Possible Fix for TPS and Server Problems (admins please read)

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by popetim, Nov 8, 2015.

  1. popetim

    popetim Well-Known Member

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    The server problems seem to be due to persistent items in the server memory. Minecraft and modded minecraft in particular are not optimized to make efficient use of memory. Basically, they do not automatically clear out unused memory locations in a timely fashion. The following link is a detailed guide on how to setup JVM arguments on both client and server side to troubleshoot these problems.

    Optimising Your Minecraft: Jvm Arguments | Xeal Gaming Minecraft Network - Crafting Bonds

    The server hardware should not be a problem. It is very capable. I've seen much smaller servers work better with more players and more mods.
  2. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    The servers that run the modpack are providing more than enough ram and everything else to the servers. The main issue is when it gets to a pack having a world for this amount of time, the bases and setups on certain bases start causing the lag. There is also multiple other things that could potentially cause the lag
    Chetwynd likes this.
  3. popetim

    popetim Well-Known Member

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    I've heard that the Tardis dimensions are persistent and this modpack has over 50 open worlds. That could be taking a huge amount of system resources from the server. Is there any truth to this?[DOUBLEPOST=1447042317,1447040367][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I don't think you understood the intent of my post. It doesn't matter how many resources Ram, etc you throw at this modpack. If the Java is left as default on the server it will make poor use of the processing power and ram.
  4. theMineMaster2

    theMineMaster2 New Member

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    I'm going to supply some other ideas:

    1. Have the server restart every 2.5 hrs instead of the current... 10 or something.
    2. Trigger a restart whenever the server drops to 10 TPS. (preferably with a warning timer and a set period before server restarts again)
    3. Instead of a restart (for above) instead cause a force chunk unload in all unpopulated (no players present) chunks.

    The TPS drop seems to happen whenever the server's just been on too long, so more restarts or force unloading (is this feasible/practical/safe? Would it work?) looks to be a good way to prevent it.
    JakeHillKing likes this.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    those were discussed and rejected, except #3, that happens automatically very often
  6. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    I dont know who told you it was the tardis dimension, but its not. I have stated multiple times that its based on the map and random items.
  7. theMineMaster2

    theMineMaster2 New Member

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    And if said map or items aren't currently in loaded chunks (because of force unloading: shouldn't this cancel chunkloaders?) then why does it happen? (I don't want to come across as rude; I'm just asking.)

    Regardless, I hope we can find something that fixes the problem without a server reset.
  8. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Restart time reduced to 4 hours from 6 hours for now.
    Also if there are any performance issues please send us a message on our public support channel as this is the first place we read it.
  9. JakeHillKing

    JakeHillKing Active Member

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    where would the public support be located at?
  10. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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  11. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    Minion stated this when he looked into it. The Tardis is causing the dimensions to stay open when nobody is present. Please post any relivant information proving your facts before shutting down someone's proven facts. Because I don't know who told you it was "the map and random items"

    Lastly, as for restarts, they DO NOT fix anything . The server will lag, and restart with all of those chunks, and continue to lag. The only time it stops lagging is when the server crashes. Everyone seems to think that restarting the server is the solution but it has been stated across the board that it doesn't do anything.

    **Edit: Restarts do more than nothing at least. But everything else still causes the server to come back up lagging.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2015
  12. profrags

    profrags Well-Known Member

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    This thread was left to die a month ago ;-; y u gotta bring it bak to lyf q.q
  13. I_The_Sloth

    I_The_Sloth New Member

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    Because the issue is NOT dead. It is still very present on the server and this discussion should be continued until it is hashed out and resolved.
  14. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Restarts and crashes are the same thing just one is without a world save first. Modded minecraft is inherently laggy by the poor choice to use a single thread structure when they developed it. We try many things to offset the poor coding of mod authors and the design of MC as a whole. However the fact remains that it's up to the players to build correctly and efficiently as chuck load/unload from large bases, along with heavy amounts of block/tile ent interactions eats CPU cycles.
    BookerTheGeek and profrags like this.
  15. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    i have to come to defence of mod devs here they are trying to keep there mods as laggless as possible it is mainly mojangs fault for using java for minecraft why do you think most games are in some form of C,C+,C++ bacause these allow use of multiple therads and are the better programming type so lets not blame the staff or mods lets blame mojang
  16. M1NN10N

    M1NN10N Well-Known Member

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    Since the microsoft buy out they have stated they are going away from java.
  17. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    you do realize, that java is a Csuite language, right? i don't think you do... do you? also, it's C++ and C# get it right, there's C, C++, C++++, and java, there's more i'm sure, but you shouldn't make claims that are completely false
  18. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    it not false tbh no one uses java for games for a reason[DOUBLEPOST=1450851078,1450850355][/DOUBLEPOST]http://snag.gy/VG2ZZ.jpg
    just saying Strongly influenced by C++/C syntax not the same
  19. Kutao217

    Kutao217 New Member

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    With the amount of time GS has been up and the players being active it will be laggy. They only way you will get some sort of perfection would be to reset GS in it's entirety. I'm sure a lot of the players would not like that at all, but I could be wrong.
  20. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I don't think Java is the problem. The problem is more that Java is the easier language to get into, since you don't need to understand most of hardware things (memory management etc) that an average C++ programmer must understand to keep his programs stable at all. If I write bad programs in C++, they will eventually crash, so I have to figure out how efficient algorithms work, what happens to my memory etc. In Java you can just write something and eventually the garbage collector cleans up behind you. (i am exaggerating a bit here)

    Of course not every java programmer is a bad programmer. Probably most aren't. But the easier access to programming, that more highlevel or abstract modern languages offer, also produces a lot of programmers that don't know anymore how the machine works, where their program is running on. That is why I recommend any programmer to still look into languages like C++, C or even assembler, to get a understanding how these things work and automatically get a better intuition how to write more efficient code.

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