Done Crash on Login

Discussion in 'Project Ozone' started by IsHayden, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:12 AM
    Here we go again... I got another crash

    Error Code: -805,306,369. Yeah...

    Don't Have a crash-report, but I have this:
    [12:07:35] [Netty Client IO #0/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [itemphysic, StartingInventory, ChickenChunks, DamageIndicatorsMod, FastCraft, InGameInfoXML, inventorytweaks, MobDismemberment, Morpheus, MouseTweaks, nmsot, ResourceLoader, SimpleAchievements, Waila, WailaHarvestability, wailaplugins, wawla] at SERVER
    [12:07:39] [Netty Client IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [mcp, FML, Forge, appliedenergistics2-core, Aroma1997Core, CodeChickenCore, InfiniBows, itemphysic, Micdoodlecore, NotEnoughItems, PlayerAPI, OpenModsCore, <CoFH ASM>, StartingInventory, ae2stuff, aobd, AppleCore, appliedenergistics2, Aroma1997CoreHelper, Aroma1997sDimension, aura, autopackager, baublelicious, Baubles, bdlib, betterbuilderswands, BiblioCraft, BiblioWoodsNatura, BigReactors, Botania, BrandonsCore, BuildCraft|Builders, BuildCraft|Transport, BuildCraft|Energy, BuildCraft|Silicon, BuildCraft|Robotics, BuildCraft|Core, BuildCraft|Factory, BuildCraft|Compat, CarpentersBlocks, chancecubes, ChickenChunks, chisel, CoFHCore, convenientrecipes, DamageIndicatorsMod, debug, denseores, DraconicEvolution, endercore, EnderIO, enderioaddons, EnderStorage, equivalentenergistics, exastris, exnihilo, extracells, ExtraTiC, ExtraUtilities, FastCraft, FlatBedrockx, GalacticraftMars, GalacticraftCore, GardenOfGlass, hardcorewither, HardcoreQuesting, iChunUtil, IguanaTweaksTConstruct, ImmersiveEngineering, InGameInfoXML, inpure|core, inventorytweaks, IronChest, JABBA, lootbags, LunatriusCore, magicalcrops, magicalcropsarmour, magicalcropsdeco, Mantle, Mekanism, MekanismGenerators, MekanismTools, Metallurgy, MetallurgyCore, mfrmagiccropscompat, MineFactoryReloaded, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, MineTweaker3, MTRM, MobDismemberment, MooFluids, Morpheus, MouseTweaks, Natura, neiintegration, NetherOres, nmsot, OpenBlocks, OpenMods, openmodularturrets, harvestcraft, PortalGun, ProjectE, ProjRed|Core, ProjRed|Compatibility, ProjRed|Fabrication, ProjRed|Integration, ProjRed|Transmission, ProjRed|Illumination, quantumflux, RanchableFluidCows, RandomThings, RedstoneArsenal, xreliquary, ResourceLoader, rftools, SimpleAchievements, SimpleLabels, simplyjetpacks, SolarFlux, StorageDrawers, TConstruct, erebus, ThermalDynamics, ThermalExpansion, ThermalFoundation, recycling, TiConAutoToolStation, TiCTooltips, treeGrowingSimulator, TwilightForest, VeinMiner, VeinMinerModSupport, Waila, WailaHarvestability, wailaplugins, wawla, bspkrsCore, ForgeMicroblock, ForgeMultipart, McMultipart, MCFrames, ForgeRelocation, RelocationFMP, libsandstone, MrTJPCoreMod] at SERVER
    [12:07:39] [Netty Client IO #1/INFO] [FML]: Rejecting connection SERVER: [FMLMod:ThermalDynamics{1.7.10R1.1.0}, FMLMod:RedstoneArsenal{1.7.10R1.1.1}, FMLMod:TConstruct{1.7.10-1.8.8.build988}, FMLMod:NetherOres{1.7.10R2.3.1RC1}, FMLMod:ThermalExpansion{1.7.10R4.0.3B1}, FMLMod:MineFactoryReloaded{1.7.10R2.8.0}, FMLMod:ThermalFoundation{1.7.10R1.2.0}, FMLMod:MTRM{1.0}]
    [12:07:40] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play empty soundEvent:
    [12:08:03] [Client thread/WARN]: Unable to play empty soundEvent:
    [12:08:26] [Client thread/INFO]: Connecting to, 25565
    [12:08:30] [Netty Client IO #2/INFO] [FML]: Server protocol version 2
    [12:08:31] [Netty Client IO #2/INFO] [FML]: Attempting connection with missing mods [itemphysic, StartingInventory, ChickenChunks, DamageIndicatorsMod, FastCraft, InGameInfoXML, inventorytweaks, MobDismemberment, Morpheus, MouseTweaks, nmsot, ResourceLoader, SimpleAchievements, Waila, WailaHarvestability, wailaplugins, wawla] at SERVER
    [12:08:32] [Netty Client IO #2/INFO] [FML]: Injecting existing block and item data into this client instance
    [12:08:35] [Netty Client IO #2/INFO] [FML]: Applying holder lookups
    [12:08:35] [Netty Client IO #2/INFO] [FML]: Holder lookups applied
    [12:08:35] [Client thread/INFO] [FML]: [Client thread] Client side modded connection established
    [12:08:36] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 8
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 9
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 10
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 11
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 12
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 13
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 14
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 15
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 16
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 17
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 18
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 19
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 20
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 21
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 22
    [12:08:37] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: DimensionSyncPacket: Registering id: id = 23
    [12:08:39] [Thread-34/INFO] [FML]: [Modstats] Stat wasn't reported ''
    [12:08:47] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] ** You are entering a protected island area. (haydenlauritzen)
    [12:08:48] [Client thread/INFO] [ThermalExpansion]: Receiving Server Configuration...
    [12:08:48] [Client thread/INFO] [ProjectE]: Receiving EMC data from server.
    [12:08:48] [Client thread/INFO] [ProjectE]: Received all packets!
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: Mod is outdated! Check Files - ProjectE - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge to get the latest version (1.7.10-PE1.9.5).
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: NOTICE: As of PE1.9.3 legacy save conversion code has been removed. If you are upgrading from PE1.7.1 or below you will need to run PE1.9.2 once before upgrading further
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: NEW: Cooldown config for gem chest explosions
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: FIXED: Harvest Goddess Band breaking bottom reed
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: FIXED: Possible fix for a transmutation GUI exploit
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: FIXED: A mod conflict caused by our usage of getContainerItem
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: FIXED: IllegalArgmentException when trying to create an illegal NSSItem
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: FIXED: A exception handling issue in the mapping system
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: FIXED: Chinese language file
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [ProjectE]: CHANGE: Further improvements to gem armor gliding
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] New ProjectE update available! Version: 1.7.10-PE1.9.5
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Get it here!
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Files - ProjectE - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
    [12:08:52] [ProjectE Update Checker Client/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Use /projecte changelog for change log!
    [12:08:52] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:111]: Loading scripts
    [12:08:54] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:158]: MineTweaker: Loading Twilight Forest Customs.zs
    [12:08:56] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:158]: MineTweaker: Loading projecte_default.zs
    [12:08:56] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:158]: MineTweaker: Loading MyM-CustomRecipes.zs
    [12:08:57] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:158]: MineTweaker: Loading MyM-Tooltips.zs
    [12:08:57] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:158]: MineTweaker: Loading MineTweakerRecipeMaker
    [12:08:58] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:158]: MineTweaker: Loading intermod
    [12:08:58] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [minetweaker.runtime.MTTweaker:load:158]: MineTweaker: Loading MyM-ErebusRecipes.zs
    [12:09:01] [Client thread/ERROR] [NotEnoughItems]: Failed to find identifier for: net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock@22d1a734
    [12:09:01] [Client thread/ERROR] [NotEnoughItems]: Failed to find identifier for:
    [12:09:29] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Script handler ready. Waiting for a while to ensure all other mods are done messing with NEI.
    [12:09:30] [Client thread/INFO] [Draconic Evolution]: Added NEI integration
    [12:09:31] [Client thread/INFO] [extrautils]: Added NEI integration
    [12:09:32] [Client thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Loading integration: Minecraft / Forge
    [12:09:32] [Client thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Loading integration: Big Reactors
    [12:09:32] [Client thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Loading integration: Pam's HarvestCraft
    [12:09:32] [Client thread/INFO] [neiintegration]: Loading integration: MineFactory Reloaded
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Received config from server.
    [12:09:33] [Thread-33/INFO] [Mekanism]: VoiceServer: Starting client connection...
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [Mekanism]: Received Cardboard Box blacklist entries from server (10 total)
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: SYNC DIMENSION STUFF: world.isRemote = true
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: RfToolsDimensionManager.syncFromServer
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Getting dimlet mapping from server
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material, tile.thermalfoundation.ore6
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material,
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material, tile.ore.berries.one1
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material, tile.ore.berries.one2
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material, tile.ore.berries.one3
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material, tile.ore.berries.two
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material, tile.ore.berries.two
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Material, tile.ore.berries.two1
    [12:09:33] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Foliage, Oak
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Biome, Sky
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Biome, Storage Cell
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, enderium.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, mana
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, honey
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, platinum.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, aluminumbrass.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, steam
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, signalum.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, invar.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, manyullyn.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, glowstone
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, mithril.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, pigiron.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, alumite.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, bronze.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, lumium.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Blacklisted dimlet Liquid, electrum.molten
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: Could not read 'userdimlets.json', this is not an error!
    [12:09:34] [Client thread/INFO] [simplyjetpacks]: Received server configuration
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] This server currently has Hardcore Questing Mode enabled! You currently have 247 lives left.
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Welcome, King-haydenlauritzen!
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Type /help for a list of commands.
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Type /list to see who else is online.
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Players online: 50
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] You have no new notification.
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [LiteLoader]: Generating new Event Handler Proxy Class com.mumfrey.liteloader.core.event.EventProxy$2
    [12:09:49] [Client thread/INFO] [LiteLoader]: Successfully generated event handler proxy class with 1 handlers(s) and 1 total invokations
    [12:09:51] [Client thread/INFO] [PortalGun]: [4.0.0-beta-6] Sending client info to server
    [12:09:51] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Damage Indicators was unable to check for updates!
    [12:09:54] [Thread-33/ERROR] [Mekanism]: VoiceServer: Server's VoiceServer is disabled.
    [12:09:56] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.thevoxelbox.voxelmap.t:a:-1]: new dimension 4 previous 0.5
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] InvTweaks: Configuration loaded.
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §7------------- §1[Mekanism]§7 -------------
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §7 Using outdated version on one or more modules.
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §9 Mekanism: §48.1.7
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §9 MekanismGenerators: §48.1.7
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §9 MekanismTools: §48.1.7
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §7 Consider updating to version §88.1.8
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §7 New features: §9A really bug-fix release to celebrate the new year!
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §7 Visit §§7 to download.
    [12:10:01] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] §7------------- §1[=======]§7 -------------
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: setPreferences: prefs.getStyle() = STYLE_FLAT_GRADIENT
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] [MyM] You haven't voted today. Vote now:
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Chief Engineer-Tekken5921: who want to kill kiwi?
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [Draconic Evolution]: Requesting speed packet from server
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] ProjectRed 4.7.0pre10 available.
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Veinminer using client keybind. See mod config for details.
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] King-SirStudMuffin+: Nah good luck
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Chief Engineer-Tekken5921: xD
    [12:10:02] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] King-SirStudMuffin+: Im trying to crack into this temple
    [12:10:02] [Thread-38/INFO] [Galacticraft]: Galacticraft remote version found: 3.0.12
    [12:10:03] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: []: SYNC DIMENSION STUFF: world.isRemote = true
    [12:10:03] [Client thread/INFO] [mcjty.lib.varia.Logging]: RfToolsDimensionManager.syncFromServer
    [12:10:04] [Client thread/INFO] [PortalGun]: [4.0.0-beta-6] Received world props from server.
    [12:10:04] [Client thread/INFO] [TabbyChat]: [CHAT] Tekken5921 burned to death
    [12:10:04] [Client thread/INFO] [Draconic Evolution]: Server speed is set to 3.0
    [12:10:07] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Starting NEI Filter scripting. This might take a moment to load all the modules...
    [12:10:08] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Engine: JAVASCRIPT
    [12:10:11] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureLogInterceptor]: Log parsing appears to have failed. Attempting to dig the data out of FML directly...
    [12:10:11] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureLogInterceptor]: NEI has entered the ready state. Sending data to culling system. List contains 0 entries.
    [12:10:21] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Loading table of contents for module: custom_nei_filters, 1.0, Author: denoflionsx
    [12:10:21] [Client thread/INFO] [INpureCullingEngine]: Bootstrap setting found. Loading: Bootstrap.js
    Process ended with code: -805,306,369
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:12 AM
    Does it even close your client or just disconnect you?
  3. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:12 AM
    My client does infact close
  4. Jdawg215

    Jdawg215 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    5:12 AM
    I've suddenly got the case of the login crashing as well, 5 seconds after i get into the server or lobby, my game completely crashes. I'm now stuck in polish's base and can't play anymore.
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:12 AM
    Then please upload the complete log after it crashed.
  6. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:12 AM
    There was no crash log, i checked twice.
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:12 AM
    Log not crash-report. "Upload log" in the Windows and Errors window.
  8. Jdawg215

    Jdawg215 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    5:12 AM
    My log is too big to upload apparently...i see the log in my files but it's .gz and i cant upload that in here

    I could post the whole log here if the need be

    Never mind, i removed tabbychat from my client and now everything works :Y
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
  9. IsHayden

    IsHayden Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:12 AM
    Thanks, reinstall of Tabby Fixed it.

    -Case Closed-

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