Bringing Pixelmon Back!

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by BuildnBreakz, Oct 3, 2015.

  1. BuildnBreakz

    BuildnBreakz Active Member

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    11:22 PM
    Dear all fellow modded Minecraft players. Lately Pixelmon has been in the slums lately. In the way that no one is playing it. It just got old. But my friend and I feel like we have an idea that will popularize Pixelmon again. We were thinking that we would create a team called Team Aqua from the original Pokemon games. The idea came from the player ErrorlessError. But then we thought it could go farther then creating just a team. We thought many players could come together and form there own teams. Some teams like Team Magma or Team Plasma. Once all teams are made each week at a certain set time all the teams would come together and battle. There also could be more gyms added related to the teams. Maybe even minigames. Now I have created a teamspeak channel where we can all talk about this idea even more. Your recommendations are always needed and respected.
  2. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    I would have to say the reason for this is other modded minecraft types are much, much more popular and that pixelmon is just a one off thing...
  3. BuildnBreakz

    BuildnBreakz Active Member

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    11:22 PM
    I agree. But if we added more server only features it could help the servers popularity and the modpack could become popular again. Many players from the original pixelmon would hop back on then in like a month it would return to normal
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    probably not, their probably more intrested in packs like ferret atm
  5. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    6:22 AM
    I mentioned this to you Ingame but Ill say it here also.
    I feel that Pixelmon might not be re-incarnated unless God himself logs on and strikes the server with his almighty fury, reason being is that when it WAS a slightly bigger server, player would exploit the "upped" chances of Legendary spawn rate and get all of them they wanted, taking the whole :adventure" out of the game. So due to this, I feel this Idea wont get enough support to go ahead..
  6. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    6:22 AM
    From my understanding its @Mijikai who is meant to do this ;)
  7. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    1:22 AM
    Pixelmon had various things planned for it. Then just died.
  8. BuildnBreakz

    BuildnBreakz Active Member

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    Local Time:
    11:22 PM

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