okay so i am playing on N3 normal of infinity. i have been trying to find information for the rules on quarries, is there a farm world? do we run them in the main world? i cant seem to find this information anywhere, i have searched the forums and asked in game to no avail. if someone could shed some light on this that would be great, also if someone could point me in the direction of this information and other info that would be even better. Thanks in advance!
Quarries are restricted to the farmworld. Should be in /rules or /banneditems or if you try to place a quarry in overworld (honestly forgot which). Does this make sense?
okay, how do you get to the farm world, is it a command or a portal location at spawn? i have tried /mining /farm /farmworld... ect lol everything i could think of. i have asked in game but i guess no one is feeling helpful today on there lol. Edit: also /rules only says one per player lol no mention of a farm world.
Haha sorry I forgot to mention how to get there As Rubi said do /spawn and there should be a sign and pressure plat teleporter there. Sorry for the confusion.