Quest Book Parties

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by storm007man, May 10, 2014.

  1. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    1:00 PM
    As most of us know the quest book was reset on the second agrarian server. Everybody was kicked out of their party but the parties still exist. Is there a way to rejoin one or something as the progress seems to be the same (the percent complete is the same as before)? If this is possible a suggestion would be to make a new thread to appeal to re enter the groups.
  2. MaxUumen

    MaxUumen New Member

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    2:00 PM
    There is no way to join the old parties because the player data that linked to the parties was wiped due to the 10 bit overflow problem.
    Blame it on HQM devs and direct all the rage towards them with our regards until they take their stuff together and fix it. We have already gone way out of our comfort zone to explain the easily fixable bug to them and so far we haven't seen any progress (to my knowledge).
  3. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    1:00 PM
    oh ok well because our group already got to 60% we were able to get back up pretty quickly

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