So after having thought this out over the last few days. I am sorry to say that I will be leaving MyM, not forever just for quite some time. As I'm sure everyone can understand, everyone needs a new environment every once in awhile, and this is what I need right now. So I guess I'll leave a few thank you's under this to show m appreciation. @Bennyboy1695 I've known since the start and you have taught me how to do so many new things, all of which I am grateful for. @Mijikai The first memory I have talking to you was building the pixelmon server and you then giving out to me for crashing it using world edit... Sorry for that BTW @tonalom And @Mouro Both of you were what inspired me to become staff since seeing you two on the old skyfactory server. Thank you. @_Chetwynd_ We have had some good memories and hilarious chat on TS, none of which I can type here due to the server rating XD @Darkcrafter92 I remeber talking to you and aj on the old direwolf server and by God do I miss those times. Thank you. @Sassa87 You have helped me through the worst of times and I am so thankful for that I can't express in typing. Thank you is the least I can say. @Andorial @Kazeodori @GamrMom @Sandstroem I wish you all good luck on your staff travels and ask you to cherish every moment of them. I know you, andor, are not a junior mod (yet, hopefully) but I wish you good luck with everything you do. @PrincessJoice for some reason I can't tag you, probably have the name wrong. But I thank you for everything you have done. @BetaPetey We have had some good times my man, thank you. I wish you good luck on your adventures as staff or otherwise. @PippinSmith Well... I still have you on WhatsApp either way, thanks for the short time we've played together on MyM. Thank you. Also @_Cilo_ If you ever do come back, and by God I hope you do, thank you, from the bottom of my heart you taught me what I know and where to use it. Maybe, if you come back. You can smack some sense into some people To everyone else, I am dearly sorry if I have forgotten to tag you but thank you. All of you. This community is one of the best and I am sad to leave, but it is for the best. This is not goodbye, just... ....see ya later alligator
Mania ;-; why are you leaving me? i hope that you are happy on the community that you choosed this time!
Surprised I got tagged here. I wish you all the best on your journey and maybe if you find the time let us know where it led you.
.-. nooooo, who will like my irrational posts now, it'll be sad to see you go, and i DO hope you come back some day, with a massive sense of nostalgia and memories in hand, good luck