Decided Against [Banned Item Suggestion] Key of the King's Law [7429]

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ObsessionNL, Dec 20, 2015.

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  1. ObsessionNL

    ObsessionNL Well-Known Member

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    5:04 PM
    Item: Key of the King's Law
    ItemID: 7429
    Requirement: Mana

    Reason: PVP Bypassing

    Possibility to kill other players, or launch them into the void.
  2. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    5:04 PM
    i have tested it and it killed @DizzyRonson on infinity :p but i hope its a better way to stop it then ban it.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    12:04 PM
    there's another requirement, 1: luck, 2: people without armor that is at least the tier of nanosuit, 3: killing gaia MarkII, I did ask for it to be banned before though... not sure why it hasn't happened yet due to the PVP bypass
  4. ObsessionNL

    ObsessionNL Well-Known Member

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    Thats true, just luck for the drop and armor to sustain his damage, but since pvp is disabled normaly and you have an AOE weapon (like staff of power for example) you can just hit your friends and the boss takes damage (Makes things a whole lot easier)
  5. MrWisski

    MrWisski Well-Known Member

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    It hasn't been banned because if we banned everything that PvP bypassed, we'd basically be playing vanilla minecraft - seriously, a LOT of stuff bypasses due to the way mods are (haphazardly) written. If someone kills you with a pvp bypass - /ticket, report it, and we'll take care of the issue.
    Rebelborn, profrags and julio1237878 like this.
  6. ObsessionNL

    ObsessionNL Well-Known Member

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    The only problem with that is it can even happen non intentionaly (firing it in a random location might knock some players of in the end)
  7. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    I was playing around with Sassa87 before, and firing off the swords in all directions. A week later, Sassa was still finding swords in the air because of unloaded chunks. :hilarious:
    alven4 and profrags like this.
  8. King_Cronus

    King_Cronus Well-Known Member

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    just no stop banning stuffs like this just ban the peeps that abuse it
  9. bryan84

    bryan84 Well-Known Member

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    I know it bypasses PvP but this isn't some random item you can craft w/ little resources or effort. It's a relic and takes quite a while to get. I really *really* doubt some troll is going to come on and spend the time to defeat a Gaia 2 6 times just to PvP someone.... Since the relics are soulbound, you can't share them with others. That means that anyone who has one is probably a long term player and a person to whom banning will be a serious punishment. Why not just impose a 7 day ban for the 1st time someone PvP's with it & a Permaban for any 2nd offenders. There are tons of ways to kill people that skirt PvP protection, many of them with legitimate uses and those aren't banned. Why not treat this as any other situation where protections are bypassed and ban the rare offenders instead of punishing everyone who uses it responsibly? Additionaly, Vazkii is constantly updating Botania, why not wait and see how it shakes out, at the rate he publishes changes, it'll probably get easier to protect against soon. If this gets banned and then a fix is put forward, anyone who's already won the relic is out of luck since you can't get it twice. Come to think of it, just take it away from anyone who misuses it; they can't get a new one.

    Edit: Should have read more than the top 2, assumed everyone was on the "Ban It" bandwagon lol. Didn't mean to restate the following posts.
    elemage likes this.
  10. This key is trouble but fun. Twice it has made some mess:
    1. Was using it to mass kills zombies near an outpost of my base. Teleported away while using it with the charm of dislocation. Then when I was roaming around without good armour(was wearing wooden armour) that thing activated as I entered the chunk loaded area and blasted me dead on the spot. That was quite unexpected.
    2. I was messing around in a cavern with another player, both in full drac armour, and hitting each other with the key (we had PvP enabled) while a few other known players were nearby. One shot from my opponents key hitted a little close to a player and killed her and he nearly got banned for PvP bypass.
    All-in-all, modded world of Minecraft has given us tons of stuff to bypass almost everything, even without meaning to, but it ain't right to stop their use cause just what a player said above, we'll be playing vanilla Minecraft before long and be using boats and horses for travel.
  11. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    12:04 PM
    you just replied to a thread that's 3 months old, nice
  12. could not help it
  13. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    5:04 PM
    Can someone close this thread before we get more necromancers? ;)
  14. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    9:04 AM
    Yep. Closed. Discussion over. :)
    profrags likes this.
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