New Banananaphone, who dis?
Hello Native509, I let our Sr.Mod know about this, so they can hopefully transfer your claim to Kaze509 in time. -DerEchteGangster
While i don't know about the feasibility of this, i do like the idea. However, adding 1 day to the claim reset for each day played would result in...
I thought you knew German :P
guess you got what you wanted
This only includes the 2 normal nodes (at least that's what snack told me) nvm
Where's the dislike button? :(
You can also just go to the spawn (/spawn) and step on the pressure plate with the sign that says "farmworld". Easier imo. I see staff members...
I had to clean out my spice rack and found everything was too old and had to be thrown out. What a waste of thyme.
Inglish ounlie in pablick schet plies
Both wrong... While it is in binary, the number does not directly translate to my age. Hint: it's visual
Maybe you should ask a staff member about that. I recommend @snakeworm11
yo @snakeworm11 have you forgotten about this yet?
I'd say Pillar01, but that's already taken
good post
@snakeworm11 i think it's about time for a reminder :p
Wanna see me do it again?
Separate names with a comma.