Done java crashes when entering server

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by PippinSmith, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. PippinSmith

    PippinSmith New Member

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    6:16 AM
    when I log into infinity evolved (node 1) my client crashes when I move my view or when I try to teleport to either home or spawn, got 5 crashes so far.
    latest crash log:
    anyone know what this error is and what causes it?
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:16 AM
    Are you at your base or a random location? If at base, what were the last things that happened there before the issue?
    I assume you can login to any other infinity node just fine, don't you?
  3. PippinSmith

    PippinSmith New Member

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    actually, this only happens at spawn, when I log in I get a 10-20 seconds to do /rt or /home to get away, _Chetwynd_ told me he has a similar issue with the spawn on normal infinity, haven't tested myself though on other nodes..
  4. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    5:16 AM
    I do have this issue on normal Infinty and also Ferret.[DOUBLEPOST=1447099824][/DOUBLEPOST]Only happens at spawn and I have a second chance to type /rt to get away from spawn and I dont crash.
  5. elbite

    elbite New Member

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    6:16 AM
    Hello Pippin

    You have an "ig7icd64.dll" in your Minecraft crash log: it seems people are having this kind of issues running Minecraft 1.7+ with an Intel on-board Graphics.

    I've searched for other people on the Internet having the same issue of yours and found these solutions:

    Update your graphics card drivers
    downgrade to Java 1.7

    if you have another GPU in your computer (laptop?), try running Minecraft with something other than the integrated graphics card (right mouse button on the launcher --> Run With... --> [something other than "integrated"]).

    Hope it helps, bye!


    If this happens only on that server and/or only at spawn, I can be wrong... I don't know, I hope you all will fix it anyway ! :)
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  6. PippinSmith

    PippinSmith New Member

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    6:16 AM
    Java 1.7, no please..
    NVIDIA GeForce GT740M? Will do! thanks for the call ;)
  7. PippinSmith

    PippinSmith New Member

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    Okay, so, that didn't solve the issue, I guess I need to update my Nvidia driver?
    -Edit- well, I didn't use my Nvidia, trying to set it to default for the launcher apparently failed, trying again
    -Edit2- seems I'll have to manually select my other GPU every time I run the launcher, gonna see if there's a way to batch that..
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  8. elbite

    elbite New Member

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    I don't own a laptop but just asked to John_Frog: he selects an .exe file (MyM launcher), then "Run with graphics processor" (or something like that; sorry, I'm translating from Italian), then "Change the default graphics processor": you will finally have the NVIDIA controlo panel opened: in the "Manage the 3D settings" section make sure to select the Java's exe computer path such as c:\program files ["program files x86" - if your Java is not 64 bit]\java\jre.\bin\java.exe (see the first red circle I've drawn in the picture) and below "High performance NVIDIA Graphics processor" as a "default graphics processor for that programme" (see the second red circles I've drawn in the picture).

    "IF" your problem is related to Intel graphics drivers as it seems (I've searched the Internet very much and it seems several people having your same issue), you must be done and fixed. I hope so!

    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  9. PippinSmith

    PippinSmith New Member

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    well, yea, I tried selecting the mym launcher in that control panel but it just throws an error when trying to click apply, I could indeed set java to my NVIDIA GPU, haven't tested if it resolves the problem though (cause liteloader took about 10 times longer than usual to launch, not sure if it's related with running with my other gpu)
  10. elbite

    elbite New Member

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    6:16 AM
    Ok, you have set java to your NVIDIA GPU in that control panel[*]: that's a "global" setting for any java application, regardless of the Minecraft launcher you will use.

    Now, try normally running Minecraft from the MyM launcher (by double clicking the MyM icon as usual), join the Server and see if all ok and no crashes: if you succeed, it really means that the cause of the frequent crashes is you Intel integrated Graphic Adapter (or its drivers), as many reported.

    [*]PS: Only if you have multiple versions of Java installed on your computer: make sure that you have selected the right java.exe version actually used by Minecraft (version: JRE 1.8.0_20 ----- in the C:\Program Files\...... folder? ----You are using a 64 bit java for Minecraft, right? -----I'm reading your crash log), otherwise the NVIDIA GPU will not automatically run with Minecraft because affecting "another" java.exe and not the right one used by Minecraft itself.

    In any case, NVIDIA GeForce GT740M is better than the integrated Intel Graphics adapter, I don't know why running liteloader took far longer... Use the MyM launcher, and always let the "Download modpack updates" ticked: yesterday I hadn't updated and my Minecraft suddenly kept on crashing after I had joined the Infinity Server...
  11. PippinSmith

    PippinSmith New Member

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    Issue did get resolved by using NVIDIA GPU, will set java to my NVIDIA later, though, last time I tried doing that (when playing tolkiencraft) it borked up my video driver and bluescreened my pc, but well, haven't had that problem again since then..[DOUBLEPOST=1447256896,1447253021][/DOUBLEPOST]yep, minecraft now takes 30 minutes to load instead of 5, but I don't mind, waiting is something I'm used to, and I could remove the liteloader mods, true, but tabbychat is just way too awesome :p
  12. elbite

    elbite New Member

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    Lol, I'm not so patient as you...
    Anyway, proved that it's a video acceleration issue, if you'll ever want to try to come back to the Intel Graphics Adapter, I would try to update its integrated Intel Graphics Adapter drivers (as written in my first post, some people fixed the issue in that way), but it can be difficult to find new and proper ones (pay a look on your laptop manufacturer's web site, especially if they provide OEM drivers). - - - And... on the other side, even if keeping on using the NVIDIA GPU, I would update the NVIDIA drivers too: it may speed up, fix or reset some bad (Open GL?) settings that make your Minecraft take ages to start. Hope all well!
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2015
  13. PippinSmith

    PippinSmith New Member

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    6:16 AM
    Yea, probably, will do that when I update to windows 10 though, need to sort out some stuff, gonna completely wipe my computer in the process, so I'll need backups and stuffs...

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