FTB utilities Guide Book Infinity evolved

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by The_Boo, Nov 22, 2015.

  1. The_Boo

    The_Boo Active Member

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    9:07 AM
    is there a reason that the guide book is not enabled here? it is really helpful in this pack for someone who is lost in the beginning.

    for those that dont know, with the latest update to infinity, a mod called FTB utilities was added which, among many other things, adds a guide book to help you get started in this crazy pack... it also adds options for claim blocks and world borders and other stuff(which might be the answer to my question since MYM already has its own global system to accomplish these things)

    but it would be cool, at least for new players, to be able to enable the guide book, even if the rest of the mod is disabled to us... i dont know if that can be taken care of server side or if client configs would need to be changed....

    the friends utility in this mod is pretty sweet too, especially for a decent sized SMP server like this one

    edit: talking about the expert nodes, of course
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2015
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    While you are right that we have no intention of replacing our claim and chunkloading systems with the ones from FTBU, sadly we were forced to disable the entire thing, guidebook and all as it was conflicting with some of our plugins and preventing anyone from connecting until we disabled it.

    The best thing I can suggest is load up a singleplayer world in expert mode and read the guidebook there, then return to the server when you've read what you needed to.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  3. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Its a shame that this mod is going to remain shadowed by plugins.
    I would love to be able to test it on a server, to see if it in fact protects everything in a players claim.
    One thing that bothers me about Grief Prevention is that storage Drawers are not safe... these drawers are amazing to use.. but not on the server since anyone can steal from them. Poor man ME systems can be made with these.
  4. The_Boo

    The_Boo Active Member

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    9:07 AM

    well a large chunk of the donor system is based around these plugins, so i can fully understand... i am currently using FTBU on my family's personal server, and while the claim system does protect against MOST things, there are still a few things that it doesnt... one is fire, anyone could bring something that shoots fire into your base and burn it to the ground... also explosions are either on or completely shut off, with MYM's plugins, you are still able to do the dragon heart ritual or AE2 singularities in your base without damage, but with FTBU you cannot...

    its still a very new mod with much room for improvement

    its sad that it messes with all the plugins... im sure turning off everything but the guidebook/friends list would work, but that is all client options(just looked at the configs for my personal server/modpack) so we would have to force everyone to use the mym launcher(still dont understand why we cant do that)..

    oh well... my question was answered... thanks chaos!!
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:07 PM
    The reason that the complete mod is disabled is not a plugin conflict. It's an issue in the mod which got reported here: #25 NPE Error - Players not able to join - Issues - FTB Utilities - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge

    If that issue is fixed we can reenable the mod but features like claiming will stay disabled as we have our own protection which protects more then this mod.

    The mod will not protect them either. I already created a small test mod few months ago which blocks interaction and you could still take items from the drawers.

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