Implemented Continuously active Enhanced Portals Portal

Discussion in 'Monster' started by Vernatia, May 11, 2014.

  1. Vernatia

    Vernatia New Member

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    2:09 AM
    Weird one here today

    This is to do with Monster 2.

    So we seem to have a case of two Enhanced Portal Portals being connected, without a powersource.
    These portals normally cause a lot of lag, but they don't last that long due to power constraints, and most people turning them off as soon as they go through.
    (They also cause inventory item glitches, but that's nothing that can't be fixed with a relog).

    One end of the portal is located within Souless_Serpent's claim zone, at the following coordinates:
    3280X -14Z 68Y

    The other end is located near DPop and Heatblayze's claim zones, within one of Final_Evo's claim zone, the coordinates I don't have at the moment.
    These portals do have locations linked, but we believe someone connected between them, and didn't disconnect the portal.

    We have tried to manually deactivate the portal, as well as to physically destroy it, neither of which deactivated the portal, (the portal blocks continued to be displayed), but once the surrounds were destroyed, the portal no longer acted as a gateway, but just stayed there, continuing to slow down that zone.

    No idea how to turn these off at this point, I have had a look at the powersource for this part of the Portal network, located in Final_Evo's main claim zone, but it is indicating that no portal is connected, despite all evidence to the contrary.

    If this can be looked into, that would be good, as it will almost definetly be slowing the server down while either chunks are loaded.
  2. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    11:09 AM
    If this does indeed cause lag, I've got one set that's continually active, not using power, and can't be turned off at my base on M+. I'll get the Coords here in a bit.

    Edit: X:810 Y:70 Z:-2383 Linked to NchemIcaLS
    Last edited: May 11, 2014
  3. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I went in and creative-broke the inner portal blocks for each end of the portal frames in both of your cases, so hopefully that fixed it, but I don't know if you'll have to completely rebuild them at both ends to get them working again, so I'll leave that for you to guys to work out.
  4. Vernatia

    Vernatia New Member

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    2:09 AM
    Thanks for that Chaos.

    We'll probably not be reactivating the portal, as we're going to shift over to Monster+, most likely we'd just need to reactivate the portal again, but there is little need to do that now.
  5. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    Local Time:
    11:09 AM
    Thats the way it's looking. Thanks again!

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