IDEA: Should we switch to Towny either on certain server(s)/universally

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Auonddon, May 13, 2014.


Do you want to see towny replace the current plugin?

Poll closed May 20, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. What is towny?

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  1. chosaito

    chosaito Active Member

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    8:59 PM
    If there was a way to modify it to where all the chunks wont load it would be the perfect plugin for keeping the server clean. As far as people not understanding it. It's there own fault if they don't know how to read up on it.

    I rather have confused people than to have to reset the server due to lag after a few months and lose things none stop. Mods are there for a reason. If some one has a question they are normally given an answer. I know I always reply with how to do something if some one asks.

    Town's don't have to be huge. They can be just one person alone living in a small 9x9 area. It seems a lot of people are becoming confused as to what townie actually is or what purpose it would serve in this case. You said it's hard to find a place to live. With Townie it would revert those people who have left the games area back to the way it originally was and remove the things they have build making it look like it was never touched.

    Nothing would really change. You'd be able to claim your land like you have done. Let friends join you. Except you can allow them full access or access to a small area within your area. There is a tax to keep the area up-kept however that could be like 30 mym a month. That's half of what you can make in one vote. Taxes would be use in order to tell if the player still plays or not. If they have no money in there town bank, it pretty much means that person hasn't been on in a long time.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  2. Finstermoor71

    Finstermoor71 New Member

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    I've played once before on a server was used on the towny. I personally did not like it so well, one, I was the size of his plot to very eingeschränt (you only had a certain number of claims that could have).

    On the server with towny it was also so that you had to pay no child support for the city. I am also strongly against that you have to pay maintenance for a city, so I personally feel very pressured / forced every day to be on the server to have to get money (vote) and this is then paid into the city treasury.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Reverting back to wild is not good. Just think about players that forget to put money into their town account or a major that is afk for month without giving someone else the permissions about the town. All players would loose everything -> rage^10. Furthermore griefprevention has a "revert on unclaim" feature, too. But both plugins do not revert perfect on modded servers and the small mistakes from players would develop into huge issues were they either leave or ask for a rollback which keeps the server down for 15 min. for everyone.[DOUBLEPOST=1399986585,1399986101][/DOUBLEPOST]If a change to Towny would increase or decrease lag is not said. We don't know it. It really depends on how players work with it. A lot of small towns = less lag than a few big towns.
    leoj888 likes this.
  4. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    As long as the 1 person town is not restricted in size, and the upkeep is not too much, im not against it. I like the ease of use of GP, but towny does have a few nice features like being able to / town name and warp there.

    The only thing i didnt like about towny, if you let players set up town markets it tends to fragment the market. Either keep the market we currently use or make a "market" area for players to set up shop if this is the direction MYM is going
  5. MinecraftB0ss

    MinecraftB0ss New Member

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    Well there's always a limit, even grief prevention has a limit. Towns adds claims by number of residents as gp adds it by playtime.
  6. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Hmm yea towny wouldnt work for me then. My current house is rather big. I never bothered to see how many chunks it takes up, but a guess would be 10 chunks by 25 chunks. Thats just the main building, the landscaping extends a few chunks in each direction.

    I like to build big things and would not want to have players join just to support my space requirements.

    Stop by horizons one day when im on and ill show you around
    leoj888 and cbrozak like this.

    xzBULLETTIMEzx New Member

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    i think townie is a bad idea as it has been used on other servers i used to play and it ruined it golden shovel is a lot better
    leoj888 and MrRoooo like this.
  8. SeaToSky

    SeaToSky New Member

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    I didnt think of it that way actually. I think im more for it now. Regardless of that it doesnt matter no one else wants it anywaus lol.
  9. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    It would be nice if there was a towny like add on that worked with GP.

    I wouldnt mind having the ability to set a town center that could be warped to by anyone.
    GP does have the ability to sub divide claims and assign /trust levels to that area only, however i have yet to figure out how to set some machines to public use without giving editing permissions also
  10. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    '/containertrust all' on the one block can give use of any machine block for the public, but still restricts build perms. I'm not sure what you mean about editing permissions though so maybe this isn't what you are looking for.
  11. missmouse06

    missmouse06 New Member

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    I personally think towny would be a great idea, have 10 plots per person each person you add to your town adds 10 plots. ALSO doing this, we could add donation packs that add plots to your account. so if they are only one or two people but they want to have a bigger area they can purchase a pack that give them 10 more plots and maybe have a shop keeper in game that you can purchase a plot for a certain amount of myms. Also this could allow ther server to have a chest shop market since every one could have a plot in a designated server market? that would be a great way to bring everyone together.
    chosaito likes this.
  12. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Ill try it out, sounds like what i was looking for. i want to make a public machine room, but would like the machines to still be there when I log in :)

    Its not towny I mind, its "the make players join my town so I can build a big place and afford the upkeep" aspect. I usually build solo, and rather large so this aspect would penalize my play style. During the various stages of building I would invite mods by to help find lag and optimize my base for the server. I don't mind the donate for space thing, but it would be the fear of loosing it all because i forgot to deposit money in the town bank. If i could "donate" to bypass that feature it starts to feel like pay to win. I have donated for lots of claim blocks and rank so I'm not adverse to supporting a quality server group like this one.

    Chestshops are good if confined to a central market. When they are spread out amongst the towns it tends to fragment the market and make things hard to find and time consuming.
    leoj888 likes this.
  13. CTaiger

    CTaiger New Member

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    I think we should have a Town Project!

    For Player who just get started. They can process ore and use machines until they find a nice place to call home.

    But not that everyone must live there.
  14. missmouse06

    missmouse06 New Member

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    that could work, we would just have to make sure players know not to leave their things in machines ive seen this done on an unleashed server called beast line.

    it would have to be that if you do not pay your taxes or deposit into your bank then it would just un-claim those plots and when you got back online then you would have to create your town again and if a player can't keep up with the costs of their town they have to down size. 10 plots is 10 chunks that's a lot for just one person sorry my space bar is acting up.... and that is what I hadin mind for the chest shop mod. we would build a town /market with public machines and such and you would have to pay a certain amount for your shop. we would have to have a strict build height limit though or it will become very laggy and a restriction that only the public shopsare allowed machines. and if it isn't possible to put height or depth restrictions then we do it be hand and enforce it outselves. :3[DOUBLEPOST=1400035132,1400035045][/DOUBLEPOST]I just think we should have a crazy anarchy magic farm 2 server . lol
  15. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    I think a magic farm 2 server sounds like a good idea, but the more I read about towny, the more I dont' like the idea of it. I really don't like the idea of having to pay taxes just to keep my stuff claimed.
  16. missmouse06

    missmouse06 New Member

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    technically the taxes can be something that could be taken out on a server I played on before they began to do that. it was only shops at spawn that had to be bought and paid for with taxes.[DOUBLEPOST=1400042020,1400041969][/DOUBLEPOST]we should maybe start something about a magic farm 2 server or some type of no rules anarchy server. they can be a lot of fun.
  17. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    The config and options for the mod are the easy part. The question at hand is whether towny is a more viable option relative to Golden Shovel.

    This is the config details on taxes, not as straight forward as stated in this thread and highly configurable:

    # Enables taxes to be collected daily by town/nation
    # If a town can't pay it's tax then it is kicked from the nation.
    # if a resident can't pay his plot tax he loses his plot.
    # if a resident can't pay his town tax then he is kicked from the town.
    # if a town or nation fails to pay it's upkeep it is deleted.
    # Maximum tax amount allowed when using flat taxes
    # maximum tax percentage allowed when taxing by percentages
    # The server's daily charge on each nation. If a nation fails to pay this upkeep
    # all of it's member town are kicked and the Nation is removed.
    # The server's daily charge on each town. If a town fails to pay this upkeep
    # all of it's residents are kicked and the town is removed.
    # Uses total amount of owned plots to determine upkeep instead of the town level (Number of residents)
    # calculated by (number of claimed plots X price_town_upkeep).
    # If enabled and you set a negative upkeep for the town
    # any funds the town gains via upkeep at a new day
    # will be shared out between the plot owners.

    If you are interested in the full config file for clarification:

    Click Here

    Again, to reiterate, the poll is about which protection plug-in, not about the settings in the config. So for those worried about taxes, vote as if that setting was disabled, etc. This is a long process and wouldn't happen over night even if it was decided. After this decision comes the settings and if that doesn't work out, then no worries, it doesn't work out. :)
  18. _sivi

    _sivi Member

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    1:59 AM
    I have a different idea, maybe for one of the B-Team servers, since you have 2 servers. The idea is to make PVP server for people who would like to make use of the weapons from this mod pack, and have a factions system setup for protection.

    P.S. I vote Yes for the Towny.
    Last edited: May 14, 2014
  19. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    I am liking the brainstorming of the community guys! Some great ideas and very valid points in here. As this poll comes to a close and we see the general consensus of Towny, what are some other options or ideas along these lines to help the community work together?
  20. TheUnderTaker11

    TheUnderTaker11 New Member

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    7:59 PM
    i honestly would not like towny at all, one reason i loved this server was because it used a differnt plugin than towny, a much better one if you ask me, towny needs other people to get more claimblocks, which i really hate because i like to live alone, and have more than 1 base which towny also stops from being possible because there is only outpost if they are allowed, and thats 1 claim block and not another home base itself. I say a big fat NO to towny.
    leoj888, MrRoooo and Decnav like this.
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