Nether pvp suggestion for those that arnt really into pvp.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MMichael1986, May 26, 2014.

  1. MMichael1986

    MMichael1986 New Member

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    4:37 PM
    Hi as the title suggests im not really into pvp. I dont like the fact that the very moment I step into the nether I can be attacked before I even get my barrings coming out of the portal.

    I want to suggest making a 3X3 chunk protection around portals that are non pvp area's this would still allow pvp to happen in the nether and give people some peace of mind going in and out of it knowing they are safe in the portal area.

    If anyone has anything pro or cons they would like to bring up about this please do.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:37 PM

    we already thought about this when we implemented the pvp nether. Unfortunately this isn't easy to be done and we liked the fact that you can destroy nether portals and than the user has to find a new one as all portals bring you to your own island.
  3. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    1:37 PM
    I like the idea of there being some switch/protection. I too am not a PvP'r and as such have just skipped the nether entirely. Once you get to laser drills you don't "need" it, but it also means I'll never get to challenge myself against the nether mobs.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It is not the case that you see players jumping around you in the nether. There are about 1/20 of the online players in the nether on average. Most of the time you don't see anyone for multiple hours.
  5. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    Point taken -- so it would be more like getting mugged. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, you lose everything on you. My confidence is wavering. * grin *
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    if you get killed by some of the op nether mobs it is very unlikely that you can get back to your items and leave the nether alive.
  7. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    While it's true that your taking a chance with the nether mobs -- there is value (to me) in that challenge. There is no challenge in taking that chance with another player who's primary goal is to kill me by any means possible -- and is experienced in doing so. I have no delusions around surviving a pvp battle. It's not my skill set. However, an in-game challenge against a known foe with predictable (somewhat) behaviors has far more appeal and at least offers to possibility of survival. Oh, I'm also aware that at Tier 4, I can disable PvP, so there is already an option -- just out of my wallet's reach at the moment. :)
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:37 PM
    true. To give you a final statement, we won't change the system in the near future as it works quite fine for most of the players and we do not have a real pvp server.
    Last edited: May 26, 2014
  9. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    1:37 PM
    No worries - I just saw a conversation that I could contribute to. Thanks for the server, I'm having a lot of fun with it. Be well.
  10. gream

    gream Member

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    1:37 PM
    If you are worried about pvp in the nether look into blood magic as it has some very powerful defensive options.
    The armor will completely protect you from all but a few things.
    The air sigil can allow you to get far away very fast if you need to.
    Also there is a ritual that will teleport any other player about 20 blocks away if they get near it.
    (safeish nether portal but this can be countered)
  11. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    1:37 PM
    Thanks, I'm working on blood magic (first time) now so I'll look into it. I believe there are also some ways of preserving your inventory on death but I haven't researched them yet.
  12. Twilight_Dreamz

    Twilight_Dreamz New Member

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    3:37 PM
    well, looks like I'm going to be staying out of the nether for the most part, dont' want to get probed by the evil alien, lol
    not to mention, my system doesnt' handle changing worlds well, I'd be dead in my portal before I could even load the world, and that seems kinda unfair.
  13. vecmor

    vecmor New Member

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    1:37 PM
    I was able to go in without getting insta-gibbed, threw down a magnum torch and immediately left. This was last week -- I just checked and while there was no immediate threat, the torch was gone. Can anyone confirm that placed items can be picked up by anyone? I'll try placing some cobble. Unlikely anyone will want that. lalala
  14. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    10:37 PM
    Everyone can take your torch. So hide it! I have stolen like 4 of them on as2

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  15. alphaest

    alphaest Patron Tier 2

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    11:37 PM
    My experience with the nether has been somewhat safe.
    First time i went there on SP i got instagibbed. And then the next quest said "never again..." ....
    Next time on AG1 i was fully decked with regen potion, flying potion, fully socketed blood magic armor. After i entered a Wither was waiting for me. Needless to say i was way overgeared and took the free netherstar as granted. After playing around there a bit i understood that if i stay away from closures like tunnels i don't even need this gear.

    So for anyone enterering the nether, heres what i'll do on Ag3 - basic armor (iron), diamond hammer, flying potion from blood magic. If i don't get the potion from quest rewards, i'll just brew it myself. A middle tier lenghtening catalyst should be sufficient.
  16. sin_samsonsin

    sin_samsonsin New Member

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    10:37 PM
    Haha I just made the armour as fast as I could. Now I have fully upgraded bound :D

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