IDEA: Should we switch to Towny either on certain server(s)/universally

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Auonddon, May 13, 2014.


Do you want to see towny replace the current plugin?

Poll closed May 20, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. What is towny?

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  1. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    * JUST AN IDEA *
    Based on Player suggestion and our own personal ideas we have an idea we would like to get your input on. Should we switch to Towny. This is just an idea and would be a future implementation assuming there was enough interest and, upon further discussion we decided that it was benefitial.
    Below we have put together an early stag list of the pros and cons WE(the staff) feel could weigh on the decision both from a player and server point of view

    encourages community and working together
    more creativity
    quicker progress for players as they can split the work and have a public machines
    Better economy?
    nice and clean wilderness
    It would add a money sink for those who have no need to purchase items from the shop and simply stack up MYM's.


    more potential lag (1 player loads whole town/all neighbors)
    more commands
    can lose your town if your mayor does not pay taxes
    re-integration in our current global system (shop, protection)
    no build in the wild
    players can loose everything in case of taxes being enabled
    harder to get started as you can’t just walk past the spawn protection and begin
    you would have to go to the farm ONLY world in order to farm outside of your claims You can't build in any other town without leaving the current townWe need to add all container/access blocks to the towny config

    We would have a server operated town for players to join until they can afford to create there own. They can however live there permanently should they wish.

    Please respond with additional factors we may have missed in your opinion and should be added to the list. As well as a Yes/No and ideally why in a short summary.
    thank you for your input and continued support


    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
  2. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    While im not against towny in general, the golden shovel is so easy to use. On past servers that used towny, i always got greifed somehow and had to wait for a mod to do a rollback to see what I lost. On horizons I have a great big giant target for greifers and have had no issues. It seems to be alot less work for the staff in general using the shovel, the only greifing i have heard of is from people who /trust the wrong person

    I would hope that towny is as good a the golden shovel now if we are to switch.
    leoj888, chugga_fan and cbrozak like this.
  3. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    I would say no because I like the freedom we get now to build in the wild. Though I would love a towny like monster server that m2 and m+ could go to and buy a lot and build their own shops. It would give people a different way to sell their things. But other wise I voted no.

    I like using the shovel to claim my areas. It makes it easy to have the option to build all over.
  4. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    There is an option to allow building in the wild so that is a non-issue. ;)

    So what you are saying is you would like a player stall type market place? I love this idea and have been all for it for quite a while now.
  5. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I think applying the towny idea to a player market with stalls would be cool. we can do towns with people buying stalls for their shops. It would be connected to both M2 and M+ so it keeps it open for everyone. But if we get protection for building in the wild with towny options...I might be swayed :p
  6. jacobz10

    jacobz10 New Member

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    I kind of like just building where ever you want and how big. A couple questions so can you make your own town and be mayor. Another how do you protect the land do you use a golden shovel and the last thing is are there going to be plots for the citizens
  7. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    u should be able to explore the wild. other then that, i would like to be a town mayor ;)
    there should be the ability to "move" with worldedit copy for a given amount of myms.
    but it HAS to be a new server/restart. Converting a server? so much work...
  8. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    The entire reason I even tried this server was because I saw that it couldn't be classified as a towny, or factions server. It was just a server to do stuff in, precisely what I had been looking for. Many people, like myself, don't work well with others and prefer to work alone. I find that the whole towny system is overcomplicated and pointless. I can't have this server downgrade into that. I think I would cry. All it seems to be to me is a limit, and while for some that's a good thing, but it just does not mix with modpacks like Attack of the B-team or especially Monster. Vanilla? Maybe. Crazy mods? Nope.
  9. chosaito

    chosaito Active Member

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    I support this idea, in a way it can reduce lag. Claims no one uses anymore would turn back to natural. Only those active would have places which in turn would reduce lag. Also the server wouldn't need reset very much if at all due to no building outside your claim. For example a person who comes in and claims an area and builds some that causes a lot of lag and leaves forever a week later. You wouldn't need to worry about because there claim would run out of money thus removing the machines they have build.

    It has it's pro's and con's but I think the pro's out weight it. If/when we have a server reset I think this would be a great idea and we wouldn't need bother resetting the server in a couple months.

    Also those who say they don't like working with others. Nether do I. One person can have a "home" you don't need other people living in your "town" you can make it the same size as your place now and live there by your self. Nothing really changes except a cleaner server.
  10. SeaToSky

    SeaToSky New Member

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    *A rip from my other thread.*

    Towny. (The consideration.)

    This just doesny appeal at all to me. This is not personal bias but rather a factual observation.

    Towny encourages community based play which is all good fun and all, but what good will single player towns do? We dont have a large enough player-base to fully utilize towny. Towny works for servers that exclusivly base themselves around towny. I believe towny will just fall flat on its face.

    My proposed solution:
    Dont bother with towny at all. Also make it open PVP off of claims. (Might just be me, but opt in pvp is very annoying in my opinion.)

    I hope it isnt just me but the current protection plugin is annoying as hell and more trouble to use than is worth. Get a protection plugin that expires after like 2 weeks. So then if someone leaves for good their claim will be deleted and the leftovers are fair game.
  11. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    Are you referring to your current resident server or the community?

    I want to encourage all forms of play style however. Your contradicting yourself in my opinion by saying this about a Multi player server. You even referred to it as

    Help me out here you dont like towny AND you dont like grief protection?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2014
  12. Skylord_Cobris

    Skylord_Cobris Member

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    -I disagree, the fact of taking away the people's rights to build outside of towns should at least result in less lag, but if there's going to be more lag then there is no point on that side of things

    -I agree mainly upon the idea of working as a community, or a small village. It would make everyone a lot more closer on the server, and who knows? Maybe we could form kingdoms and it could become Game of Thrones, which would be awesome!

    In conclusion, I disagree for I don't think it would benefit anyone except for newbies, who would be closer to more skilled players who can support them. From what I can tell, the newbies are pretty good on their own too. Also the lag, not being able to build in the wild, etc doesn't seem worth it for a much larger community. It's a cool idea though, but towny's not the way to go from what I am hearing.
  13. SeaToSky

    SeaToSky New Member

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    By single player towns I mean towns inhabited by 1 player. Because some people may want to own their own town and lead rather than be a resident. Therefore taking away from the overall number of people who could be residents in a town.

    For the playerbase I mean for the number of active people on at a time. We usually average 15-20 players per server M+ and M2.
    So in essence I mean the server I play on; M+.

    Towny just doesnt fit the server the way it is now. And I mainly dont like grief protection because it's so awkward. Personally I like protection stones. But thats just my personal preference.

    Anyways if greif protection is going to stay I highly urge to have the claims expire if the owner hasnt been on for a set amount of time.
  14. dystrophe

    dystrophe Well-Known Member

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    I'd rather not have it, a new player coming in might not have the ability to have any kind of protection from things, cilitramist has me trying another server occasionally with towny and i can't afford the protect my area at all
  15. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    That already happens, claims may vanish if the owner just left them, but it mainly only happens if it interferes with others
  16. Yolju

    Yolju New Member

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    My honest opinion would be for: No Towny what-so-ever. Why? Because whether it may cause stress on the server or should be benefitial towards the server in any visual or generic way possible to have it be the current way, it would lose the aspect of the entire server therefore reaching towards a different community all together. Players leave, new types of players join = community is different.

    Please take note that I am suggesting this, and in my own opinion, when I say,: "It's a drastic alteration when switching to a completely different system, such as towny."

    Also take consideration and remember the fact that I have been a staff member on many servers since minecraft servers were the new update.. "Changing your server's system is like changing your player community; Therefore you are placing all of your own life savings into the pot, hoping to double it."
    (For people that dont understand the metaphor: "When you do something like this, you are risking all that you have, hoping to get double.")

    Through all of the servers I've volenteered my time and soul into playing and administering, I have always seen some sort of drastic outcome when a new heavy plugin became the new addition to the server. 10/10, The outcomes were drastic. 10/10, The outcomes sacrificed a lot of good players. Including good staff members. (Why play on a server that you no longer enjoy?) You may say, "because of the community!" Be my guest if you want to see what happens in a few months.
  17. MinecraftB0ss

    MinecraftB0ss New Member

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    Towny is the same as grief prevention, but tons more customizable. You can have towns with 100 residents, or a solo town. You can turn taxes on or off. You can have town chat and nation chat, and even rival other town you dont like. You can live alone sure, but this is a multiplayer server and it would add to the community aspect to be able to make a town and have proper protection for residents. Taxes are collected out of a town bank that anyone can deposit into. I think that if it were to be added, that it shouldn't be thrown in. I would like to see town ranks added like co mayor and others to add to the town hierarchy as well. Thats my take on it. Grief prevention pushes the community apart as i see. I've played tons of servers each with the different plugins, and towns servers always seem to prevail to me.
  18. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    I've never played on a server with towny, so I don't know if I'd like it or not, I'm one for going into the wilderness and making a base for me and my friends, but there are only ever 2-3 of us and that seems too small for a town to me. I to think the horizon server could do with a reset though, just joined and am finding it hard to find a good place to live due to small claims where the owner hasn't played in weeks and in some cases months
    I tend to build big so having to build around one of these claims would be hard and it actually seems rude to me to build that close to another, even if they are never coming back.
  19. chosaito

    chosaito Active Member

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    What do you mean fully utilize towny? I'm afraid you may have the wrong idea. The idea isn't to build towns with a lot of people. It's to build your own little plot of land as we are now, however with one exception. You must pay tax or it reverts back to nature. It has nothing to do with utilizing it to it's full extend or starting a community or any of that for that matter. It's to revert area's that are no longer used by players. Such as players who have left the game. You can use townie the same way you use the golden shovel claim but with better features. You completely have the wrong idea of what it would be used for.
  20. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    We did use Towny on the ultimate server excactly that way, and it would be the same if we use it again. In the matter of land ownership, I actually prefer Towny as it is easier to customize (you are limited to chunks, BUT you are not restricted to rectangular shapes when expanding). The problem with towny is that many players don't get the upkeep system (at least it was that way on the ultimate server).

    It would probably be the best if we'd have a towny area/world and a GP one, so players have a choice.
    leoj888 and Doctorfoxwolf like this.
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