Discussion in 'B-Team' started by billyyjoee, May 10, 2014.


Would you like the map to reset?

Poll closed May 17, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. Scrotum_Squisher

    Scrotum_Squisher New Member

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    11:20 AM
    You do know that you will keep nothing
  2. paulnator2112

    paulnator2112 Member

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    4:20 PM
    @Scrotum_Squisher that's wrong you will keep the experience of what is good, how the machines working, etc..
    minecraftpro1289 likes this.
  3. KraftwerkKing

    KraftwerkKing Member

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    3:20 PM
    NO! PLZ NO!
  4. tritan20

    tritan20 New Member

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    Yes Plz The World is Getting To Crowded And I Want To Restart!
  5. chosaito

    chosaito Active Member

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    You guys that want a reset fail to understand that it will just need to be reset again in a couple a months, and again a few months after that unless there is a way to prevent this from repeating it's self. So whats the point of building things when it will just be destroyed in a couple months? And if it wont be reset in a couple of months have this reset then what's the point of resetting now? It will be in just as bad of shape as it is now. You guys are thinking short term.
    CobraKrome likes this.
  6. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    It definitely doesn't get reset in that short of a timeframe but in the big picture this is true to a certain extent.

    Saying that, what do you suggest to help keep a 'neutral economy' and help keep the tps up (long term) and keep the wild as wild as possible over a longer period of time? We are all ears to ideas and feedback :)
  7. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    The only thing that comes to my mind is more aggressive no claim, nothing works. I.E. if the land becomes unclaimed (due to inactivity of the owner on the server) things that run, shut down. I.e. redstone wires (crafted and dust), and all power cables NOT in a claim break or are deleted. this will shut down all running machinery, reducing lag.
  8. chosaito

    chosaito Active Member

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    I know it doesn't get reset in that time frame, I'm just saying we'll be as laggy as we are now by then. Townie would be a good start. As Alex has said in the past, remove all the fairies from promised land and put them as sell-able items on the market. Reset the nether and farm world more often or at lest farm world. Newer players seem to build there without realizing it get's reset. I've seen machines in the farm world while exploring. Resetting maybe twice a month or more would make sure everything runs smoothly there.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    FYI a player loads about 10 chunks in each direction. That means only the area of 10 chunks around each player is loaded. The bases of players that are afk or quit are only loaded if another player lives near by or walks by. This means we could have one mega base with tons of machines that kill the server but as long as no player gets near it, it isn't loaded and we won't feel it. (Chunkloaders are an exception)
  10. AlexisRoger

    AlexisRoger Well-Known Member

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    10?!?! I thought it was 3x3 9 total! wow....

    Anyhow, I hope a decision is made soon. I've been unwilling to spend time building my artwork of an ice palace with the 'threat' of a reset wasting my week... so I've wasted my week not doing anything at all. Its kind of sucking the fun out of things. Waiting for a decision a.t.m. is far, far worse than the reset or lack therein.
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    atm it is still just a player suggestion and we don't have the time to reset this week even if we wanted to.
  12. flamedramon1

    flamedramon1 New Member

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    9:20 AM
    yes I do.
  13. CobraKrome

    CobraKrome New Member

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    Pls dont reset i startet to build and farm at the beginning of mai and try out the mods, finally i have so many things collected to do this without big farming sessions. I dont have so much time to play and if you reset now i have a very hard time again getting all this :(. I spend hours building my house and my friends one and i dont want all this progress to be lost ! I dont want to build this all over again and farm all this stuff, im near to try witchery and this will take a while :( I think even when there is just a minority saying no you should not do it. All the people saying yes are near to start with their stuff or are finished with every mod so they are bored. At least save the houses of the people who dont want this. As i said i just have little time to play and a reset would destroy my fun in this modpack and i have no motivation to do all this again :( Pls dont reset all my stuff !
  14. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    YES. I have spent hours and hours just gathering resources (and sharing those), I have also slaved learning machines and such. I still vote Yes. It ill keep interest up and lag down, its not like we will not be able to re gather ne build, maybe better than before. The reset should be for B1, B2, both Farmworlds, Nethers, Tropiworlds, and Promised lands. I would suggest that there be an option of the players putting their valuables in their inventory and going to the lobby and keeping whatever is in their inventory (as a personalized starter pack). People would then start with their inventory (like Padson maybe having building supplies or Tinkers equipment). Maybe giving those who play a lot or on a regular basis a certain amount of claim blocks. I would love to have a public garden at spawn. Or a public farm. Maybe you could get a certain # of animals or foods for a small $ as a starter. I would do the gardening and animal breeding ; ).[DOUBLEPOST=1400091017,1400090780][/DOUBLEPOST]Cobra, if they do a restart, holler at me. I will help resupply you and your friends. It is something I enjoy doing. I know it is hard, especially when learning the stuff in mods, but the outcome is worth it. I am just starting to learn machine and only a little bit into witchery. I have been on a while, but mainly gathering and sharing.
  15. CHRISRHODE2004

    CHRISRHODE2004 Patron Tier 1

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    i vote YES .. there are just too many abandoned structures everywhere, that's not to say that it will happen again though .. Either way, i am on board for a full reset.[DOUBLEPOST=1400118645,1400118621][/DOUBLEPOST]i vote YES .. there are just too many abandoned structures everywhere, that's not to say that it will happen again though .. Either way, i am on board for a full reset.
  16. Fender2x

    Fender2x Member

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    11:20 AM
    Regardless of everyone's opinions this is seemingly happening anyway. I completely understand the need for reset. However, for a game like MC, the point for me is to continually add to my creations. On my own server, I can separate server straining chunks far enough away from each other that the server handles it well. Of course, that is impossible on a public server like this. In other words, a server setup relying on a vicious cycle of constant resets and lag is not for me. I enjoyed my time playing on Mineyourmind server but this setup defeats the purpose of doing things on these servers and even playing MC. Nothing good lasts forever but these servers are too temporary. I'm glad everyone had fun learning how to play with mods and building.. I'm glad everyone now will have more motivation doing the same things over again and can now "speedrun" through. For me, there's always more to add and MC is truly endless and it has been much better in a multiplayer setting. However, I dont want to have to worry about when the next map reset is. Even if you have state of the art server technology you are not managing the server properly. There would not be need for this if the servers were actually being managed properly. Minecraft with the addition of 100+ mods isn't the most stable anyway.. Allowing more and more players on, up to 250 at a time with many different m0dpacks, which is the current setup, is absolutely ridiculous and is too much to ask for even for state of the art technology. There should be reanalysis on what this server, can and actually will handle with this amount of traffic. Server programs and help tools don't provide black and white answers and clearly haven't... If it can be managed properly I would love to eventually come back and build on the new server but i certainly will not spend much time on mym and effort. But resetting a server everytime its lag is too unbearable is not good server management. it truly is lack of server management...
    chosaito likes this.
  17. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    10:20 AM

    Thank you for your well thought out response. I'd like to clarify a few things before you draw these conclusions though if you don't mind. I know it seems like it (due to the bungee cord plug-in) but these servers on this network are not all on the same actual "computer", there are several 'state of the art servers' that the network is spread across. The second point is that just because the poll is in favor of resetting doesn't mean it will, the final decision is up to the staff, as the OP posted as a player, he never came to staff with the idea. That being said we are keeping an eye on the thread and I know majority says reset, but it's messages like these that hurt me the worst, I hate to see people unhappy. I understand your building mindset, I am the same way (when I actually have time to play;)), continually adding on that is.

    The reason for a reset isn't just lag, that is only one aspect that would be better. To be honest the lag on B-team is great, truly. It's below 50ms (20 tps) response time about 90% of the day, even with a 21k player list in the players folder for Bteam 1 alone. If you read post number 35 in this thread it will explain a couple other reasons as well. We are also entertaining new plug-ins or other surprises that would make everyone excited and happy, unfortunately none of those things are concrete yet as we are still in the idea stages of things. (If you have any ideas please feel free to suggest them! We are always open to ideas and feedback!!)

    As far as management goes, I'd love for you to message me and let me know what issue you have had with management, or maybe it's something that isn't personal and you'd feel more comfortable clarifying what you mean here. I promise you that I am here to try and do the best I can with making the community as good as it can get and to hear that it's just not good enough hurts and makes me want to try harder. If you could let me know what it is I can do to make it better, I'd love to hear it, again we are always open to feedback.

    Again thank you for your well-thought out post and I hope it isn't the last we hear from you!

  18. Fender2x

    Fender2x Member

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    Thank you for the direct clarification CBro. I didn't mean to be so conclusive or harsh when I said lack of management. I will try to clarify myself. My hope is that when/if the server does get reset, the new ones can be maintained for a more substantial period for everyone to enjoy. I know you already use many lag clearing plugins, etc yet eventual server problems are inevitable. I'm not sure what other things could enhance the server because I don't have much experience with such massive , high traffic servers. When I say "lack of server management" it's nothing personal. It's only because like I was saying in the last post, resetting maps constantly defeats the point of playing in a way. The truth is every piece of technology just performs better with restarts and resets.

    It is clear that everyone here at MYM has good intentions always and I do appreciate the efforts. I am unhappy to lose work but Ill deal with it for everyone to enjoy the fresh server :D. I wish there was a way I could help manage the stability of the maps as well. All I can do is consider how I build my own base and try to reduce lag. I will surely continue to play on MYM servers and you have given me motivation to at least build a modest base. I just need to remember next time not to set such big goals for builds, claims and money.

    cbrozak likes this.
  19. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    4:20 PM
    Yes! I've not played BTeam yet. But I would defiantly start playing it if it restarted. Monster is way to much tps lag for me and I imagine that attack of the BTeam is like that to. That's why I am only playing on AS2 since that does not have tps lag

    Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
  20. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    While yes, it seems to have a higher overall tps, it also crashes much, much more often with the occasional rollback thrown in too, being a beta modpack. But that means it has all the new everything, too.
    I've also noticed that Bteam tends to attract a large number of whiners, at least compared to Monster. I just want you to know.
    chosaito likes this.
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