Hey all. The ferret business server is out of date and I really liked that server. Can someone please update it?
Hello, thanks for letting us know. I informed our admins and they are looking into it. However they have to check whether this update is stable yet and from what I see in the FTB Forum it might even require a quest book reset, so we will need some time to figure out how to proceed here. Have a nice day Sandstroem
Thank you for letting us know. A task has been created and it will be updated once someone is free. If you would like to keep playing right away you have the possibility to downgrade the version by picking the 0.1.1 version in the ftb launcher.
Whoooaaaa i was waitng for this UPDATE bcs of drawers. And i think it will be safer just to rested the HQM but i hope that the player inventories will not get reseted as well. :-D EDIT: When we can expect the update ? Just some time . Like in this weak or in this month ?
Thy Ferret Business has undergone a magical transformation! I mean, it's updated. Thanks to @MrWisski