Done Market Economy on Infinity Evolved - Expert.

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Ralph_Anthony, Nov 17, 2015.

  1. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Infinity Evolved Expert is different from many mod packs in that the mods are intertwined heavily. For this server and this server only I would recommend that all but absolute end game items be allowed in the market. Items needed for cross-mod crafting would be encouraged to be traded in the market.

    That way player can sell need items from mods they like and buy items from mods that they do not like playing. The more the mod is annoying the more the items from that mod will sell for.

    For example I like Botania and Thaumcraft, but do not enjoy Witchery and Blood Magic. To progress to Infusion I need a gem from Witchery and Runes from Botany than need Blood Magic items to progress. I would love to buy the blood magic items i need and sell the runes someone may want to progress in there choices.

    While yes I could do this myself or with a group, but I do not like being forced to do so. This mod pack unlike many others has all the elements needed for a great economy.

    The normal (non-Expert) with in-mod progression should remain with current restrictions.
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    This kind of goes completely against the wishes of the pack creators though, the whole point of Expert mode is that it FORCES you to progress through various different mods whether you like them or not, being able to just trade those important resources and recipe components allows you to bypass all of that.. if you didn't want to play that way then you would probably have been better off playing on the normal mode, but if you choose to play Expert mode then you need to be prepared to use mods that you normally wouldn't bother with in order to progress to the endgame of the mods you do like.

    Just an example, but last night I was crafting Draconic Armour, which requires Void Metal ingots to craft the awakened cores, now not only does Void Metal come from Thaumcraft, a mod that I passionately hate, but it is actually gated behind Eldritch research so not only would I have to progress through a sizeable portion of Thaumcraft to make it, but also take a huge dose of Warp in the process!

    So yeah, I may have had to go a little insane to do it, but I now have a full set of Draconic, and tbh I've made Draconic on two previous Infinity servers, but it has never felt as rewarding when I finally had it crafted as it did last night, and all because of how much more work it took to make it ;)
    Bennyboy1695, ItsNora_ and Ash00182 like this.
  3. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    That is bypassed already by people working together, This is a server, people work together. Trading helps the players work together as a community.

    You made the armor without help of any other player? Then why not play single-player?

    You always have the option not to use the market.
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Actually I did have some help from my base partner Maelstrom, as he was the one who actually did the Thaumcraft research while I was doing various other stuff to progress our base...

    That is the key distinction here though, you ARE allowed to share the responsibility for all the different mod progression with your teammates, but ONLY with your teammates or people that you're friends with, you should not be trying to share that responsibility with the entire server, especially by trying to buy and sell the restricted resources/components on an open market.. that is not "working together" that is just buying your way to end-game which as you should know by now is something that we have always been heavily against, especially on heavily progression based packs like IE expert mode.

    Basically what it comes down to is this, if you don't want to progress down a certain mod, then you need to convince a friend/teammate to do that progression for you.. don't just expect to be able to buy the components you need from the market, as that is not what we want the market used for.
  5. PoorlySquare080

    PoorlySquare080 Well-Known Member

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    so those of us without 4 or 5 friends/team mates are outta luck basically :(
  6. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    Im my opinion, due to the progressive nature of the pack it should have the market disabled and should function mostly like regrowth.
    BookerTheGeek, Zxirl and chaosblad3 like this.
  7. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    That is EXACTLY what the market does. I will help any one out, if they pay me the price I want in the market for the item.

    With not an active market, there is a major difference in the progression between a team working together and someone out on the own. That was noticeable in Regrowth. A group of 6 would get through the content in a day, every task yielded 6x rewards.

    As for this is not what the creator envisioned, that is true Infinity was designed for single small player groups. However this pack it one of the few that really would benefit in letting people specialize on the things they like, yet provide a service to the server as a whole and have need things from the other players. Being max out in everything is great, but then why keep playing.

    Some people like resource gathering, some people like farming, some like automating process, You would not have to do everything. The server is far more fun when people interact with others. While the market is there, likely there would also be a very lively trade channel if there was one.

    Infinity Evolved in Expert mode is one of the few packs that could actually pull off a good economy.
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2015
  8. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Again, I am not against the idea of you trading mid level items from one mod for items you need from another mod between people you regularly talk with in chat (even if not necessarily teammates), but NOT just buying and selling them via /market... that is an idea I will never support.

    Like you said, trading promotes community cooperation, but the market is not about cooperation at all, it is about selling what you have for myms and then using those myms to buy what you need from someone else later on, at no point is there any real cooperation between you and the person you are buying from or selling to, other than an automatic exchange of currency.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Hmm, i kinda agree with @Ralph_Anthony here. What about a 3rd standalone Expert server that has less trade restrictions.
    Leave it up to the players to decide what should not be on the market and if something like full sets of armor, Crafted machines or anything the players feel is too much to sell, let them report it and get it taken off or just tell the person selling it to get it removed.

    To say only teammate or "friends" can trade... kinda creates a black-market where players dont use the plug in, which causes "shady" deals to happen because they are not public.[DOUBLEPOST=1447732652][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I think it would be easier to regulate and monitor trading if players used the plug in.
  10. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Trading is a good way to meet other players, a trade channel may help, on some servers players shops work (mym prefers the market though).

    While player shops are great way to get people working, they also tend to be lag fests. A "fun" restriction would be only allow a player to sell things from a single mod. You want to be helpful to other players but not too helpful and get completion. This would keep shops focused and have a nice theme to work with to make your shop stand out.

    I have run successful shops on other minecraft servers, they only really worked on vanilla servers. This pack it really set up to have things you would want to buy, and when there are buyers sellers will provide. A good server economy is a great way to keep a server alive for a long time.

    While you see trading is a good thing for friends, I see it as a good way to find friends. That is one reason I am not a fan of the market, it is coldly efficient. I met many players on servers while running a shop. The conversation usually started "You out of ..... can you get more?"
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Use a forestry trade station, or IC2 trade-o-mat
    Lawmonark likes this.
  12. LadyRen13

    LadyRen13 Well-Known Member

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    As this issue seems to have been settled I am going to mark this as done. If you have any further issues please feel free to make a ticket or a new thread.

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