CF:No Refund Policy

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by LucidTheStick, Sep 23, 2015.

  1. busi

    busi New Member

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    I agree with you, But then again you are not buying it, you are donating to the server and the network rewards you with a set of items predefined. but i agree in cases with Credits there should be a ruleset for refunds.
    I know it will gives the staff more work but maybe bring in normal mods for it like
    • Must include "Credit kit" in title
    • Must have location of where items was lost.
    • In details what was lost
    • In details how it got lost
    Admin or above check if said person bought the kit and give a green light for mods to investigate with prism.
    then a normal mod can check with prism to confirm if there is traces of the items to be lost, like said items was placed but never removed and then go on ticket and write what the outcome of the investigation was.
    If the mod found that the items was lost / dissapeared due to a server crash / timeout adds the cords of it
    then Sr.Mods who got the power to refund will add a chest in the base if owner is not online and put the items in and add a sign saying "refund"
    and close the tickets.

    It will give more work for mods, about the same work for Sr.Mods and make it all run a bit faster and more smooth.

    But it will follow the normal No refund policy in the ways of
    • Deaths
    • Accidental key presses: "Whoops, pressed 'Q' over lava/void"
    • PvP kills
    • ClearLag (It gives sufficient warnings)
    • Grief/Thief (Protect your stuff!)
    Slind, ItsNora_ and Chetwynd like this.
  2. KCSpence

    KCSpence Well-Known Member

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    I believe that there are some issues that *NEED* to be taken into account.

    1. Grief/Theft - There are only so many ways to protect your belongings, and MANY more ways for disreputable players to steal/break/etc. I personally agree with having a refund policy (of some form) in place, but feel that the player that did the grief/theft should be punished more severely than they have in the past. That however is another discussion.

    2. Error due to server glitching - If the server is "rolled back" then you didn't lose the resources to begin with. You can remake your items. Yes, it will take time, but you technically did not lose anything. In the case of credits being spent for kits, I don't know how that system works in regards to server roll backs. However, if there is a record of the 'purchase' and a record of the server 'roll back', then if the item (credit kit) is not showing anywhere, then either the credits should be refunded, or the kit should be reimbursed. If there is no proof, then there should be no return or refund.

    3. Error due to server being incorrectly setup - This is the case of, for example, if the "/banneditems" list is not accurate for the modpack due to the staff failing to get it setup properly, and a player does their due-diligence, and an item is stripped away from them, and they have some form of proof, then they should have the materials returned to them. This is the cause of the staff failing. Not the player being a cheat/annoyance/pest/what have you. The player should not be penalized because of the failing of the staff. The staff should be held accountable just as much as the players should be.

    4. I feel that the *ACTUAL* wording of the refund policy needs to be done in such a way that there are no questionable terms or things that could be interpreted different by different people. As well, it is paramount that the staff and players alike learn the definition of the terms refund, return, and reimbursement. They are altogether different things.

    5. Loss by death/void/stupidity/etc. - The game world is fraught with peril. enter at your own risk. When you enter the game world you must take responsibility for your own life.
    - Did you delve too deep in the Nether and fall into the lava? Wasn't that just an awesome death? Sorry you lost your items. But you went there of your own choice.
    - Drop something into the voice? Maybe you should re-assign your drop key to something other than "Q". Again, all on you.
    - Die via PVP because you thought you could take on the fluffy bunnykin player? Well, you chose to PVP. On most (if not all) of the MyM servers, that's toggle-able. Perhaps you should be more prepared next time, or *NOT* to take on the fluffy bunnykin player.

    I think, really, that the most important thing that we as players and staff, we all need to remember: This is just a game, and when you are upset about losing an item, try to remember that.

    Players, remember the staff don't get paid to do what they do. Give 'em a break and be nice to them.
    Staff, remember that without players, you wouldn't have the servers, and you have to respect them and treat them *ALL* times.

    All in all, I think that a Return/Refund Policy is a necessary thing. I do *NOT* feel that it should be a blanket "No Return/Refund" policy. That shows a complete lack of respect for the players, and lumps them all into the same lowest common denominator. Some players request legitimate refunds due to errors beyond their control, while the lower part of that "LCD" request refunds because they flew too close to the sun due to their own foolishness.

    Just my 2 cents.
    Slind likes this.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Only times i have EVER got a refund was on monster, and that was because i got forcefully logged out somehow during a sync thing, which duped the original inventory, so it was reverted.... I think something where you had no control and are losing everything (I did lol) it is fair,[DOUBLEPOST=1443399650,1443399144][/DOUBLEPOST]
    In general first offenders get good ammounts of temp bans, then after it's a perma, depending on severity
    There's a record, and if it's "rolled back" and it was something you just crafted and it was an item in your inventory, you're screwed
    In general you will not have the item crafted, and your items would still be there, if it's a drop and it LATER becomes unbanned and you have proof of it they will give you some compensation
    Most people can differentiate these words, thats not a problem...
    This is why they don't do refunds for that ever, ever, ever
    No problems, i just wanted to exemplify that as that's extremely valid
    again perfectaly valid, no problems, just wanted to exemplify that ;)
    There are certain exemptions, but otherwise you got a nope, and the "some players" are weasel words, try not to use them as they represent an extreme minority of the player groups, and the "lower part" is the majority, lost from their own foolishness, don't lump like that, or i'd call you a hypocrite...
  4. CommonExplosion

    CommonExplosion Well-Known Member

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    I'm pretty sure these cases already get a refund with this system. Same for bought claimblocks if they are bought right before a world reset.
    Correct me if I'm wrong.
    SirWill likes this.
  5. KCSpence

    KCSpence Well-Known Member

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    <<In general you will not have the item crafted, and your items would still be there, if it's a drop and it LATER becomes unbanned and you have proof of it they will give you some compensation>>

    I hate to break it to you Chugga, but that's not always the case. And I speak from personal experience. If the server is set up properly, perhaps that would be true. However, I know that on Ferret, the /banneditems was not setup properly, I checked it for an item, and it wasn't there. I was able to fully craft said item. After completion of the crafting, I had the item in my inventory, and it disappeared. And it left behind none of the materials used to create it.

    <<Most people can differentiate these words, thats not a problem...>>

    Perhaps "Most people.." do, but that is not the case of all the staff on the MyM network.

    <<There are certain exemptions, but otherwise you got a nope, and the "some players" are weasel words, try not to use them as they represent an extreme minority of the player groups, and the "lower part" is the majority, lost from their own foolishness, don't lump like that, or i'd call you a hypocrite...>>

    I used the term correctly, where there are *some* players that are not part of the majority. Are they a minority? Yes. An "extreme" minority? I couldn't answer that. Nor would I even attempt to do so without actual solid numbers from the staff.

    Also, a point that I would like to make. By "lumping" the term (Your words) it does not make me a hypocrite, however, the tone of your statement does show that you have less respect than you have stated you try to "exemplify" from the earlier part of your reply. Please be aware that I am not a hypocrite, and I am not really sure how that would even be a possible thought in this discussion. I don't think that it is respectful of anybody to intimate such a thing like that about anybody. An apology would not necessarily be out of the realm of actions for you to do because of that.


    Tier 1 - - 6/1/2015
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    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  6. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:43 PM
    ah, but did you report this? as you would have then most likely gotten a refund because it was completely out of your fault.... The straight out rule has it's exceptions, their just hidden there.
    the players that are honest are a minority, use the term minority, because guess what, it's a better description of what's what, and no, i did not CALL you one, i said i WOULD call you one if i was going out to do an ad-hominid but no, also, you called the majority a small part of the group
  7. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Seeing as how I'm the one that wrote it, and is probably the reason it's being brought up for change, I'll go ahead and put my two cents in with the original intentions of this rule at the time and why it came about to be. Oh wait, Dizzy already covered the exact intentions of it originally:

    All of that was exactly right, infact in the original rendition of my post (not sure how many times it's been edited anymore) it says "if you feel you deserve a refund, post about it and we will take each report on a case by case basis" (or something along those lines, just checked it is still there, paragraph after point 5 although I'd reword to better clarify) then listed out for sure reasons we wouldn't refund. Which is pretty much, again what Dizzy says here:

    The reason the post was made is because there was a lot of (and I mean a TON) of tickets about refunds due to little things, that were the players fault or where the whole server lost things. (dropped my items in the void, whoops! Server Rollback) if we got 150 tickets a week at the time, 100 of them were for refunds. We would, at the time, look at each case and let the player give reason as to why they deserved a refund. It came to be that one 'co-admin'/Sr.Mod, would give a refund but another wouldn't for the exact same situation and with staff growing so large so fast we had to clarify and create a go to post for those mods that decided against a refund, at the same time slowing down the refund tickets (the best resource of information is other players, so a public post was made not just for staff but for players to help spread the rule). Each refund was still heard, but the decision was made by the co-admin whether it was validated or not, slowly but surely it began engraving itself into stone and turning into a solid no refunds no matter what rule after I left and that's where it sits now. To me all the post needs is some clarification and some clarification with the Sr.Mods as to how to handle refunds, but hey, what do I know?
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
  8. KCSpence

    KCSpence Well-Known Member

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    <<ah, but did you report this? as you would have then most likely gotten a refund because it was completely out of your fault.... The straight out rule has it's exceptions, their just hidden there.>>

    As a matter of fact, I did put a ticket up. The day after I put the ticket up, the /banneditems list was updated and corrected, and I was *effectively* told "tough luck, there's no refunds."

    <<the players that are honest are a minority, use the term minority, because guess what, it's a better description of what's what, and no, i did not CALL you one, i said i WOULD call you one if i was going out to do an ad-hominid but no, also, you called the majority a small part of the group>>

    I used the term 'some players' and, surprise surprise, a minority IS a group of some players. In fact a majority of a group IS a group of some players. Also, at no point did I did I use the terms 'majority' or 'minority' in my original post. Nor did I say any group, either majority or minority, was a small part. What I was referring to was the adage, "lowest common denominator" If you don't know what that means, I suggest you research it. If you do understand it, then I do not understand where your misinterpretation of my original post came from.

  9. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    first off use the quoting system, what you're doing here is just annoying to me, second off, i meant in general
    LCD, lowest common denominator, the lowest shared denominator of 2 fractions with different denominators, use for adding and subtracting fractions, so where was my misinterpritation?
  10. KCSpence

    KCSpence Well-Known Member

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    <<first off use the quoting system, what you're doing here is just annoying to me,>>

    I'm sorry it annoys you. However, there is no hard and fast rule about requiring the use of the quoting system. If there is, I'm unaware of it. Perhaps you could enlighten me. Until then, I'll quote how I feel like.

    <<second off, i meant in general>>

    If that was your intent, then you should not have specifically asked if I had reported it. Once you asked that, it left being in the realm of "in general" and entered the realm of specific to my case.

    <<LCD, lowest common denominator, the lowest shared denominator of 2 fractions with different denominators, use for adding and subtracting fractions, so where was my misinterpritation?>>

    In math, that is absolutely correct, but when using the term in a non-math related way, it is usually used as a somewhat derogatory term. From, the second definition would be applicable:
    "something of small intellectual content designed to appeal to a lowbrow audience; also: such an audience."
    Thus, in the context that *I* was using it, it was referring to those individuals (in the majority) that file refund requests that are spurious and destroys the opportunity of those players (in the minority) that file legitimate refund requests.

  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    can we get back on topic?
  12. KCSpence

    KCSpence Well-Known Member

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    <<can we get back on topic?>>

    Absolutely. My apologies that I continued that to the extent that I did.

  13. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    i love all these people posing in singleplayer you would move on... no i would open to lan enable cheats and spawn that sucker right back in.. IF it was lost do to a mod bug and not my mistake.
  14. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    As is in the original post the reason for discussion as it is 1 of 2 major reoccurring feedback themes from the survey. We've had ideas floating around but wanted to see what the community thought and ideas they came up with as without them we are nothing. =)

    Personally I've feel that case by case refunds based on technical glitches should happen with admins/managers+, but policy lately has been no refunds on every ticket. However getting put in the position of playing judge, does as you say, create differences of opinion and action. Leading to one staff member doing something one way when another does it completely different. We've had a very successful time with the Jr Mod program which continues to expand and evolve it in other ideas. This has been creating better consistency and more team feel to decision making.
  15. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    I think (very VERY iffy) that if the judging thing happens, there should be both a staff member AND a player, trusted by staff and player base alike and well known in the community. To give both sides a fair decision, based on both staff eyes and player eyes, to give an opinion from both sides. Again, slight possibility.
  16. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Are staff members not players also?
  17. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    They are, I didnt mean it like that. I just meant it as IF and WHEN a normal NON-staff member were to be griefed, possibly get something from their point of view. I know all players get griefed, but I just meant a "just in case" situation, where if my idea were to happen, if it were 2 Staff members deciding, it may look biased to the other side, and visa-versa
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Generally when i ask these i get the reply from chaos, and in general it is raised up to your level of discression, as you said, having a short 10 minute discussion should do the trick most of the time and get a good judgement, as to make it fairer for all ;)
  19. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    We don't refund from griefs (except returning property which we locate and never spawn in).

    Right now every request is basically denied outside extremely special cases.
  20. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:43 PM
    True, but thats because most people's are not for proper to be honest

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