Done Pixelmon Client Crash Upon Startup

Discussion in 'Pixelmon' started by ManaJester, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. ManaJester

    ManaJester Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:45 PM
    today upon trying to log in i was prompted about an update to the pixelmon pack this was highly needed but i fear an oversight was made in this update the mod PixelUtilities is not available for Pixelmon 3.5 as some features from said mod was absorbed into the main mod also upon fixing this issue myself on the client i notice the server is still on version 3.4 of pixelmon

    can we please get a roll back on the client to remain compatible with the servers current version or atleast the server to be updated (and incompatible mod removed)

    on another note id like to point out alot of the servers world is composed of blocks that will be removed from the pack upon updating(such as statues and lighting blocks) so my question is as follows are we going to be doing a map restart

    if we are i do have alot of ideas to improve the experience of the server including but not limited to addon mods that stay in the feel of pixelmon and will not sway the balance and grindy nature of the pack

    would this forum be the place to suggest such things or should it be made in another section
  2. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    1:45 PM
    A server update would be nice. We're out date now.
  3. M1NN10N

    M1NN10N Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:45 PM
    We have recently updated this pack (within the last month or so). we typically try to stay a version or 3 behind the current to allow for bug fixes. After bringing your client o the same update as the server are you able to log in?
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:45 PM
    Sorry about this. We once tried to update to the latest version which failed because of pixelutilities not being compatible and an abandoned mod. So we did rollback to the last version. Now a few days ago we moved the launcher stuff to a new server and redeployed all packs. The new pixelmon version was prepared for deployment which caused this issue.
  5. M1NN10N

    M1NN10N Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:45 PM
    or this ^^ lol
  6. ManaJester

    ManaJester Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:45 PM
    thank you very much for fixing this i repaired my client knowing what the issue was but i was worried we would lose players due to the crash im already seeing new players =) time to see what i can do to expand our server =) you all have a nice day

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