My brother (tntcannon25) and I were playing as normal, but then our computers were logged off because of parental controls. We were kicked for AFK while we were sleeping. Today, my brother logged on and he was greeted by a "You Died" screen. He found my grave where I was. Can someone tell me why this is even a feature? Please fix this major oversight. Edit(1-11-2016): The best solution is to unplug the ethernet cable from your computer, or restart your computer or router.
Yes, a very small chance even though we had the same setup of our island for about an hour with no mobs spawned.
You died, because after you got locked out from your comp, you were still online, then you died, sucks to be you, can't prevent this :/
see if you can set the computer to close any programs that are open when it logs you out due to parental controls? im assuming atm that things dont get closed when you get logged out.
Isn't a thing afaik, would have to log off, not switch user, which takes time aswell, they wanted immediate with parental controls
an easier thing may be to have the router shut down internet access at a certain time, since that would log you guys out. I know this from experience cause its what my mom did to control my internet access when i got a laptop so i wouldnt be on at 4 am. not all routers can do this however.
Do you seriously think the parent would want this? they might have work to do at those times, so they probably wouldn't
you can set it on a by computer basis[DOUBLEPOST=1452480290][/DOUBLEPOST]internet for me and my sister would be shut off, but my parents desktop and my dads work laptop would still get internet
You can split your network into mutiple and have that machine connected to it. Therefore you would only need to limit the network that is connected to while the other one is still active
no idea, we dont use wires, just wireless[DOUBLEPOST=1452480474][/DOUBLEPOST]but im pretty sure it went by computer id/name, so moving a cable wouldnt matter
when you get locked out simply unplug your router it will time out your game causing you to hopefully survive.