Selling /warps?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Zphantom13, May 27, 2014.


Would you like to have public warps to player builds?

Poll closed Jun 3, 2014.
  1. yes, public warps

    3 vote(s)
  2. no, I don't care

    0 vote(s)
  1. Zphantom13

    Zphantom13 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    1:52 PM
    I think incorporating warps for the server would make more community-oriented builds, something the server needs more of.
  2. xXxNahanxXx

    xXxNahanxXx Well-Known Member

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    1:52 AM
    I couldn't agree more friend! I always loved warps, because most towns/communities are build by warping to an area, and building there. I love the classy warp system of /warp North/South/East/West
  3. ImJinx

    ImJinx Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:52 PM
    might be nice. I'm making a zoo and it could be cool to just have a warp there.
    slyder5649 likes this.
  4. dmitry1337

    dmitry1337 New Member

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    7:52 AM
    So, what about warps? That's really cool idea with lots of possibilities, like private shops, trading rooms, paid charging stations, zoos and other!
  5. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:52 AM
    I see no easy way to implement this.
  6. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    Could manually request it through the forums here and if the build is significant enough or if the idea is presented well we could put them in and place a 'warp bulletin board' at spawn.

    Post the coords of exactly where you would want the warp to be and post how many MyM you would be willing to pay to have the warp implemented there. Don't forget to list a warp name too.

    That being said, we would have to be very selective as to what builds/ideas deserve a warp (we wouldn't want a 5,000 warp bulletin board).

    Warp request example:

    Monster South Warp Request:

    Coords: -4500 157 1700

    Name: OpenTown

    Reason for warp: It's a very nicely built town center that I would like others to help build around it with me, or: "A destination build that is worth showing off"

    Willing to pay: 2,500 MyMs as a community (500 from each person currently living in the town)

    Not saying this makes it 100%, but initiative goes a long way (especially with good builds or ideas ) :)
    chaosblad3 likes this.
  7. xXxNahanxXx

    xXxNahanxXx Well-Known Member

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    1:52 AM
    Another idea would be one similar to an old server I played on near the end on Beta days. They offered "Warped Packages", and what these did was allow whoever bought the package, would get access to the /setwarp command, but it had a cap limit(2 was the universal limit) and when one was made, it became public, but to get it removed, you needed a admins help so people wouldn't delete warps they didn't own. This was because the Owner didn't want to get the Towny plugin, but still wanted ways for people to easily setup towns and have the residents get a quick way there. Just my idea on the matter though

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