My whole hearted opinion on staff.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by SirStudMuffin, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Lately (and dont get me wrong i love MYM and its community) ive started to fall out of love with many admins for some of there maybe less than hosbitable replies.
    Maybe im over reacting
    (this doesnt apply to all staff i still love @EndavorGaming @jim_veens and @Kazeodori )
    I just feel disconnected from some staff, the way they reply
    Just an opinion
  2. jim_veens

    jim_veens Well-Known Member

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    reason i'm staff is, i love the mym community as well, i want to do something back for them, appears i'm doing a good job :)
    Ackross likes this.
  3. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Yeah i know Jim i just feel some are maybe a little warn out possibly to others or something idk just feel some hostility[DOUBLEPOST=1453761071][/DOUBLEPOST]Technically it should say falling out of love with staff again
  4. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    Well, I do gotta say that staff feel a little less personal than they used to to me, but I played back when MyM was somewhat smaller. I made pretty good friends with a couple of members, but now that they have so many more staff members and servers, it's somewhat inevitable that things will get a little less personal.
  5. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Personally it feels more asif it was somewhere between Hostile and OK
  6. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    Some things go in circles. At first you love them, then you hate them. Eventually you'll love them again.
    With the amount of servers and players, sometimes there has to be some distance or both players and staff will go crazy. All ban reports and no play makes staff go crazy.

    MrsFaithfyre and BookerTheGeek like this.
  7. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    I suppose, i could mention names but at this moment in time id be banned on the spot so
  8. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    I think one of the issues is people don't realize MyMs staff is human. They make mistakes. They have a life. They have better things to do than monitor a community for free ALL the time. They like everyone have stressful days then have to deal with people who expect them to solve everything. I try to remember this in my dealings with them, do I always agree? No. Will I respect and attempt to see there side of the issue? Yes. MyMs staff team is very good, but human. Something we all need to respect.
  9. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Yes i agree Log, but i still feel as a community very disconnected to them
  10. Arcanuo

    Arcanuo Old School Poster

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    I'll allow you to have your opinion, I myself do not feel disconnected. Those I want to communicate with I always find enjoyable and easy to communicate with. Schedule permitting. I'll also preface if I had to deal with some issues that arise, I would be bat faced crazy and unable to function for days after, so kudos.
    MrsFaithfyre likes this.
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    there are a few mods that i feel are really disconected from the comunity but thats gernerly above sr.mod i have noticed which yes i under stand they have to do alot of "admin work" but you should still try to be part of the commnity
  12. joices

    joices Patron Tier 3

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    If you feel disconnected from the MyM staff ask they how they are, say hello, ask how the kids have been, how their grades are in school, ask if they watched the new episode of Teen Wolf(I watched it and it was really good I'm kinda mad about the whole Malia and Stiles thing, but I think I'll live,maybe, probably not).
  13. crazar

    crazar Guest

    I'm sorry you are not satisfied with your interactions with our staff. You can post in the player complaint section which will hide any names and we can help improve the network possibly by the feedback you could provide.
  14. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    @Arcanuo If i told yopu the reason why youd understand better
    @johnfg12 I understand what your saying i i agree
    @PrincessJoice I would but these perticular sraff just arent the most friendly
    @crazar I think after talking to @Kazeodori and @Matryoshika i need think where to talk about it and how to put it as its not really a complaint because a complaint would need hard proof but those particular staff may see it and hunt me down. I could understand if it was just one staff but its more than 1 so
  15. Ackross

    Ackross SpudWhacker

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    I'm available any time for a group hug :wacky:

    BookerTheGeek and Arcanuo like this.
  16. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    I think some member of staff need to remember players are important :D
  17. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Like i understand staff are under sever pressure And some have a massive target on their back but maybe sometimes they forget why they chose this, Like @jim_veens said "I do it to help the community"
  18. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    I don't believe that we have any staff that would hunt you down for any type of constructive criticism. As other people have said, We are human. We do make mistakes and we do have bad days. If you have noticed something that needs to be said, mentioning it in the complaints topic is the way to go.

    To mention something there, you don't need hard proof, and no one will come after you.

    There has been a bit of trouble the past day with a particular user on the forum (Its over now, so no names will be mentioned) and staff acted accordingly. If you see snap decisions, threads being closed quickly, or even a bit of attitude from staff sometimes, the reason is probably because that user has been causing problems on one of the other various forms of our community. Either in-game, Teamspeak, or slack.

    In all my time here, I have never seen a staff member lash out, or close threads, or act in a way that was rude toward a user without being pushed pretty hard to do so. and that's the thing, again. We are human. We make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are snap decisions from being pushed to the edge. But from what I've seen, those snap decisions are still very acceptable options given the circumstances.

    You should also remember that staff are not paid to do this. We offer our time, for free, to better this community. The administration team put in a TON of effort into keeping these servers active and running smoothly for everyone to enjoy. Without them, there would be no MYM.

    To sum it up, yes, staff will make mistakes. The complaint topic is a safe place to post your concerns where you will not be judged or hunted down or anything. We have a great management team that will speak to you about those concerns, and take action if necessary.

    Staff here really care about this community, and we do everything that we can to help keep it running smoothly. But that does mean different things for different people. some of us just dont have time to be on the forums a lot. Or even in game often. But trust me when I say that just because they arent out in the public, doesnt mean that they dont care for this community, and arent doing their all to make sure MYM is a well oiled machine :)
  19. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Thanks @PhantomRTW, i understnad that, and one of the staff in question has a bigger target painted on his/her back than anyone. But i still feel some loose track of the community and feel disconnected sometimes
  20. Ackross

    Ackross SpudWhacker

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    and the one thing I will say no one else has thought of is :

    "different courses for different horses"

    Many different age groups, sense of humors, culures, Tv geeks, movie buffs, Gaming addicts,
    not everyone will get the intended context on first read and often dont even bother to reread to digest it and realise the context in which somethin IS intended.

    dont always assume on first read something is negative, it is text and not audio after all, so rereading Is an option.

    or if it seems someone is being short with you on first read, read it again and you will likely see thay are in fact trying to stay on point and keep the user on point

    and not go off on a tanjent or trying to direct the user to give only the info being requested,

    and in some cases the user can be oblivious and not realise they are over thinking it,

    completely mis read the issue that in fact is not an issue at all, as this user may have never read the forums rules or topics where it says e.g. Twilight Removed Network Wide etc...

    "in the end its beter to Assume the best and not the worst, and whats funny to an irish man can get lost in translation and wit and sarcasim " a wise irishman , 2016

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