Implemented FTB Infinity Evo lags

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Thial, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Thial

    Thial New Member

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    3:42 AM
    My suggestion is to add automatic chunk unloading and automatic item / entity clearing. Many people are probably using mob grinders, all kinds of farms and weird stuff. The server can't handle all that. I was hosting FTB Infinity for 15 people on my own pc and we had no lags at all with automated chunk unloading / item / entity clearing. Right now I can't even use the grindstone properly because the crank spins once every 5-10 seconds.
    The other thing is item stacking. Items don't stack properly. When I'm mining and cobblestone is falling on the ground it's stacking into groups of 5 most of the time. Sometimes items don't stack at all.

    Please fix.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
  2. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    We already have a mob limiter in place to help prevent the mob count from getting too out of order, but unfortunately an automatic item clear would be VERY bad for IE as every time it triggers it would delete any AE2 pure crystals that people had growing, in expert mode you have to leave them dropped for 16h realtime which is why we don't have an automatic clear in place and instead only do manual clears when absolutely necessary after a two minute broadcast to minimise unnecessary loss.

    Also we do have automatic chunk unloading, not to mention a scaling tick rate where chunks that aren't specifically chunkloaded or have a player stood in them will only be processed at a fraction of the speed of fully loaded ones.
  3. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    The server i played before had clearlag, and the AE2 Seeds weren't deleted.

    So maybe there is some serverplugin which has a black/whitelist.

    anyway there are more items which shouldn't get auto-removed, like botania mana tablet/ring.
  4. N1kaz

    N1kaz Active Member

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    Server would benefit from clearlag. Few days ago when I went mining there was some stone left on the ground, 2 days later it was still there lol.
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Items on the ground are not the main issue here
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  6. Thial

    Thial New Member

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    Doesn't it take few minutes to grow crystals using accelerators ?
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
  7. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    Just remove Big Reactors. Or ban it. There is a much alternatives to it: (with a free energy, too)
    - Lava Generators x64
    - Nether Star Generator with a Nether Star Farm
    - Combustion Generator with a Laser Drill and other Energy-Farm.
    Big Reactors is really laggy, but RAM increasing is way too. Still you can have lags on normal bukkit server without mods and 16 GB RAM.
  8. Thial

    Thial New Member

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    +1. It's really sad that nearly everyone is using big reactors with so many alternatives around. Before the big reactors people were using really interesting setups but now there are only big reactors all over the place.
  9. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    THX. I have 9 years.[DOUBLEPOST=1452169950][/DOUBLEPOST]Thx for that, I have 9 years no :D[DOUBLEPOST=1452169977][/DOUBLEPOST]Thx for that[DOUBLEPOST=1452169992][/DOUBLEPOST]I have 9 years
  10. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    I am pretty sure that Big reactors cause less lag then some of the other ways of making power for the amount of power they make

    All big reactors do is cause fps drops at most
    chaosblad3 likes this.
  11. Oneill_420

    Oneill_420 Well-Known Member

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    IMO it has more to do with the offline chunk loaders than nearly anything else. The last few nights on node 3 there were between 10-20 "AE2 causing lag" tags when there werent really all that many people on. The gold chunkloaders are fairly cheap to get if you vote often and with enough tickets spread among a group of players who have teamed and you can keep a decent sized part of the world loaded indefinitely. To get rid of lag Id suggest getting rid of that tier of chunkloading and keep it to online only. In all actuality it is not only a bit selfish to be hogging all those server resources, it is gluttonous as well. If you have a decent automated system you really have no need to keep your gear running 24/7 anyways.
  12. N1kaz

    N1kaz Active Member

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    Lol Im playing every day and I am yet so see AE2 cousing lag on node 3 expert
  13. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    there's a little something called a quarry, that's why it's running and is on the top list
  14. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    where does everyone get this wrong info thats its the gold chunkloaders. its not. it might be what the loaders are loading but that is why u make a ticket with the laggie ae for admins to deal with
  15. CPU678

    CPU678 Well-Known Member

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    At first, all lava genes are disabled in infinity evolved hardmode, wither farm is not easy to make there either and requires lot of progress to be made and that requires lot of power.

    Second, from expert node 2 it seems to me, that golden chunkloaders arent too bad, tps there seems to be good when there arent lots of people online.
  16. Oneill_420

    Oneill_420 Well-Known Member

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    How can it NOT be chunks loaded with a dozen machines running among twenty players who are all offline? In a regular game without a chunkloading option these same players would add to any lag in a server so how is a chunkloader, which in effect works as if a player were standing there, be any different?[DOUBLEPOST=1452212226][/DOUBLEPOST]im on 3 normal btw. should have clarified that
  17. WhiteStarX0312

    WhiteStarX0312 New Member

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    I disagree with disabling Big Reactors. They are late-game power sources in expert mode that require a massive infrastructure to get. If people choose BR over a 50x50 farm with 8 diesel gens or the top tier (very grindy to get) solar panel, so be it. Furthermore lava gens are indeed disabled in expert mode.

    Even though I am new and just began playing on normal 3, I am aware of the TPS issues. There have only been 1-2 AE problems in the past few days and I am confident they are not the cause of the issue. However, something is causing a great deal of lag and it should be looked in to before we go about banning random items or getting rid of the vote-dependent chunk loading system.
  18. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    For the record:
    1. We have tried completely disabling all forms of chunkloading on infinity for a while a few months ago as a test to see what difference it made.. and the answer is: very little.... even with no chunkloading at all the tps still had ups and downs.
    2. As Adrian already mentioned, Big Reactors do not cause server tps lag.. like at all.. no matter how big they are, no matter how many of them there are, they have almost no impact on server performance whatsoever as they are well optimised to prevent that, the only lag they cause is client side FPS lag if you don't have a great graphics card.
  19. Thial

    Thial New Member

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    That doesn't change the fact that auto cleanups and proper item stacking is required. When I'm mining all the items are laying on the ground as single items. Sometimes they stack into groups of 2 or 3 but that's it and they lay around for a long long time if you don't pick them up. If you don't want to enable auto cleanups just because people are growing crystals then simply add the seeds to a blacklist so they won't get removed, same goes for farm animals, bosses, minecarts etc etc. It's a bit of a work on FTB Infinity (yes I did that on my server) but it really pays off.
  20. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    I am actually pretty curious so, you seems to know everything that do Not cause lagg, so i guess you know what cause lagg, and is there anything you plan to do about it or there is nothing you can do ( i mean except removing mod/player :p )

    Is there also a way to check people with crazy weird ME system or tons of infinite loop on their base (not sure how much it affects the TPS tho)

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