Decided Against Ferret - Requesting Autorestarts every hour

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by busi, Sep 28, 2015.


Should the server have an autorestart every hour?

Poll closed Oct 2, 2015.
  1. Yeah, sure

    6 vote(s)
  2. Nope

    21 vote(s)
  3. Chicken / potato

    10 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. busi

    busi New Member

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    9:49 AM
    So why a 2 hour reboot and not just a daily?
    By restarting every 2 hours and not daily just hides what causing the issue in the first place.
    by your logic that will only be better
    Since in my eyes your saying that it doesn't matter if its playable or not.

    So what is the issue?
    12 times a day you have a lot of data to profile and i bet most of the time its gonna be the same over and over.

    I never talked about the more player the faster reboots.

    it doesn't matter if there is 10 on or 30 as we have seen the tps drops always seems to start around an hour in.

    "if we restart the server, we are not solving the issue, we are just ignoring it."
    So what are you doing to solve the issue?
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:49 AM
    oh my god, DATA IS NOTHING, we need to find out what BLOCKS are doing it which requires a manual PROFILE, you keep shooting for the point and hitting off the sign
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    3:49 AM
    Myself personally? Nothing. I'm sitting here trying to tell you 1 hour restarts are not going to happen. Also I'm at work.

    Tonight after I'm home I'll do what I do every other night and try to fix it.
  4. SilentBane

    SilentBane Well-Known Member

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    tps as a whole is up to us the players, if you want higher tps then make your builds efficient and easily manageable. I understand that ferret itself is a pack based solely around making money and pushing that through to your automation to turn it in, therefore making players want to build bigger and better builds. Before you come somewhere screaming about the tps issues look first at your own builds and the builds of your base mates, are they as efficient as humanly possible? are you doing everything within your power as a player to continue to keep the tps high? Are you sharing knowledge of efficient builds with other players so that they aren't creating tps hogs? Most people just start clamoring for staff the moment that there is a tps issue and want to immediately restart the server, but if you take the time to look and figure out where the inner problems lie then the 2 hour restart timer is perfectly fine.
  5. CheshireLill

    CheshireLill Well-Known Member

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    3:49 AM
    Let's Disable AE Mobs and Anything not vanilla ;) Jk. But seriously though. The restarts wouldn't need to be set so close if the pack were more stable (which should be fixed on the next modauthor update) and we had players who were more considerate of each other.
    busi likes this.
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    The biggest resource eater on ferret lycan mobs spawning (disabled) and after that hqm with the item pickup event where it checks all the items that are being picked up. Besides that I couldn't find anything major yet. It's mainly all the stuff summing up together.
    The times were a modpack based on automation could hold +20 players is long over :(
    Lawmonark and CheshireLill like this.
  7. busi

    busi New Member

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    9:49 AM
    True, also kinda why i trying to get hourly restarts
    It takes 3-4 min to restart the server
    that leaves 56-57 min to play with 18-20 tps
    but with 2 hours restart we have about 1 hour of 18-20 tps and then 1 hour with 5-10 tps.
    in the end it would improve it for us players as we would have more real playtime
  8. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    It STILL will not resolve anything! Now we wait and play as best we can until I REPEAT! UNTIL the new authorpack comes in. It may fix the problems, however, if it dosent, then just quit bellyaching or quit playing.
    I am tired of players that gripe constantly about a program. PWI does not put up with it. They will kick a player after 1 warning. How many times does anyone on the program say 'LAGG' and then keep repeating it? It is a fact of gaming life. If the staff had the equipment that that international based program has there would be no lagg. Before you gripe, try living a full day like these owners and staff do. They work all day in and around computers, and come home to the same. These guys eat drink and sleep computers. They solve problems in their sleep! I know... I used to do it all the time.
    Cut these people a break, because they are right about this situation. Hourly restarts will do nothing except MASK the full problem. My idea would be to allow the server to go till it cant go anymore. With staff on-hand they can then find the offending problem and devise a way to repair it.
    Chetwynd, ItsNora_, profrags and 3 others like this.
  9. busi

    busi New Member

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    9:49 AM
    Trust me i have. more than most have tbh.
  10. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    Are you or have you ever been a commercial programmer? If not, then enough said. I was programming IBMs while the rest or you were in diapers or just a gleam in your daddys eye. I will be 64 in 4 days and I do know what it is like to have a problem with a program, or even worst when the patch creates 10 different and unrelated problems. No... Leave it alone. Staff will resolve it when they get the time. Trust me.
    CheshireLill and profrags like this.
  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    100 little bugs in the program 100 little bugs.. take one down fix it around 120 little bugs in the program....
    BookerTheGeek and misscatlin1951 like this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    9:49 AM
    How i miss Ultimate.... :shame:

    Currently people tend to over do everything.
    Look in some players AE systems only to see 1000s of resources they will never use, Power saved that they cant burn... I never understood why modded players hoard so much
  13. misscatlin1951

    misscatlin1951 We die so others may live. Patron Tier 3

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    I think the problem more than likely started in Ultimate. You were never sure if what you had would be what you would need after the next update, so you kept everything. I am guilty of that and I will try to eliminate some items.


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    I think the server should get a plugin or bot of some sort to detect tps and it should restart the server whenever the tps go below 5 or even 3 and it should give a 1 minute warning
  15. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    9:49 AM

    LOL. That wont work at all.
  16. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    This wouldn't probably wouldn't work and if it WAS possible it isn't as easy as it sounds... What sounds like 30-60 minutes can actually be 5+ hours. There could also be moments when the server gets a random Tps drop to 1 and then goes to 17, the bot would auto-restart for no reason which would start causing more restart downtime rather than server uptime...


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    I meant if the tps would continue at under 5 for over a minute
    d[DOUBLEPOST=1444434135][/DOUBLEPOST]Often when i noticed when i am on the sevrer also restarts for no reason at 2 hours, the tps is fine at a steady 20, however i just thought of this, if there was someway to stop the server from restarting when it has 20tps.
  18. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    This won't happen, lagspikes happen
    it's automated, it doesn't CARE about 20 tps, it just cares that it's been 2 hours
  19. GoldenPalladium

    GoldenPalladium Honestly, I'm pretty much dead.

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    The auto-restarts every two hours is what keeps our servers healthy. We don't really need to touch it.
    Chetwynd and Darkcrafter92 like this.
  20. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    8:49 AM
    Poll says no so i am locking and marking as decided against
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