Feedback Links?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by busi, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. busi

    busi New Member

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    I see no where that links like youtube is not allowed to be posted yet there is 1 mod that tells people off for linking youtube videos.
    And when other staff's links youtube its getting ignored..

    So what is the stance of youtube links, imgur links kinda just links in general? as long as they follow the written down ruleset?

    don't see its fair that players are not allowed to link anything while staff just can link what ever they want..

    Kinda double moral
  2. Darkcrafter92

    Darkcrafter92 Well-Known Member

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    2 things, I don't know what staff you are talking about but posting links can be considered advertising foe the website and can be abused by some players. That's why I.m for no links at all, if you need to post any, then make a forum post and tell the guy to chzck it out.
    That and staff either can't send links, why would we ever need to do that? Do you have any screenshot lf a staff doing this? If yes, please post it. :)
  3. busi

    busi New Member

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  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Youtube links are permitted as long as they are appropriate and you do not post them repeatedly, that's why it's possible for players to post them in the first place while links to random other sites are filtered out, and in particular I'd say posting links to things like mod guides to help other players who are struggling to understand a mod is to be encouraged.

    Staff also have the ability to post any link but again they are expected to use that ability responsibly.
  5. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    When it comes to youtube / twitch we allow you to advertise your channel ONCE every couple of hours. Otherwise posting YouTube tutorials and perfectly timed music videos ;) (family friendly of course) is allowed as chaos said above.
  6. busi

    busi New Member

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    [8:07:48 AM] Duke-busi+: This
    [8:08:00 AM] Mod-CheshireLill+: Please do not post links in chat

    [8:09:28 AM] Mod-CheshireLill+: Well being as I can't check to see if that's a youtuber's channel or something that is appropriate
    [8:09:29 AM] Mod-CheshireLill+: for the network atmosphere, I'm asking that you don't/

    Seems like it really depends on who you ask then.
  7. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    Some staff are unable to open browsers while playing modpacks so aren't able to check if it's an appropriate link or not
    Darkcrafter92 likes this.

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