Unsure if you guys are aware, but there seems to be an issue with the /is command in AG 1.6.4. I have asked if anyone else is having the same issue as I am and a few people that responded said that they are experiencing the same problem. I have been unable to open the challenges and the change biome for a few days now. Once I enter /is and the menu pops up, if I click on either of those two things the menu just closes out like when you update your island level. Clicking home or update island level both seem to work fine.
I first noticed it only about 6 hours ago and that was the first I heard of it[DOUBLEPOST=1445172279][/DOUBLEPOST]Just asked in-game and someone says that it has been this way for a few days. Not exactly a pinpoint time-frame, but hopefully it helps a little.
I am going to go ahead and mark this one as solved since the problem seems to be fixed with the latest update.
Yeah fixed that earlier today but forgot about the topic. (there were like 5 topics/tickets related to this issue)