Switching from Market Plugin to Stall Shops/Quick Shop

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Auonddon, May 19, 2014.


Should we Switch from Market plugin to Quick Shops?

  1. Yes

    19 vote(s)
  2. No

    24 vote(s)
  3. What is Quick Shop?

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Auonddon

    Auonddon Well-Known Member

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    3:36 AM
    I'd like to preface this by saying this is JUST an idea at this point. Generally what the staff does is we run an idea by the staff community. If it gets enough interest/attention we then suggest it as an idea to the player base.

    If the player base collectively is interested we discuss it with them in said thread and discuss it ourselves behind the scenes as well. We then make a decision to incorporate it or not. I will make a better effort in reiterating information to the appropriate modpack sub forum in order to get everyone in the loop.

    It is unlikely at this point we would use both simultaneously, however not impossible.

    Please vote and post your thoughts,questions,concerns in regards to the topic described in the title.

    Current Global Market
    • everything at one place
    • accessible from everywhere
    • good overview of prices
    • easy to use
    • full metadata support (in the latest dev builds)
    • clean as non sold stuff gets auto removed after some time
    • easy to manage for admins
    • unlimited server selling items work fine
    • secure, no chests you could break if not good enough protected
    • being actively developed
    • virtual, no shops where you can walk though

    • real shop, where you can walk though
    • possible communication community advantage
    • you can sell unlimited amounts of items as you can setup an me system to auto fill the chests when empty
    • limited metadata support
    • very easy to use
    • hard to find items as they are distributed over a huge place
    • frustration if you only find sold out shops
    • an external market place where you have to go first
    • client lagg near the market (item frames, biblo shelfs need a lot of resources to render)
    • selling of unlimited items breaks the metadata
    • quite some work for us, as we need to clean up empty shops and reset the ones from inactive players
    • no good rent/lease plugin for grief prevention (if we use region market with worldguard, only vanilla items would be protected and if we do it like on agrarian skies you could do nothing (not even eat) inside these regions, expanding our anti grief prevention would need a lot of time, would make everything more complicated, would need more time to set up and would allow more glitches)
    • hard to control (high end game stuff for cheap prices...)
    • development dropped since 1.5

    QuickShop - Bukkit


    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2014
  2. Padson

    Padson Well-Known Member

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    8:36 AM
    I think it would be nice to implement some Pros and Cons for those 2 , or atleast a link for a description (for those, who r to lazy to google)
  3. OnkelOpti

    OnkelOpti New Member

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    8:36 AM
    i just compared both of them (if it is this Market - Bukkit ) and cant find any cons for the new one.
    most of all it has a better user interface and a shiny item ontop (performance?)
  4. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    I mainly prefer the market we have now, because you can compare all current prices in one place. But with stalls, you can be unknowingly and completely ripped off. There would also be the problem of getting to said stalls. Even then, it means many more chunks than normal will constantly be loaded, so you get those consequences.
    chugga_fan likes this.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    it'll be a pain to setup i've been on a server to use it, when i wanted one i had to wait for an admins for about an hour to come up and set one up for meh
  6. Falcons27

    Falcons27 New Member

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    2:36 AM
    I Think this is a great idea to make some ingame currency when is it going to be implemented :cat:
  7. Doctorfoxwolf

    Doctorfoxwolf Well-Known Member

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    We already have market system, along with currency.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    added cons and pros
    chaosblad3 likes this.
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    That's not true, it got fixed/changed that every item takes one slot from the limit. So 2 stacks cobblestone should take only 1 slot from the limit.​
  10. Zphantom13

    Zphantom13 New Member

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    3:36 PM
    I'd like it if we could use both, markets are more of a community type thing, where you could buy things you didn't even know you wanted, plus you get to build and decorate in them.
    ImJinx, chugga_fan, cbrozak and 2 others like this.
  11. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    I'm all for the quickshop.. because there's so many people on there it would allow us to browse.. and if one person doesn't have it... another would. Gives us options... and well if you know me on the server... I like to build and create pretty things so it's something I'm all for.

    Though right now I can't access the market unless I'm in the lobby and I can only put things up for sale in the lobby as well. So, right now a quickshop sounds better.
  12. MDoubleMrf

    MDoubleMrf Member

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    While it would be great to have a non-virtual market where you can walk around, build a nice shop to showcase and interract with players a bit more, it has too many cons. I think it's better for everyone if we stay with the current plugin.
  13. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    We have decided to pass on the idea of incorporating QuickShop as the sole means of trade at this time.

    We are open to ideas though, feel free to post your ideas as we are here to try to make the servers the best experience possible!

    Thank you for all of your feedback!
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