Done Problems involving Matter Overdrive removal

Discussion in 'Horizons Daybreaker' started by FlareArrow, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. FlareArrow

    FlareArrow Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    3:43 AM
    At the time it was being discussed, I was informed that, after testing, an android player would not be corrupted after the removal of the mod.

    Well, to make a long story short, I'm having a few issues following this change.

    As you can see, following this change, I'm still an android and still experiencing android effects (Power draw, heightened speed, sinking in water, ect). However there's one primary issue in all of this. I have no health bar. Instead, I only have an discoloured and transparent armour bar where health is meant to be.

    As well, I still have access to my still present android and weapons stations, though my character model seems to glitch up when in the former. I would make a ticket, but I still can't access the ticket site. I really need to talk to my ISP about that one...
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    10:43 AM
    The mod got not removed it got updated
  3. FlareArrow

    FlareArrow Well-Known Member

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    3:43 AM
    Aww... Well crap, I'm still stuck without a health bar, then.

    Closing thread and consulting the mod author.

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