Decided Against Set thaumcraft back to normal mode, (see my reasons before naysaying)

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by chugga_fan, Sep 26, 2015.


Do you w ant it easy mode or normal mode?

  1. Normal ofc

    26 vote(s)
  2. Easy mode, the minigame sucks to do

    19 vote(s)
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  1. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Skim reading, haha, Seems booker had this idea before me ;)
  2. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    the minigame get's really boring and frustrating. for one, you have to look up the research for everything. if you mess something up, there's a chance to lose an aspect. and to be quite honest here, easy mode aint no easier than normal mode. easy is just another mode of thaumcraft. one makes you scan stuff in order to get your aspects, and one makes you sit at a research table all day just to complete a bit of research. i just prefer "easy" mode. besides, having normal mode enabled shys away people who are new to thaumcraft or the new thaumcraft setup.
    profrags likes this.
  3. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    This is why it would be a nice idea to be able to choose, As me and you have different opinions.
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    You really don't, and again, as i said before, it takes me 5-10 seconds per LARGE research, i perfer to not be standing around scanning everything over and over to try to squeeze aspects out of my base, i still do the minigame, i find it monotonus sometimes, sure, sometimes their hard, sure, but their still the fact of the matter that if you find it hard you can just use some research helper program, and easy, makes you scan things? no makes you AFK for as much research fragments as possible
    julio1237878 likes this.
  5. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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  6. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Supported Booker :)
  7. Ksparlor

    Ksparlor Well-Known Member

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    My vote is to keep it on easy, normal is not so bad but super tedious
    profrags likes this.
  8. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Easy mode still Tedious because of all the aspect you need :/[DOUBLEPOST=1443328056,1443321804][/DOUBLEPOST]I am going to be logical here the sad true about this that one side of the party will not be happy with the change if it change to normal the people that want it easy will not be happy if it is change to easy the people that want it normal will not be happy so unless Azanor makes a option to choose a way to do minigame or purchase it i can't see a way for the conflict to be solve
    Gwuaps, Chetwynd and FlareArrow like this.
  9. busi

    busi New Member

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    to be honest.. the reason people want it on easy mode is because they don't want a challenge or have done it to many time. its a mod that offers great rewards of said challenges. by removing that you more or less just get stuff for free with no challenges at all, that would be like giving people creative, removing the fun and challenges the mod gives you
    I personally want to see Ferret being put back on hardmode
  10. teufler80

    teufler80 Well-Known Member

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    I was really bored in just klicking the skills, destroys the whole mod for me
  11. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    you ONLY save like half the aspects normal mode. you still have to go farm some way. I prefere just scanning nodes in the deep dark, it's super fast and I maybe have to do it twice to complete the book.
    On normal, you still have to farm and then you need 5 times the amount of time to complete the book for chugga, or 20-60 times the amount of time (1 sec vs 60 sec) for any normal person.
    honestly with a sash or some way of flight... getting those pesky aspects is not that hard and saves you a TON of time.
    Doesnt matter if you are skilled in the minigame or not.
    Ksparlor likes this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I think the original reason for the easy mode was people were tired of doing it over and over.
    So this was a "fix" to be fair to all.

    TC on normal mode can be faster then easy mode.
    BUT not always. The average player would take a lot longer on normal mode.
    This is not because its any harder.....
    It is the mini game.
    TC is not hard at all, its just time consuming.
  13. busi

    busi New Member

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    Any mod is time consuming

    Draconic is too hard, take to much time to make a tier 7 energy storage over and over, should that be reason to lets say make a kit where you need to pay 1 draconic ingot to get all the materials you need?

    its mods to a game we play with if it wasn't time consuming then why bother play with mods in the first place?

    We can go back to what i wrote, Time = rewards, more time = more / better rewards
    chugga_fan likes this.
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    think your misinterpreting my comment.

    The time something takes does not make it harder.

    Also Draconic is the easiest and one of the most broken mods of 1.7. Its like how dartcraft was for 1.5
    profrags and Chetwynd like this.
  15. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:37 PM
    you save around 60% or so if you're doing it properly
    farming though takes around 30x the normal thing for me... and it's pretty slow to fly around placing torches... [/QUOTE]
    Yhea yhea and if you are entering the server late all those nodes will be gone from !*(&# breaking them, people stealing them, and the like
  16. FlareArrow

    FlareArrow Well-Known Member

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    Gonna have to disagree with you, there. Anyone who plays through thaumcraft on normal mode at least once should be able to complete the puzzles in 15-20 seconds with little problem. Doing thaumcraft how it was initially meant to be done helps loads on subsequent playthroughs, but easy mode fails to reinforce memory of the aspects.
    Going back to this again, there is absolutely NEVER any reason that someone is left having to rely on a separate mod in order to accomplish a basic task within a self-contained mod.
  17. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    • Easy === For you
    • Easy =/= Everybody else.

    I fail to see how using ONLY thaumcraft and vanilla, you don't have enough aspects.

    1. Scan vanilla items (modded items if you want to but not needed for this)
    3. Scan those items and repeat step 2.
    4. If you do this, their is NO REASON you can not complete vanilla thaumcraft research with plenty of aspects left over.
    What about thaumcraft addons?
    Addons are not a "self contained mod"
    profrags likes this.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    9:37 PM
    I try that, and not everything is something i want to make? so i'm supposed to make a thaumostatic harness now to be able to get all the volatus aspects i need? no, and if you said yes i'd tell you #$^% in a face to face conversation because i'm not working for something i don't want or need, just to progress through a mod, even when i did that, i still stood for nearly an hour clicking deconstruction tables on TDT, takes way too long, and yes, i'd call addons self contained, they are additional to mods and balanced in conjunction with them
  19. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Within a self contained mod, (I'm including vanilla and addons) you get enough aspects to research everything, if you scan everything within that mod. Don't want to make/scan the harness? Then dont. But don't complain that you can't the complete said mod otherwise.

    I challenge you to prove me wrong.
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Yes, but that is self contained, and yes, you can, but no one will because that's too much work, + this is modded, so we have alot more sources of aspects, now.... i can count off of my had a total of.. about 35 ordo i think? that you can get by scanning items, excluding the primordial pearl (that thing is OP lol)
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