Crash server rant

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by egons_ghost, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. egons_ghost

    egons_ghost Build Team

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    9:45 PM
    Ok Peeps i have a little somethin somethin to get off my chest here goes.

    We have approx 61 users on the Crash Landing server and of those users i would say 10 have donated to a great server and approximatly 10% of the remaining are wanting to donate that leaves a massive margin for NEW users to come on and witness what a great community we have and most of us are willing to answer questions at a reasonable rate. The staff here are also resonable to a point. When this server crashes (And it does Crash) we as a community come together and wait patiently on the TS channel or in the lobby by playing the games they provide.
    I was provided by staff that we are NOT to bother higher staff with information about the server or spam artists that come on just to spam the **** out of chat. Ok, that leaves me with the lower staff that are providing us information so we may direct our question and comments to the proper places so that they may be answered to the best of their ability.

    The server crashed today (this evening i am in Canada 10:47pm) I got onto TS to report that the server crashed so that we can get it up as quick as possible so we do not miss out on the potencial 12% of NEW players that come on in the evenings to try new servers.

    This is what became of the result of caring about OUR server:
    <22:52:59> "Egonsghost": Can you reboot the CL server please it crashed.
    <22:53:38> "Kutao217": I do not have that ability but you can ask an admin
    <22:54:49> "Egonsghost": Unfortunatly i cannot , i got in **** last time i bothered one of them. they told me i was suppose to follow procedure and report crashes to Moderators. Sorry to bother
    <22:55:42> "Kutao217": It's fine. Put in a ticket or forum post and that will help get you the help you need
    <22:57:05> "Egonsghost": What really? so you want me to post a ticket to report the server crashes on a public forum that new and potencial donators will see? lol oh ok

    Honestly are the users sounding more caring then our own moderators do because we actually play on here. What procedure do we have to go by to CARE?

    ~end of rant & apologies~
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2015
  2. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    2:45 AM
    Firstly the vulgar language should have been cut from that log,
    Secondly, while we appreciate your worry about the server staff are constantly working on fixing situations like this BUT if no one reports them using the specific way needed to report issues like TPS drops, they will not know about the issue and therefore cannot help you. Please in the future use /ticket as majority of the time you will get a faster response.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  3. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    spoken like a staff member asguard, however you and many other staff members DO tell us to use /ticket even when the servers crash or we can't get online, kind of gets to be one of those things where you look at your keyboard and run your hands along your face in frustration, also the swearing should not have been cut, but it SHOULD have been censored, as if the staff member who was in this convorsation saw this post he could accuse the user of lying or not including the whole conversation ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1446542084][/DOUBLEPOST]#minirant
  4. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    I understand your point here, but as a previous admin of MyM myself I can inform you that staff are 100% aware and fixing server crashes as soon as they happen. Depending on the type of crash or what caused it, it can take longer to fix. In a case where you think -You- are the one crashing the server then a ticket/forum post would be beneficial to solving the issue as some crash reports can be less helpful than others. This is also the same cause for TPS, reporting it is a good way for staff to be aware of the issues. I apologise on behalf of the staff if any problems arose, but I hope this reassures you of any negative thoughts you have had previously.
  5. egons_ghost

    egons_ghost Build Team

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    Thank you for the responses i appreciate them more when you are honest. I am always promoting the server and website whenever i can and one of my mates on here (Brilo2006) has also donated to a good server.
    My problem is the procedure of informing the "server is down" which would take a quick get on TS and a quick post to a MOD to say "hey the server is down or crashed" and it be welcomed as a friendly fyi. Not a please post on a public forum for all new users and potencial new donators to see.

    Maniacal_Asguard - I do not edit a post so everyone can see the truth, if it offends you i apologize. /ticket does jack and takes usually 12hrs for them to delete the ticket with no response to us as users. Although i would love to use /ticket or /modreq none of which are responded too. It feels as though it falls onto deaf ears. However it is easier to log into TS and just say "Hey btw the Crash landing or whatever server is down can ya do something to repair it please. A response of "thanks for the info or fyi" or "yeah we are working on it" is so much easier.

    Edited my swearing sorry
  6. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Hey egons_ghost,
    Sorry about whats happened. But I can assure you that we are as fast as we can to fixing crashes. When a server crashes it reports a crash log to our staff slack, Which notifies anyone who is part of it Mainly Sr.Mods upwards, With various other staff members who are part of it. Some times it takes a little longer to fix crashes depending on what the cause is, We do our best to get it done in a timly manor for you, Anddont want to make your time on the server a bad one. Other then the time with the staff telling you to go to the forums, We have a procedure where the server needs to be down for 15mins before an admin looks into it, Due to our system rebooting roughly taking that long and the max. The crashes we normally wait until happens twice in case its just a one off, Which happens sometimes. (Well I do at least) If you have a complaint about certain staff members or players we have a whole section where you can submit these and it will be kept between Managers and Directors. You can find this here.
  7. gotbadgermilk

    gotbadgermilk New Member

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    I agree with egon. As just a normal player; there certainly feels like there is a lack of interest when there are issues or concerns. I just want to know that my voice is truly heard when spammers come on the server, or a fight breaks out in chat. this server has a solid community I don't want to see it fall apart because of lack of communication and lack of trust between players and staff. You have to be approachable or it isn't a community.
  8. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I want to thank you all for taking the time to come here and express your issues/concerns/comments in a mostly reasonable way. I wanted to take some time and respond to the ones I could. If I didn't cover something or you feel left out, just respond below and I'll be happy to address it. I'm at work so it might take some time to respond, but @JacaRoe and myself, along with the Founders and other staff are always open to addressing concerns and coming to a mutual understanding.

    First, thanks for editing the post =). /ticket and forum support requests are the main avenues to support here at MyM. Staff members and players both use them. If you EVER have a ticket closed with no response, shoot me a message. We review tickets and one should never be closed without a reason.
    Secondly I want to address the TS issue. TS is not an official support avenue. Players are free to talk with staff members, play with staff members, and request help via TS, but it's not a support avenue. Plenty of times I have referred players/staff to another staff member or the forum/tickets if I'm on TS and doing something else. This isn't meant in slight or anything else, I just have a short memory and if I don't have something to look back at for tracking purposes it gets lost.

    I'm not sure what you are referring to. If someone is spamming or anything else a /ticket or forum post takes care of it. Did I miss something more?

    Now to anyone in general. We are focused on the community as a whole and always try to make this the best place to play and hang out. If you ever feel you are treated unfairly by a staff member or player, please use the Player/Staff complaint section of the forums. That's what they are there for =).
    JacaRoe, alfiealfie and Chetwynd like this.
  9. gotbadgermilk

    gotbadgermilk New Member

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    Yes, you missed everything I said. its not about the "problem"/s. It's all about communication, and the ease of contact with staff.
  10. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    I fail to see any points in it not being easy to contact them. Maybe I'm missing it, your complaint seems to be that they redirect you if busy to a ticket/forum thread which is the correct process.
    As far as communication I'm not sure what you are looking for here? We make the server status page that we use internally available to you in terms of communicating. Network wide outages/issues are almost always reported quickly on the forum.

    I'd love to hear your ideas/suggestions to improve.
    alfiealfie likes this.
  11. gotbadgermilk

    gotbadgermilk New Member

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    Im done. this whole thread is about how the "correct process" isn't doing anything productive when help is needed immediately. This process is slow, and can be overlooked/disregard quit easily. My suggestion? staff to be accessible on ts just as much as /ticket. hire one on thats sole purpose is to be accessible from ts for quick responses. suggestion 2 server specific staff. As i said, I'm done with this thread; I'm not coming back to it. As obviously everything i type seems to be over your head. context is king.
  12. egons_ghost

    egons_ghost Build Team

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    This was not my point of this rant. I understand the staff are in protection mode right now and I am very sorry for putting you there as I didnt mean to imply that you are not doing your jobs right now and for that assumption I am very very SORRY. The staff on here have always been curtious and helpful when it came to server issues and again I am SORRY for anyone to Assume this is a Staff bash post but IT IS NOT!

    If we have someone spamming in chat or an argument breaks out or someone comes on to stickly spam the chat with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and counting to 50 or we have players that test the swear filter constantly it would be helpful as a user to NOT get a please make a /ticket response rather then just logging into the server and taking care of the issue.

    Its also nice to have staff on there to help us users from spammers or other basic questions. Meaning We have a spammer come on the chat right /ticket is not going to clear asap its going to sit in an inbox till its looked at then addressed . When it could be easy to ask staff to mute the spammer so that other or new users when asking for help dont have to scroll up to get the answer that has clearly gone off the chat box.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2015
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    IF you are having problems with a player, screenshot it and report them via forums, it's fairly simple, then ask a staff member to check out the report, simple as that!
    LucidTheStick likes this.
  14. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Again, staff are not always free. Screenshot and report as Chugga said accomplishes the end goal of punishing the offending party. Staff are volunteers and are not at every moment able to stop what they are doing, spend up to 10 minutes loading a modpack, then the event is over and no action for them to take. When a ticket or forum post with a screenshot or some evidence will be actionable.
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I feel like the expectations are way out of bounds. All staff are volunteers and players like you. Maybe it is time for you to apply and babysit the teamspeak and one of the servers 24/7. Being to every players disposal all the time.
    To get towards your expectations it would require professional dedicated and trained full time support personal (not just one). If you have 10-20k lying around each month and would like to hire some for the community, contact me :p
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2015
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    How can we improve the system to reduce downtime? I'm a little at a loss on this.
    To give you my everyday, regarding this.
    First thing, even before taking care of clients/checking e-mails is to open the server status page and taking care of everything that is either down or having major performance issues. While the day continues the site is open all the time on another monitor, always next to sight. Whenever I have a break of thinking, waiting on a process to finish or switching to another task, I give the site a look and take care of the issues appearing as soon as possible. On top of this we have an alert system where all the server crashes are being sent to and give alerts. The first alert of a kind I ignore when busy, so I don't have to put in a break in work to take care of something that is in ~40% of the cases a one time thing or being taken care of by someone else. If it appears a second or third time, I put the work "which pays my living" on hold to get it sorted. Now sorting it can be a 30 second to multiple hour job. So as long as the computer is running which is normally +10 hours a day I'm almost always on top of it, watching the servers while working.
    This is just my story, but the thing is, if you or another staff contacts me about this, I'm normally already aware of it, as before I check any messages from staff and players, I check the server status.
    Chetwynd, Ash00182 and ItsNora_ like this.
  17. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    Both lucid and slind made excellent points, so I'll just provide some background for this:
    No, I asked you if you had put in a ticket or a complaint on the forums. When you replied no, I requested that you put in a /ticket, as I was in the "Other Games" section of TS, in the middle of a game (Not in minecraft) and at that point had not even installed any of my MyM stuff to this laptop - including certain security measures that would PREVENT me from doing anything in the backend. In other words, there was nothing I -COULD- do at that point (Thus my referring you to the ticket system). If I failed to convey the exact circumstances of my private activities to you, I apologize, however, I was right in the middle of something and somewhat distracted. And as this was one of MANY instances when you have directly messaged staff members (I personally have had at least 4 private requests for support from you, and I'm certain I'm not the only one) about support issues, I informed you that the ticket system/forums are the primary support channels - NOT Teamspeak. I do believe I asked you quite politely to put in a ticket and that direct messaging of staff was hit and miss.

    However, when you blasted me and the network for not dropping everything in my life at that exact moment to immediately come and help you - you seriously crossed a line that almost got you banned from the Teamspeak server. Being aggressive/insulting to the people you're asking for help is NOT conducive to getting the help you need - no matter how frustrated you may be.

    Communication goes both ways - And the ticket system/forums is the SINGLE most effective way to communicate your problem to the entire staff group. Going to one guy, and then giving up if he's in the middle of something, or starting a fight with him about how the support system works, is not effective communication.
  18. egons_ghost

    egons_ghost Build Team

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    /ticket system it is then.

    - Wow, again i assumed that when Staff are on the TS channel it is to provide support when asked.
    - Again i profoundly thought after talking to you MrWisski about the MOD itself and how we can repair the questbooks and how we could improve the server was only a strive to support your awesome server which are hard to come by nowadays and that you could offer your professional and friendly help when needed. I was wrong sorry. I honestly thought we were on a much different level of friends then what is the actual fact.
    - I didnt realize that when staff are on that we would still go through the /ticket system.
    - I again assumed that you would like users to be going to you as things happen and to not deal with a fresh problem on the spot.
    - I again humbly apologize to staff this was NOT to be taken out of context and more of a frustration Rant.

    Slind - Yes i do have 20k did the server need a loan? some of us retired early and somethings are just worth fighting for i guess.

    For now on i will do a /ticket for everything and not put staff out. Sorry to inconvienence and waste your time reading this.

    I apparently did something I didn't want to do and for that i am sooo sorry but on a side note i don't make the same mistake twice. This wont happen again.
  19. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    wait, you have 20k that you can give out MONTHLY? no social security that i know of or pension gives that much unless you were retiring as a CEO, why would you assume staff are on the TS channel other than to provide support when asked? the TS requirement for staff was removed ages ago, and ofc it'd go through the ticket system anyway, everything needs documentation no?
    Ash00182 likes this.
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Staff are players that volunteer some of their time to help keep the network running and manage the community. They play most of the time and when they get on teamspeak most of the time it is as a player. If we would expect staff to be in a 100% supporter role while on ts you would hardly see any staff on, like it was a year ago.
    I don't see an issue with contacting staff on TS and I would even recommend it, but if they say that they are busy with something else at the time, we should respect it, else we risk of them not using TS at all.
    Would you get on TS when you are playing another game (e.g. csgo ranked game, lol ranked game.. to put extreme), are absorbed by a setup not working.. when you would be required to stop what you are doing whenever some asks for help.
    This is also kinda the reason why you only see me once a week on teamspeak, next to it being a big distraction. I do not like telling that I'm busy otherwise and often needing to explain that. When I'm on ts, I get nothing done as I can't focus on work for half an hour without being interrupted by a private message and a like.

    How can we make this more clear and better understandable?

    Btw. if you like, you can apply for staff, get a feeling on how things work and maybe you are able to come up with something that could improve this entire topic without a major cost.

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