
Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Lawmonark, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

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    Local Time:
    10:49 PM
    Mariculture its not overkill it just add a nice way to breed fish and make others just think of it this way a a mod that is like bees but for fish
  2. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:49 AM
    Random things is in the pack, which has a spectral key that gives you a "secure" place.

    I am think about making a starter inventory of the following items.

    Spectral Key- Soul Bound
    Antique Atlas- is the packs "mini" map
    +the MyM normal starter gear

    This way players have a "safe" home as soon as they join. And are not overwhelmed if everyone is a lot stronger already.[DOUBLEPOST=1449378346][/DOUBLEPOST]
    I just dont want to confuse people.
    There will be many ways to catch fish, but some ways can only catch certain ones.
    I will look into adding Mariculture (possibly)[DOUBLEPOST=1449378704][/DOUBLEPOST]So guys, How is the world generation?

    Any "Ugly" biomes... or any biomes missing that you really liked?
    Here is the Config of what is enabled/disabled.

    biomes {
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Alps"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Alps Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Arctic"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Bamboo Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Bayou"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Bog"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Boreal Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Brushland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Canyon"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Canyon Ravine"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Chaparral"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Cherry Blossom Grove"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Coniferous Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Coral Reef"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Crag"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Dead Forest"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Dead Swamp"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Deciduous Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Dense Forest"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Eucalyptus Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Fen"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Flower Field"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Frost Forest"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Fungi Forest"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Garden"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Glacier"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Grassland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Grove"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Heathland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Highland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Jade Cliffs"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Kelp Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Land Of Lakes"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Land Of Lakes Marsh"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Lavender Fields"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Lush Desert"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Lush Swamp"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Mangrove"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Maple Woods"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Marsh"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Meadow"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Meadow Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Moor"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Mountain"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Mystic Grove"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Oasis"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Ominous Woods"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Orchard"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Origin Valley"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Outback"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Prairie"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Quagmire"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Rainforest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Redwood Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Sacred Springs"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Scrubland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Seasonal Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Seasonal Forest Clearing"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Shield"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Shrubland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Silkglades"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Sludgepit"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Snowy Coniferous Forest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Spruce Woods"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Steppe"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Temperate Rainforest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Thicket"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Tropical Rainforest"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Tropics"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Tundra"=true
    	#  [default: false]
    	B:"Generate BOP Volcano"=false
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Wasteland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Wetland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Woodland"=true
    	#  [default: true]
    	B:"Generate BOP Xeric Shrubland"=false
    Here is the biome list of the mod.
    Biomes List - Biomes O' Plenty Wiki - Wikia
    Disreguard the BoP config, RTG is what matters in the end since it controls the world gen. Even if its disabled in BoP config.... if its enabled in RTG, it will spawn.[DOUBLEPOST=1449378940,1449378272][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit... i see a few i want to remove. SO glad i double checked.


    -Dense Forest

    Could have sworn i did that 1.0.6, guess i was "too" tired.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
    julio1237878 likes this.
  3. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    6:49 AM
    Looks interesting. Planning for Sim-U-Kraft alike mechanics or Civcraft?
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    Never heard of those two.

    Currently there is Minecraft Comes Alive and Ancient Warefare 2. Which are kinda like kingdom builders.
    I will look into the ones you mentioned.

    Also any tips and advice from you is welcomed, since you already have built some epic packs.[DOUBLEPOST=1449382238][/DOUBLEPOST]Watching this now

    Will look into it. The mod looks really cool, but its not on the 3rd party mod list on curse
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
  5. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    6:49 AM
    The Civcraft stuff is serverstuff I think, but it has some awesome input on mechanics. Sim U Kraft - I dont know how well maintained and tweakable it is, but its concept sure fits the theme with currency and peasants that work/build for you :)
  6. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    With ancient warefare, there is similar features. The NPC work for you, farming, mining, fishing, butchers...ect.

    Thing is, im not sure if i can add Sim-U, even if i wanted to. Curse is kinda "strict" when it comes to unlisted mods that are not on launcher or third party tab.

    While watching that video, the only thing that really stands out is this the Sim-U credits.

    Off topic- Are Galactic Craft configs universal? i need to come up with a list of mod blocks that are air tight. I just have no idea where to start with it.
  7. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    6:49 AM
    Oh yeah youre right on the mod policy of curse. We worked around it by using the FTB Sync feature (When your pack is approved by FTB, it can be synced without further investigations to curse).

    GC : Most non-opaque blocks are automatically added for air tight iirc.

    On sim-u-kraft - yeah the most noticable thing about it was the credits and building - you can also share the buildings. But as said, i fear its not very good to tweak.
  8. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    Ah cool. But watching that video, im not really liking the mod.
    Its a cool idea but kind of redundant with Minecraft comes alive and AW2.

    That being said, i think i am close to 1.1.0 version. That will be once i am 100% sure i have the world generation to my liking. Still getting the odd biome here and there. Once that version is up, i think i would be time to start testing on a server(if possible). So we can start balancing the armors, NPC and weapons.[DOUBLEPOST=1449384808,1449383362][/DOUBLEPOST]To archimedes ship, or not to archimedes ship.... that is the question... =P
  9. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    6:49 AM
    If you want headaches, then archimedes :D
    Lawmonark likes this.
  10. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    Then no... =P
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    6:49 AM
    its one of the mods that just got a new maintainer and rewrite as far as I know. wouldn't trust it until it has proven it self for a few months.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  12. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    It also doesn't really fit the theme.
    Reason i mentioned it was... B-Team.
    This packs is very similar to B-Team mod wise.. with just a lot more.
  13. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    6:49 AM
    Eeeek i just installed it and now you tell me its ... b-teamy? *delete* :D
  14. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    Not like the ore gen, just some of the mods
    Galactic craft

    the list goes on. But its not "easy" mod like B-Team[DOUBLEPOST=1449398201,1449386803][/DOUBLEPOST]@julio1237878
    You said you favorite mod was Metallurgy right...?

    How do you feel about buffing the harder to acquire alloys.
    Making the weapons, tools and armor stronger. Of course we need to play to find the balance. But i was thinking a miner should get similar protection to a tech and magic player. If there is work needed to acquire the materials....ect
  15. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Local Time:
    5:49 AM
    It is open source as of September.
    Mithion/ArsMagica2 · GitHub
  16. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
    Im having a weird bug.

    The oceans... are not coming up as oceans. I think it might be the RTG mod.
    I will do some testing to see if i can fix it. But im stumped. I will remove BoP and see if that is whats causing it first.
    Trial and Error.[DOUBLEPOST=1449413134,1449410976][/DOUBLEPOST]Sorry guys, i have to remove RTG, The main reason is performance. Its worse then Amplified.
  17. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    Local Time:
    12:49 AM
    I had the same idea about this when I found the Ancient Warfare mod :p but you would only use steam as power, and it would be mostly adventuring/magic based
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2015
  18. Davidmb12

    Davidmb12 Well-Known Member

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    6:49 AM
  19. julio1237878

    julio1237878 Game enthusiastic

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:49 PM
    I would be totally fine with it Krhymez
  20. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:49 AM
    1.0.7 is up

    I had to remove RTG, Performance and compatibility issues with other mods.
    This version added Metallurgy to all dimensions where it "fit" in.

    I think im done tweaking world generation. Only thing i may want to do in the future is set the Landmass to a higher number... not sure yet.

    As for the biomes... i think they are fine now.

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