Best Wishes!

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by BetaPetey, Dec 20, 2015.

  1. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    Local Time:
    4:37 PM
    Hello, everyone I would just like to wish everyone best wishes because i cannot play the game anymore. My activity has gone down as of school and other things. I wish everyone who i was friends with as a staff member well! I hope to return someday and be more active. Thankyou All
    LunaBlossoms, Mijikai and Kutao217 like this.
  2. Kutao217

    Kutao217 New Member

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    Local Time:
    4:37 PM
    Take all the time you need. School is important and you should do what you need to do first :)

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