the situation has continued. Slowly those that were spared from a demotion and given a second chance were dragged into a similar social war against others once again. The source being the same, ex-staff at the time, with their friends.

    During the last couple of weeks we have received false complaints from people of this group. Complaints that were made up in order to damage another staff member. Sent privately and directly in a way no one else could have been included or asked about, while respecting privacy. The people involved as the source have now been demoted, banned, resigned, quit or given another chance. We had this go on too long and let our policies dictate us too much.

    As our biggest strength is the staff team and community. We want everyone to feel safe in their environment and live to their potential without the smallest feeling of uncertainty in the community and team.

    Seeing that we had been going without stumbling during the entire half year, shows that we as a community and staff team are strong and resistant against these dangers. We will not stand by and only watch these cases/attacks anymore.

    We want to encourage you to think about accusations, gathering information on your own and if it feels fishy to stand up for the community as a whole. Rumors, false information, and disrespect of the MyM Network only gets worse by inaction and people not standing up and speaking out.

    Be a pillar of our foundation. Strength comes from everyone working together as a community. We are a tight knit community and actions such as those above only work to destroy, not build. Let’s work together and continue building MyM as the community we all deserve and respect.

    In all honesty and love for the Community
  2. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I'm really sad that this kind of thing has been going on, I hope things are better in the future.
    htko89 and joices like this.
  3. htko89

    htko89 Well-Known Member

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    This kind of stuff affects everyone, because less new members, less people online, etc. I was wondering how come such a popular server got dragged down. I remember MYM being at the top of many FTB lists. Good luck ! :'(
  4. 123hotdog1100

    123hotdog1100 Well-Known Member

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    these things just happen there just kids who want attention

    again people find a popular server and drag it down to 1 get there server to the top or 2 just cus they have nothing better to do
  5. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    one of the reasons i tend not to pay attention to who's hating who and help everyone equally (unless they've done something to wrong me personally that is)
    JacaRoe likes this.
  6. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    This is saddening. It seems to be a trend all over the internet. For the victims, stand strong and do not let this get to you. For the victimizers, Karma will get you. The core team has always been strong and good. I have been on a hiatus for a couple of months due to illness and work, but I will say, this is the only site I play on. Why? Because of the kindness, helpfulness, quick responses. Y'all rock and are great. I pray this situation gets better for y'all and all of the other members. Stay strong.
    cbrozak, JacaRoe, eonaldo7 and 5 others like this.
  7. Docpo

    Docpo Well-Known Member

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    Sounds like typical drama to me, which is nothing new when it comes to communities. I'm part of another gaming community and they have been around for quite a while and of course it is not minecraft related. The community has seen its fair share of corruption in the staff. Each revision of staff has improved upon the previous, stuff like this doesn't go away and only improving over it is the way to go.

    Continue to ban/purge negative players/commenters, they will always be there and never go away. Although I have seen some bad behavior by some mods when dealing with players. I don't really know your polices but I suggest taking up this one: warning -> kick -> ban. Set a duration where a ban on record will be considered "on record" for a counter for a permanent ban. An example of this would be a 6-ban rule where the minimum duration of the bans are that of a few hours.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    they can and will ban straight out for some offenses such as greifing, the thing about slander and harassment is that it's hard to prove who did it, which is why this is extremely hard to do
    julio1237878 likes this.
  9. Docpo

    Docpo Well-Known Member

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    I forgot to be specific with my example, was referring to the lesser offenses. But of course, cheating and direct attacks that harm the community such as DDoS are grounds of instant unquestionable ban. As for griefing has to be judged as if done accidental or done purposely, then add the scale of the grief to determine what would be justified as ban length. I've been on servers where, pvp/looting was fine, so the only greifing in that example would be destruction of a base.

    Slander/Harrassment is hard to deal with as they said, you cannot do anything without solid proof. Once it gets out of control they you have to take action with little regard to solid proof. In most cases, I would go with the case, if someone is accusing a staff member of doing something "X" which is considered extremely bad, then that accuser should provide proof. Otherwise all claims are going to be sought to be false accusations. The whole point of this post to inform the community that something was going on and it is not in their control because they have no proof of these accusations.

    I'm just speaking my mind a little bit, I don't really play on MyM anymore, life has gotten too busy for me to get back into Minecraft.
  10. IanIsTheBoss

    IanIsTheBoss Technician

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    Slind, I have used the network for years, and I always hate seeing this type of stuff. Over the years I've seen staff come and go, but knowing some may have been taken off by this angers me. These acts are cruel and demeaning. If you do this, stop, because you never know who's behind that keyboard

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