Implemented Thaumcraft Pechs

Discussion in 'Monster' started by storm007man, May 29, 2014.

  1. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    So I found a magical forest in the monster North server and in the quarry farm world you spawn in one but after standing in one for a while no pechs had spawned. Are the Pechs disabled? I would really want to have one as then I can farm it for the pechs curse focus.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Mobs are completly disabled in the spawn region. Maybe you have luck at the edge.
  3. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    But are they disabled? Because I was in one at the Monster North which was far from spawn but none of them spawned. And also are villagers also disabled or are all of them just dead?
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    No I didn't disabled them. I don't know why the pech's are not spawning. To the villagers, I assume I had mob spawning disabled during the world generation :(
  5. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    Oh OK well if someone else sees this then a way to get villagers is to find zombie villagers which do spawn like zombies and then purify them into villagers. Then you can use some to breed.
  6. Ipozi

    Ipozi New Member

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    If you jump over to the farmworld you may have a bit more luck as it seems that friendly mobs spawn much faster there than on North/East
  7. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    For villagers, as @SirWilli said, mob spawning was disabled at worldgen meaning the overworld has no naturally occuring villagers.. yes you can find villager zombies and purify them if you want, but as the lack of villagers to begin with was our fault, I think it might not be a bad idea if we put villager spawn eggs on the market for a while at say 20MyM each?

    As for pech, if you make an ancient staff to gain access to the promised lands, pech are one of the only mobs that can naturally spawn there, and so can usually be found in large numbers there.
    ImJinx likes this.
  8. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    OK thx for the advice. The villager eggs would be very nice. At least I already found tanzanite which seemed to be the only one I couldn't find before.
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    You can put a egg on the market but 20 MyM is a too little.
  10. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    If villagers had spawned naturally then they would be free for all intents and purposes.. what price would you prefer?

    Also, how do I list things on the market to be sold by the server rather than myself??
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    /market create <price> <amount> -inf
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  12. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Yes but you have to search them and they are not infinit. 60-80
    Last edited by a moderator: May 30, 2014
  13. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    So I checked out the Promised Lands and there are no mobs there... not a single one... not a single pech as far as the eye could see (and a lot further). Is there a problem with that or are you guys just trolling me with places to find pechs?
    cbrozak likes this.
  14. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Well admittedly I didn't check whether they still spawn there since the update to 1.1.1 but they definitely spawned there in 1.1.0 so idk...

    One thing to be aware of is that if there isn't any mobs in the immediate area when you get there and you then start flying around looking for some, you probably won't see any because you won't be in one location long enough for them to spawn... it's the same with ghasts in the nether (which so few people seem to realize), if you fly around looking for ghasts, you'll almost never find them, but if you just wander about in one location long enough, eventually a ghast will spawn nearby![DOUBLEPOST=1401460154,1401459057][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay, just had a look myself, and you are right, pech don't seem to spawn there any more... Weird thing is I can't find anything in either BoP or Thaumcraft patch notes saying their spawning in promised lands has been removed so i'm not sure...

    Only other thing I can think of is that mob spawning in promised lands might be disabled server side for some reason... I know the pixies that spawn in promised lands were a big problem on the last version cause if someone was in the promised lands for a long period of time then they would just keep spawning every few seconds until eventually they would form a swarm of several hundred!
  15. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    ok well that would explain why I didn't find any. I gues I have to find a different way to get mana beans and give up on the pech's curse focus
  16. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

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    That makes me sad, no pech's since there is a mage pech that gives a rare wand.
  17. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I'd suggest asking in chat if anyone has one in a safari net that they could spawn a copy of to sell to you, i know at least one person has one as they were asking how low the drop rate on the curse foci was the other day, i just can't remember who it was..

    I do know that they're supposed to spawn in magical forest biomes so you might be able to catch on yourself if you're lucky.
    ImJinx likes this.
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I'm not sure, but I think pechs have been disabled because of a dupe bug (at least that is the reason for agrarian skies).
    According to pixies, there is a spawn bug that doesn't stop spawning pixies, we limited the max spawns before, but maybe ftb disabled them completely.
  19. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    No, I don't think they're actually disabled cause as I said, I was talking to someone the other day who was auto-spawning them while trying to get the pech's curse foci, so they much have found one somewhere in the overworld or one of the other farming worlds...

    Also I don't think there is currently a dupe bug with them unless it is new to 1.1.1 cause I tried testing them for dupe bugs towards the end of 1.1.0 and wasn't able to find any issues with them.
  20. storm007man

    storm007man New Member

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    Wait so you're telling me that you disabled pechs in Agraria Skies because of a dupe bug but arent sure if it actually exists?

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