So I was playing today and I die, so I go back to my grave and find out that's it's not their. So I asked around and a guy said it happened to him as well and that it was a glitch so, I'm here to report it because I lost all my stuff including: my TIC tools, jetpack, my hardened capacitor and my regular capacitor as well as my prot 4 diamond armor.. and my camel pack wrench and some more stuff.. I hope that this can be fixed. Thank you in advance.. Sincerely, VerSA__
Same this happened to me too, if you die anywhere close or near to a backup, the grave seems to got missing or on doesn't form at all.
The problem is my friend really likes this mod back and we are doing this together so if I do restart that would restart his stuff as well...
Hmm, never had this happen. Mind telling me where exactly did you died? Outside or inside the base? Well, like SunLeaf01 said. Also you should check the area where you died sometimes graves tend to go underground where there's 1 block of space to fit in it happens sometimes.
No We would have found it because it was outside and well dust falls and we digged right around where I dead maybe 5-6 blocks down and we couldn't find my grave...
This is an issue with Open Blocks graves. It searches 10 blocks for a "open" place to spawn the grave. If there is no spot, the grave wont spawn. Knowing this, i was tempted to disable this feature on the pack im making, but players seem to want it, so i left it. As stated above, MyM has a policy on refunds, please read it.