Twilight Forest Spawners

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by BookerTheGeek, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    1:27 AM
    Just a thought, May we please include the normal Twilight forest mobs in the list of spawners for donator to be able to change to? This is mainly to include ones that spawn in the twilight and are able to be easily found.

    • Maze slime
    • Carminite Ghastling
    • Carminite Golem
    • Minotaur
    • Helmet Crab
    • Lower Goblin Knight
    I did not include mobs with an overworld counterpart.
    Zxirl likes this.
  2. BALoney2012

    BALoney2012 Well-Known Member

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    Can't you just fly over to twilght tower and use diamond dolly on them? (or draconic tools but <-- is easier) Edit : I meant for carminite ghastling and carminite golem. I don't know if the other ones come in spawner in world gen.
  3. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    1:27 AM
    maybe Enderman and Blaze? especially blaze
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    6:27 AM
    To clarify, this proposed change is not really about increasing what donors get, it is about compensating for the lack of access to Twilight Forest mobs due to TF being permanently disabled for the foreseeable future due to the strain that that dimension caused on the tps with even just one player there.

    This was just one of the ideas that me and Booker were discussing on TS earlier, though I think we are actually leaning more towards the idea of making the spawn eggs for all (non-boss) TF mobs craftable now instead so that non-donors would have access to them as well.

    My current idea is a recipe that would require a Fallen Kanade from botania, a weak/awakened activation crystal from blood magic, two brews of raising/flowing spirit from witchery and two balanced shards/primal charms from thaumcraft depending on which mode you are playing on, as well as an egg and 2 items specific to the type of mob, so for example the recipe to make a bunny spawn egg would be:
    Yorinar likes this.
  5. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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  6. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    11:27 PM
    Only think I'd be worried about is if you make a bunch of passive animals, how soon would they disappear? I've had so many horses disappear on me already.
  7. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Well you would only really need to make a single spawn egg cause then you can capture it in a safari net and autospawn as many of them as you want whenever you want.
  8. ladyabby

    ladyabby New Member

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    1:27 AM
    I would love this sever even more if this was some how added! (free bunnies for everyone) :D
  9. DizzyRonson

    DizzyRonson Well-Known Member

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    7:27 AM
    the problem i see might come from the spawn egg idea is the mob limit.. wich will cause new spawns no not happen at all. so then someone could potentially end up wasting their newly crafted egg. i dont know for sure if this would affect spawn egg spawning but i do see alot of spawning issues on infinity from time to time..
    Zxirl likes this.
  10. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    I would really like to have access to the carminite ghastlings. Why? I like to keep my mob grinders small, but extremely efficient. Sadly, there is no way for me to do that with normal ghasts because they are just so big. The baby ghasts from TF are perfect for mob spawners!

    Hope to see some responses on this :D!
    chaosblad3 and Adrianfish like this.
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    6:27 AM
    The mob limit would indeed potentially stop a mob from spawning when using a spawn egg, but it would be very easy for me to add a tool tip to the crafted egg warning people to make sure they're in an area without too many mobs nearby before using it, so then it falls to the player to make sure they follow that advice if they don't want to risk wasting it.
  12. Yorinar

    Yorinar Well-Known Member

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    2:27 AM
    Great idea, and the expert recipe seems appropriate. Normal mode might be a bit much since it pulls in stuff from so many mods in the way that expert does. It breaks the normal mode pattern of not forcing you to diversify if you don't want to.. Perhaps if there were alternate recipes. It's just a single mob after all, one which would be easy to come across if we could access Twizzle Forest, so I think the normal recipe should be merely "not cheap" instead of having to figure out 3 different mods' mid-games.

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