Done AE drives missing after crash chunkloading issue

Discussion in 'Project Ozone' started by tyler489, Jan 26, 2016.

  1. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    5:43 AM
    i was playing and the server restarted when it came up it crashed when it came back in All the cables in the ae system became unlinked and my drives went missing.. its not just me its all players breaking the drives makes the storage cells drop and u can reset but its annoying when i have cables all over my base i have to replace now

    im assuming that chunkloaders are loading the force loading the ae system before the map prehaps as the cables are only messed up in the chunks that im loading with my loader
  2. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    I was just coming to post about this. Seems that this issue has only started since @Slind made the changes to the chunkloaders in the past day. But both restarts I have been a part of today have disconnected all my AE cables and I just have to run around picking up and putting back down anything they were connected to, but this makes everything work again.
  3. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Things are not well at all i have items spewing everywhere from my mobfarm to my ore production to my draconium farms all go into my me through 2 chests when the me Shuts down after every restart Items EXPLOAD EVERYWHERE[DOUBLEPOST=1453841931][/DOUBLEPOST]also my import busses apparently became an export buss or i lost an import bus[DOUBLEPOST=1453841962][/DOUBLEPOST]Edit 3 had complaints about enderio power conduits loosing connections aswell[DOUBLEPOST=1453842247][/DOUBLEPOST]edit 4 i removed capacitors on my island the server restarted and i went and covered the hole.. the next restart the capacitors are placed back and are also in my me System. removed them again and threw into lava
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
  4. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    Just tested with the last restart. When I got the 2 minute warning about the server restart I removed my gold chunkloader and logged out about 10 seconds before the restart. About 10 minutes later I logged in and my AE system was completely intact, didn't have to fix anything. So unless someone fixed something with that restart I would say it is what was linked in the above post.
  5. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    5:43 AM
    yep i moved my chunkloader over one chunk still cables there but not the bulk of my me any cable in that chunk unloaded but not the main system
    also was told to make a ticket so here
    Minecraft Ticket System - by MineYourMind <---- has pics[DOUBLEPOST=1453850964][/DOUBLEPOST]heres some picks of the chunk with the loader in it
    here are chunks not being loaded by a loader
  6. Rubijox

    Rubijox Well-Known Member

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    this is the kind of stuff that would appen if your chunkloader was too close to the chunk border, my tip: put the choakloaders near the center of chunks.
    ive had this issue with world anchors and chickenchunks before and putting the chunkloaders closer to the center of chunks seemed to make it stop happening
    At the same time, no clue how mym chunkloaders actually work, just trowing this out there
  7. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    5:43 AM
    it doesnt matter where it is in the chunk its happening nomatter where i placed it
  8. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    My chunkloader is only a block of two off dead center of the chunk, been doing that with any chunkloader ever since I had issues like you discussed with the other types of chunkloaders. I have just been turning off the chunkloader before a restart and the issue hasn't happened again. So I guess I will just keep it off when I log for the day.

    Hopefully this can be fixed soon.
  9. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    11:43 AM
    potential fix applied. please keep me posted. (you need to repair them once, but it should not happen again)
  10. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    Well I was just on for the restart that just happened. Server went through some sort of crash loop, got in and AE system looked good. Server went down again and crashed a couple times...when go back in all AE cables were disconnected again.

    And yes had the gold chunkloader set up and loaded/turned on to see if it was fixed.

    Update: Went through another restart and still same issue, AE cables disconnected from everything. Seems it not only affects gold chunkloaders, but the iron ones as well, as someone else is using an iron one and had same issues..
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2016
  11. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    11:43 AM
    Any issues since the last update? (Project Ozone | MineYourMind Community

    I could not reproduce the reported bugs on the test server with the version that the server is using since Wednesday.
  12. DuckDastardly

    DuckDastardly Well-Known Member

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    I have been really busy this past week so only hopped on for a short time the day you put in the newest fix. After the server restart everything was still connected, but I haven't been on since so not totally sure. Will hop in in a bit and see if everything is still good since I left the gold chunkloader running.
    Slind likes this.
  13. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    11:43 AM
    The last update resolved all the issues according to a few players, marking as done.

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