Hi I was wondering if more thaumcraft addons could be added into the pack. Fo4r instance Thaumic Tinkerer KAMI and Forbidden Magic. Here are a list of most addons: Add-Ons - Thaumcraft 4 Wiki
KAMI is too op in my opinion and we would ban the bedrock dimension anyways. Forbidden Magic, hmm, I don't know what it exactly adds.
Forbidden magic is in the horizons pack. It adds things like a use for taint and other tools. KAMI is also supposed to be OP but it is also very end game. All the OP armor has a flux level of dangerous when crafting and the final wand stores 1000 his which is extremely hard to get, but also let's you make a thauniun caped staff of the primal.
Well since Kami is disabled some stuff of forbidden magic is not available. I also dont think Forbidden magic adds a lot of useful stuff at least not for skyblock. If i look at that mod it just adds some more wands and tools. Even if the combination of AM2, BM and TC wands look cool but who really need so much Wands on this skyblock? The almost only useful thing i can see is the creation of monster spawners. Not sure how they work but with cursed earth, vanilla mob tower and autospawners i guess we have others options.
It isn't for the usefulness it is for more time spent for fun of completing everything. But it does add some interesting tools that can have three sets fo different enchantments and also there is emerald transmutation.
The fact that KAMI stuff u soverpowered is true but to balance it you could make it so that you would have to farm knowledge fragments to get enough aspects to unlock the things (right clicking with a knowledge fragment in hand gives you 1-2 of each primal aspect)
Or, if you can make it so you even have to have discovered everything regarding alchemy, thaumaturgy and artifice. Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone
Also SirWilli we wouldn't be able to get to the bedrock dimension as we would have to break bedrock with an ichorium pickaxe, which there are none of. Also from my knowledge there is no way to get bedrock in Agrarian Skies +
There's bedrock in the nether. Also I am not sure. But I think either thaumic tinkerer or KAMI adds a way to make bedrock Sent using Tapatalk on IPhone