Ever since the update to the new version of infinity I and several other players are getting kicked with internal server errors when trying to access our enderstorage chests or pouches for the first time after every server restart.. after the first kick the issue seems to clear and then the chest/pouch can be accessed safely again, but only until the next server restart and then it happens again.
Just want to say that every time I open an ender chest I get the same error and kicked from the server, when I log back in the ender chest remain open "Visually". Seems to only happen with private ender chests for me. After the kick I'm able to rejoin right away, just thought I give my input Edit 1: - This has occurred since the Mod pack updated to 2.1.x.
IE2 Has restarted twice since the possible fix was implemented. Its nothing major, just thought it was worth mentioning.
I think it only happens to people who had already set up a private enderchest before the update, anyone who creates one after seems to be okay. When I get back from work I'm going to try emptying mine and then setting it to a new color code to see if that makes any difference.
Hmm, I'll have a mess around with it later on tonight when I get back in from Uni, and see if anything has changed. I'll give that a try,