Civilization - new social MyM Original by Krhymez

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Lawmonark, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:33 PM
    The pack can downloaded from the following three launchers.
    MyM Launcher, Curse Launcher, FTB Launcher
    Pack Code: Civilization
    Server IP:​
    Civilization Over the centuries, many Civilizations have risen to power. But... just as many have fallen.
    If history has taught us one thing, its that it repeats itself more often than not.
    As power grows, so does the hunger for more power... and people, well they begin to want it all....
    This drive for power leads to destruction and chaos, wars begin to break out, and as it has been said before....
    "War, war never changes"

    Will your Civilization withstand the harsh nature of people and share kindness, or will your community be driven with the iron fist of your dominant control?

    Have we finally learnt from our past mistakes?
    Will this be the Civilization that withstand the sands of time?
    Only you can shape your destiny!

    This pack was created with the MineYourMind community in mind.
    It is meant to be played on a server and in a social environment.
    The pack contains a little of everything. You can master one thing or master them all.
    There are Tech, Magic, Science, Culinary, Nature, Exploration and RPG mods.

    Pack Info Thread use while testing: Civilization-Modpack | MineYourMind Community
    I highly recommend you install (Due to permissions, i could not add it)

    PvP While this server will have PvP enabled, it is not the focus of the pack. It is merely enabled so players can choose to play how they want. If you are going to kill others follow a few rules.
    • Civilization has PvP enabled
    • Even though it is enabled, its in not the focus of the pack
    • Treat others as you want to be treated
    • Do not kill players at Spawn
    • You may pick up graves after a PvP kill in the wild
    • You may NOT pick up graves located in claims if it is not your own
    • You may PvP anywhere, including claims
    • No Spawn camping, this means no killing a player over and over at their spawn point
    • Ignorance is no excuse!
    • Be respectful and use common sense
    • Speak english in the global chat
    • No spamming, swearing, advertising and no racial or sexual slurs
    • No griefing and stealing from claims
    • No custom modifications or hacks
    • Use the ticket system if you have questions/problems
    • Report Bugs, exploits, glitches and dont use them
    • Quarries are limited to one per player. Do not place quarries for a friend.
    • The procedure for breaking rules is up to the server staff.
    • If you cost the server too many resources (CPU), we won't hesitate to undo your work. So don't overstate
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
    Rednek_Rage, FilipT, Ksparlor and 7 others like this.
  2. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    7:33 AM
    Can we take from graves?
  3. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    6:33 AM
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:33 PM
    As @Krhymez is praising the soul-bound enchant I would assume so :)
  5. Ernuke

    Ernuke Well-Known Member

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    8:33 AM
    Is there any way to regain the "starter kit"? I spawned inside a wall (actually underground) and lost everything hahaha
  6. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    7:33 AM
    does the curse launcher work on mac?
  7. QuantiCrumbs

    QuantiCrumbs New Member

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    12:33 PM
    @Adrianfish, yes, the curse launcher does work on mac.
    But can you (@Krhymez) put up maybe a .zip file for MultiMC, that those Linux user like me can test this pack? Please? :D

    EDIT: Nevermind. The Curse Launcher is there for mac, but the "Minecraft-Tab" isn't in
    mplemeted yet. So that .zip file could be useful for more people... ;)
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  8. Rhyno86_

    Rhyno86_ Active Member

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    6:33 AM
    God... another new launcher?o_O
    FTB, ATLauncher, TechnicLauncher... now Curse Voice? Ugh.
  9. Gonza_

    Gonza_ New Member

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    8:33 AM
    I have a problem when i logged in

  10. Nyx_Tejas

    Nyx_Tejas New Member

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    7:33 AM
    what is the pack code?
  11. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    12:33 PM
    We need true pvp :3
  12. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    I can run Curse if I so choose to do so, but could we get that zip so I can throw it on MultiMC.
  13. QuantiCrumbs

    QuantiCrumbs New Member

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    12:33 PM
    On Windows, Mac or Linux? Are you possible using wine, it doesn't work for Curse Launcher for me ;)
  14. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    QuantiCrumbs and Lawmonark like this.
  15. Sydus

    Sydus Well-Known Member

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    4:33 AM
    Applied energistics? Really would like to see reikas mods back in a mod pack as well, hard to function without rotarycraft.
  16. kindlich

    kindlich Well-Known Member

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    Reika is very strict regarding his modpack policies...
    You need his personal permission for each mod...
    But I'ld love Chromaticraft in a pack, its from him as well xD
    Lawmonark likes this.
  17. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    7:33 AM
    Why did I start with 3 chemical buckets, some stone, a magnet renamed as an 'alumite pickaxe' and a Reversal Hoe? I didn't get the starter pack at all, and the mod won't help me sort this issue out. Please help!
  18. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    12:33 PM
    This is an issue with Curse, Just close down curse and Relaunch[DOUBLEPOST=1451588181][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Lets hope people are smart enough to use Soul Bound when exploring.
    You "could" but do you really want to be mean like that?[DOUBLEPOST=1451588249][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Sorry, must have been from when you were testing... although im not sure why your player.dat would have been brought over. When i get on will sort you out.[DOUBLEPOST=1451588287][/DOUBLEPOST]
    No pack code, just search the name. Civilization. Its listed[DOUBLEPOST=1451588468][/DOUBLEPOST]
    AE2 is overused and a lag machine. There are ways in the pack to make simular storage systems. Even ways to "auto craft", just takes some knowledge of a few mods.
    Look into Ender IO, Storage Drawers and Botania. Together they can make what your looking for.

    While i like Rekia mods, they are not server friendly. Those mods are ment to be played with a few people on a small server. Not on a server like MyM-
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  19. Recoil101

    Recoil101 Well-Known Member

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    11:33 AM
    Downloaded Mo Creatures manually as requested, but now getting "Kicked whilst connecting to civilization: mod rejections [FMLMod:MoCreatures[6.3.1]]

    Am I doing something stupid??

    P.s. Completely restarted client and it seems ok now
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2015
  20. CreepersScareMe5

    CreepersScareMe5 Well-Known Member

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    6:33 AM
    I continue to crash on logging into the server, although I can play the pack on single-player. I have closed down and relaunched Curse Loader multiple times and even rebooted the computer before this last launch.

    It appears to shut down when it loads the journeymap mod. I tried to disable in the mod options, but it wouldn't let me.

    Help! I just know that Log, Rubi and SirStud are getting so far ahead of me that I'll never catch up. :p

    Civ Error Msg.PNG

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