Decided Against [Civilization] Add Thaumcraft obelisk worldgen to Farmworld

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by leaseofmind, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. leaseofmind

    leaseofmind Well-Known Member

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    6:44 PM
    Just a suggestion. We seem to be running a bit low on thaumcraft obelisks since people tend to either destroy or claim them and as far as I and a few others can tell, they don't currently spawn in the farmworld. Would it be possible to add them to the farmworld worldgen for the next dimension reset? that way we'd at least have a somewhat renewable supply of them.
  2. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    yeah i have noticed this to not a lot of them around and when i actually find one its claimed
    though people say in chat that they destroy them for fun
    which is completely unfair
    i did however find a mod that adds the ability to make a multiblock structure to make an eldritch portal
    plus a ton of awesome things to do in thaumcraft one of them being the ability to transmog armor to look anther bit of armor
    Gadomancy - Thaumcraft - Minecraft Mods - Curse
    i honestly think it would solve the issue with the lack of obelisks
    as it requiers the same amount of eyes and a little bit more vis to pump into it
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2016
  3. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Pretty sure it's incompatible with Witching Gadgets and any other mods that deal with nodes.
  4. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    hmmm i guess the only way to find out would be to test it
    i dont see why it would be though as it would handle nodes like thaumcraft handles them
    i will test it out in single player to see what it brings up
  5. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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  6. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    they did make a workaround as you can disable the part that would conflict with it
  7. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately, Obelisks in any dimension except for the overworld, will teleport you into the void, never actually creating the maze.
    It is a known issue, but Azanor is busy working on Thaumcraft-5, and will not update Thaumcraft 4(.2).
  8. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    it seems this version of thaumcraft 4 is riddled with bugs
    the latest being the reasearch as it is bugged out to hell currently on civ
  9. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    is it possible to reset the farlands on the next reset? would this allow u to redo the dungeon?
  10. Xyrik

    Xyrik [Knight of Arashi]

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    4:44 PM
    I don't think so as it is a separate (I think) dimension for each maze, although possibly not. Honestly I feel like they should just add it to the nether portal, it requires 4 Eldritch Eyes to enter, and it resets for each player every two weeks. This allows them to get a pearl, and if they need it eventually two pearls, without it being as abusable as a daily reset.
  11. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    the best solutioon i can think of is selling the item use to spawn them on the market this would allow everyone to have accses to one
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
  12. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    that cant be the best solution because why should we have to buy something that spawns in the world that's like paying for witchery spirits because they are not spawning
    it should be a trade if anything of one item for another
  13. mine_killer14

    mine_killer14 New Member

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    7:44 AM
    all of the mazes are in the same dimension, i can confirm this. the thing is if u reset you will either get a new maze or a face full of void.
    and i have no idea which.
  14. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    i wonder if reverting to a previous thaumcraft 4 would fix most of these bugs
  15. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    1 no it most likly wont
    2 that is a lot of work for admins as reverting means there will be even more bugs
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  16. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:44 PM
    1. Obelisks in any dimension other then the overworld will take you to a void. Specifically one where flight does not work.
    2. All obelisks are in the same dimension.
    3. The mazes get reset when the farm worlds reset.
  17. HellFirePvP

    HellFirePvP New Member

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    10:44 PM
    Just wanted to drop in and maybe clarify stuff, eventhough it's been declined.

    1. The Eldritch dungeon generator we implemented is generic. It's a different dimension and is not connected to thaumcraft's dungeons.
    2. The Mazes generated are for 1 player only. They generate specifically for that player and will be destroyed once the player leaves or dies in the dimension. The space for the dungeons is reused, so the world does not grow in x/z size in runtime. You can also specify the amount of mazes that can be played by different players at the same time in the config. Players that are in that dimension without being assigned to a specific maze are teleported out. Flying and breaking certain blocks is also disabled in creative to minimize possible issues.
    3. The dimension the mazes are generated in is never saved. The chunks themselves are never saved, however, that comes with the "cost" that if a player dies in there, his items are lost.
    4. The generation algorithm is faster and more server friendly than thaumcraft's. The block placing of the thaumcraft generator is buffered and the chunks get generated with the maze initially, so light calculations are only needed once and not per block placed by the generator, so in comparison, gadomancy geneartes the mazes ~5 times faster than thaumcraft itself. Additionally the generation runs in a seperated thread, which allows for multicore architectures to generate the dimension without creating lag while generating the maze.

    And the compatibility issue with witching gadgets has a workaround in the newest version. It's caused by a non-api-friendly handling on witching gadgets' side and he didn't want to fix his issue, so there is an option in the config to disable our node stuff. You won't be able to get a growing node anymore, but it works with witching gadgets. Our node manipulation is compatible with Thaumcraft's API, so every plugin that uses the api properly works with Gadomancy.

    If there are additional questions, i'll watch this thread a few days and reply if needed.

    Dovahpork likes this.
  18. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    9:44 PM
    I think the addition of obelisks to the farmworld was rejected, not sure about Gadomancy tho.
  19. Dovahpork

    Dovahpork Well-Known Member

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    9:44 PM
    it would honestly solve the issue

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