[Closed] MyM | Ark Survival Evolved

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Ash00182, Jul 9, 2015.

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  1. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  2. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Boss, I hate to say this, but due to the nerfing of our tamed dinos, a 68 rex killed your bronto. I got the saddle and put it in your Fabricator. I was afraid to attack the rex as they almost killed my 151 bird
  3. Zoonie3

    Zoonie3 New Member

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    Is the server offline i cant connect :/
  4. Bossgrim

    Bossgrim Active Member

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    Can we get an update whenever you guys get a chance, please? :)
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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  6. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Blackbeard...one of your tribe has been going around destroying folks dino gates, chests, etc. and robbing and killing pets. Grey
    ...a number of ships and bases have been damaged.[DOUBLEPOST=1452701026,1452648527][/DOUBLEPOST]Update needed to 231.9
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  8. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Ok, a question and suggestion. How many folks are playing Ark? I noticed a number of regulars are not playing. Several love Ark and have actually shifted to another server. When asked: They like the idea of the isles, ships, coins, extra crafting. But....the bugs outweigh it all. There are 2 needed isles that have water glitches. My ship flies high into the air at one. If you fly in certain areas over or by these isles, your dinos go flying into the air, you ships become air ships or you are dismounted from dinos and often die upon impact. A number of needed dinos do not spawn at all (like snakes or spinos) or you must slaughter everything on an isle and hope one of the respawns is the dino you are looking for (like mammoths and wolves). The land itself is odd, land where it shows air, air where it shows land. And, of course, the ever present tame/hatch/maturity timing for the casual players who do not have 20+ hours of real life time to be on to ensure your baby is born and reaches maturity. And many cry for mods. And no Holiday events. The pirate Isle makers are working on v6 to fix bugs but do not know when they will have it ready. So, a suggestion, we go back to regular Ark (maybe a map extension of some sort) and start it up with at least 1 or 2 mods. Some suggested mods by players are Corrected Structures, Metal with Glass, K9 Custom Stack Size and Small Dragons. The few who are playing are not making the homes like they did on regular Ark due to lack of resources and such. They want to play, they loved the add ons here, but the map is really not workable for full play right now. What say others who play?
  9. Bossgrim

    Bossgrim Active Member

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    I agree. With all of it. Love the map and the while concept of the total conversion its just too buggy right now and it kills the ability to play the way its meant to be played. We talked about mods at one point but it never went anywhere. Wondering why. In addition to the tame/hatch/maturity rates, the config for the amount of damage gained by tamed dinos per point spent needs to be tweaked a bit. Gaining 5% per point gets you nowhere especially with the gather rates set where they're at. With all that said, I still love it here at MYM but would like to see some things changed similar to how they were before we did this total conversion and the last few game updates.
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  10. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    To be fully honest, I rage quite after 30 min of being on an area with no stones generated at all to pick up, on top of that I was killed on spawn in twice in a row from the crazy spawn setup currently going on.
    If it was fixed I might start playing again lol
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  11. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, I got lucky,saw the sarco and ran like crazy. Oh, and no Bosses to summon and fight.
  12. Rebelborn

    Rebelborn Well-Known Member

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    u can summon the big spider. But u need to find the two swords in the ground
  13. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Question, Boss just messaged me about the Ark map. He says it is default map but loaded on total conversion screen. Will we be keeping the default map (I hope so)? If so, after I eat, I will be running for a base spot ;)
  14. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    This total conversion was a bad idea, I thought after I finally was able to live long enough to get a house going things would be fine... however I noticed that spoil rate seems increased on things as well as my crops fertilizer rate seems to drop a whole lot faster than it used to be. I will guess dino things have changed as well and it seems the difficulty was increased?

    Also not sure how many others have this issue but those giant black rocks annoy me to no end...

    I am not a competitive player looking to win money for being logged into a game every hour of every day, and that seems like what this new system is made for...

    I request that things go back the way they where maybe (map wise)? Perhaps its just me with these complaints, but for now consider me as a single player only kinda guy.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
    Demonica6666 likes this.
  15. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    I agree with you Roma. Had the map not had soo many glitches and bugs, it might have been fun. I think the fertilizer thing is weird. I had it happen once, then it went back to normal. I think the conversion is what is making the rocks black and it throws you off. They need to speed up taming/hatching/maturity rates, Increase tamed dino damage done.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I'm thinking about closing this completely. As we have enough issues with the minecraft servers and always something doesn't fit for the ark players.
  17. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    Aww....we like the regular Ark. We just tend to gripe about the times on animals and that is the fault of the creators. We do not need a special map for it at all. It was fun to try the new map, but plain old Ark is great all on it's own. They just tend to update soo often and then we need Ark updated to match it. Wish they would just do a regular scheduled once a week or month update. We love you SirWilli :smuggrin:
    elemage likes this.
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    we are looking into ways of auto updating.
    Demonica6666 and Mijikai like this.
  19. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Server is now back online with a normal world. The server is on default settings, to change that create a pull request with the overrides here: MineYourMind/ArkServer
    I added few overrides as example.
    elemage likes this.
  20. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    That's what I thought, now no one cares any more. I already expected this.
    tyler489 likes this.
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