[Thaumic Skies] Non-gamebreaking economy

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by minor88, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. minor88

    minor88 Member

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    4:37 AM
    So just today another player asked to buy some things from me and offered MyMs as payment. The only problem with that is that on the Thaumic Skies server, MyMs have no use as we don't have any types of shops or markets. The tokens we get from voting can only be used for chunkloader tickets, or MyMs. Not a huge incentive to vote.

    I mentioned in chat that we need a market and the first objection was that, in a skyblock, being able to buy items defeats the whole purpose.

    My solution is that we use the Island level (which also currently has no function) to dictate what a player can buy. For Example:

    • Level 15 - basic supplies: Saplings, building materials, no metals or RS or things of that sort

    • Level 25 - vanilla metals, starter supplies for the simpler mods: Botania, Thaum, Agricraft, TiCon

    • Level 40 - basic machines from the intermediate mods: Blue Power, Thaum expansions, Forestry

    • Level 50/60 - advanced machinery: Industrial Craft, MFR, Thermal Expansion

    The market would be separated and each section can only be entered if the player's island is at the appropriate level. Players who want to keep shops must have access to the level above the one they want to sell at. As for regulating what a player sells in his shop, if no plugin is available, then make it a one time offense basis. Get caught selling illegal goods, lose your shop permanently.

    This is just a basic draft and is bound to have issues, but it's something.
  2. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    Myms are used to change the biomes of your island.
  3. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    last time i played , /money showed nothing and /biome was giving me ''internal server error while trying to run the command'' or something like that
  4. Win_J

    Win_J Patron Tier 1

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    Island levels count vanilla things, not modded items
  5. MaelstromPhoenix

    MaelstromPhoenix Well-Known Member

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    Island level is a really bad measurement of how far you are in the game. Place enough iron blocks and you can buy your way into higher tech. As for the market, I don't see the necessity to be honest. Since it's a skyblock there is nothing that you have to find in the world or you can't make for some reason.
  6. HlgPlayer

    HlgPlayer Well-Known Member

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    It could be a system similar to the nether portal, where you have to pay with certain items to unlock that dimension. That way it shows you've acquired the item, and can then buy more.
    And most of the time a market isn't a necessity except for applied energistics presses. It's just a convenience to have a market and be able to buy items.
  7. minor88

    minor88 Member

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    4:37 AM
    Not a necessity no, but it would certainly get used. And we do need something to make voting worthwhile. How many times can someone need to change the biome of their island?[DOUBLEPOST=1452199162][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Even in regular modpacks there's usually very few items that can't be found or made. The market isn't there because it's needed, it's there because it's useful. Some things, even for high end players, are a pain to get.
  8. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    in most HQM packs they use resources as currence so you can buy things. Although skyblocks mostly have /market disabled. Voting atm is used for Chunk loading and biome changes with the moderators changing up the random item. Maybe make those myms useful for like something like reward bags?

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